XML Forms Architecture (XFA) Specification
    Intellectual Property
    Document Contents
    Intended Audience
    Perspective Used in Describing Processing Guidelines
    Associated Schemas
    Related Documentation
    Whats New
      Notational Conventions
        Unicode Character Codes
        Document Object Model Notation
        Optional Terms
      Graphical Conventions
        Layout Drawing Conventions
Part 1: XFA Processing Guidelines
  Introduction to XML Forms Architecture (XFA)
    Key Features
    Scenarios for Using an Interactive Form Described by XFA
      Interacting with a User
        Form Appearance
        Actions the User Can Trigger
        Accessibility and Field Navigation
      Printing Forms
      Processing Machine-Generated Data
    Family of XFA Grammars
      Representation of an XFA Form
      Packaging an XFA Form for Application Interchange
        XML Data Package (XDP)
        PDF Document
    Major Components of an XFA Form: XFA Template and Data
      XFA Template
        About XFA Template
        Containers of Fixed and Variable Content
          The draw element, a container for fixed data
          The field element, a container for variable data
        Containers of Other Containers
        Laying Out the Containers (and Their Data) to Create the Forms Appearance
        Scripted Components of an XFA Template
    Data Binding: Making the Connection Between XFA Template and Data
    Lifecycle of an XFA Form
      Creating an XFA Template
      Filling Out an XFA Form
        Opening a Form
        Providing Data to the Form
        Saving an In-Progress Version of the Form
        Committing a Form
      Processing Form Data, a Server Application Task
  Template Features for Designing Static Forms
    Form Structural Building Blocks
      Container Elements
        Containers Associated with Variable Content
          Exclusion Group
        Containers of Fixed Content
        Containers That Group Other Container Elements
          Exclusion Group
        Containers That Represent Physical Surfaces and Regions
          Content Area
          Page Area
          Page Set
        Types of Layout Elements
      Content Elements
      User Interface
    Basic Composition
      Line, Arc, Rectangle and Border Formatting
          Handedness of Stroke Elements
          Handedness of Borders and Rectangles
    Content Types
      Lines, Rectangles, and Arcs
      Date, Time, and DateTime
      Boolean, Integer, Decimal, and Float
        Absent Content
        Decimal Point (Radix Separator)
        Background (draw) Images
        Images Provided as Data
        Scaling the Image to Fit the Container (aspect)
      External Data
    Formatting Text That Appears as Fixed or Variable Content
      Paragraph and Font Formatting of Fixed and Variable Content
        Alignment and Justification
        Line Height
        Other Formatting
      Formatting Rich Text for Fixed and Variable Content
        Rich Text Used for Formatting
        Rich Text Used to Embed Objects
      Formatting Variable Content
        Picture-Clause Formatting in General
        Locale-Specific Picture Clauses
      Barcode Formatting of Variable Text
        Special Processing of Barcode Data
    Basic Layout
      The Layout Processor
      Box Model
        ContentArea Layout Object
        Geometric Figure
        PageSet Element
        PageArea Element
        Size, Margins and Borders of Widgets
          Margins and Borders
        Size Requirement for Containers
      Layout Strategies
        Positioned Layout
          Forbidden Condition: Negative Coordinates
        Locating Containers Based on Data
      Page Background
        Rotating Containers
          Rotating Positioned Content
          Rotating Flowed Content
      Flowing Text Within a Container
        Text Layout in the Horizontal Direction
        Text Layout in the Vertical Direction
      Concealing Container Elements
        Concealing Containers
        Concealing Containers Depending on View
        Exclusion of Hidden Containers in the Data Binding Process
    Appearance Order (Z-Order)
    Extending XFA Templates
      Adding Custom Named and/or Nested Data to a Template (extras)
      Adding Metadata or Comments to a Template (desc)
  Object Models in XFA
    XFA Names
    Document Object Models
      General Information
      Hierarchy of DOMs
      DOMs and XML
        Grouping Elements and Whitespace
        Properties vs. Children
      The DOMs Used in XFA
        The Configuration DOM
        The Connection Set DOM
        The Connection Set Data DOM
        The Data Description DOM
        The Form DOM
        The Layout DOM
        The Locale Set DOM
        The Source Set DOM
        The Template DOM
        The XFA DOM
        The XFA Data DOM
        The XML Data DOM
      Interaction of the DOMs
        Templating versus Binding
        XML Data DOM and XFA Data DOM
        Template DOM, XFA Data DOM, and Form DOM
        Template DOM, Form DOM, and Layout DOM
    Scripting Object Model
      About SOM Expressions
        The Receipt Example
      SOM Conventions
      Basic Object References
        Compound Object Names
          More on $record
        Repeated Elements
        Explicitly Named Objects
        Transparent Nodes
          Area Objects Are Always Transparent
          Variables Objects Are Always Transparent
          Other Transparent Objects
        Reference by Class
        Internal Properties and Methods
        Name clashes
        Selecting All Child Nodes
        Selecting All Sibling Nodes
        Selecting a Subset of Sibling Nodes
        The Parent Property
        Selecting Descendants At Any Level
        SOM Expressions That Include Periods and Dashes
          SOM only
          Mixed SOM/script context
        Using SOM Expressions in FormCalc
          Runtime resolution of object names
        Using SOM Expressions in ECMAScript
          Obtaining the value of an expression
          SOM expressions that use special characters
        Using SOM Expressions in Bind References
      Relative References
        The Current Container
        Unqualified References to Children of the Container
        Unqualified References to Siblings of the Container
        Unqualified References to Ancestors of the Container
        Differences Between Qualified and Unqualified References
        "$." Versus Unqualified SOM Expressions
        Inferred Index
        Inferred Index for Ancestors of the Container
        Relative Index
      SOM Expressions That Reference Variables Properties
  Exchanging Data Between an External Application and a Basic XFA Form
    Creating, Updating, and Unloading a Basic XFA Data DOM
      Background and Goals
      XFA Data DOM Basic Concepts
        About the XFA Data DOM
        dataValue Nodes
        dataGroup Nodes
        Relationship Between the XFA Data DOM and the XML Data DOM
        Tree Notation
      Default Data Mapping Rules
        Document Range
          XML Logical Structures
          Start Element
          Record Elements
        Data Value Elements
          Data Values Containing Character Data
          Data Values Containing Mixed Content
          Data Values Containing Empty Elements
          Data Values Representing Null Data
          Null Data in Mixed Content
          Data Values Containing Element Content
        Data Group Elements
        White Space Handling
          White Space in Data Groups
          White Space in Data Values
        Rich Text
        Image Data
      Updating the XML Data DOM for Changes Made to the XFA Data DOM
      Updating the XFA Data DOM for Changes Made to the XML Data DOM (Append Loading)
      Unload Processing
        Unloading Node Type Information
        Unloading Null Data
        Logical Equivalence
    Localization and Canonicalization
      Requirements for Localization
        Satisfying Locale-Dependent User Expectations
        Specifying the Locale to Use During Localization and Canonicalization
        About the Canonical Format Used in the Data and Form DOMs
      About Picture Clauses
        Limitations in Picture Clauses
        Recommendation on Specifying Locale
        Selecting Between Alternate Picture Clauses
      Dataflow Paths for Localizing and Canonicalizing Data
      Rules for Localizing Data
      The localeSet Element
        Calendar symbols
        Date and time symbols
        Date patterns
        Time patterns
        Currency symbols
        Number patterns
        Number symbols
    Loading a Template to Produce the XFA Template DOM
      Creating an XML Template DOM
      Creating an XFA Template DOM
        Supporting Template-Creator Stamps
    Basic Data Binding to Produce the XFA Form DOM
      About Data Binding
      Principles of Data Binding
      The Bind Element
        The match property
        The picture property
        The ref property
      Simple Example of Data Binding
      Data Binding Steps
        Create Form Nodes and Match with Data Nodes (Steps 1 and 2)
          Forms with Non-Unique Names
          Content Type
          Transparent Nodes
          Exclusion Groups
          Choice Lists That Can Have Multiple Values
          Explicit Data References
        Match Attributes (Step 3)
        Re-Normalization (Step 4)
        Bind to Properties (Step 5)
          The setProperty property
          The bindItems property
        Calculations and Validations (Step 6)
        Form Ready Event (Step 7)
        Remerge and Incremental Merge (Step 8)
    Form Processing
    Data Output
  Representing and Processing Rich Text
    About Rich Text
      Rich Text Used for Formatting
      Rich Text That Inserts External Objects
      Version Identifiers for Rich Text Producers and Rich Text Specifications
    Representation of Rich Text Across XML and XFA DOMs
      Recognizing Rich Text
        Recognizing Data as Rich Text
        Recognizing Rich Text Introduced in the Template
      Representing Rich Text in the XFA Data DOM
        Converting Rich Text into Plain Text
        Properties of XFA Data DOM Objects That Represent Converted Rich Text
        Properties of XFA Template DOM Objects That Represent Converted Rich Text
      Providing Rich Text Data Through a User Interface
      Updating the XML Data DOM
    Rich Text That Contains External Objects
    Displaying and Printing Rich Text
  Template Features for Designing Forms with Repeating Sections
      Defining Prototypes
        A separate proto element for each prototype
        Prototypes grouped inside a single proto element
      Referencing Prototypes
        Fragment from mytemplate.xdp
        Fragment from myprot.xdp (incorrect)
        Fragment from myprot.xdp (corrected)
      Overriding Prototype Properties
        Overriding Attributes
        Overriding Data Content
          Overriding Child Elements
    Forms with Repeated Fields or Subforms
      Repeated Subform Declarations
      Fixed Occurrence Numbers
      Record Mode
      Data Window
      Layout for Repeating Sections
      Break Conditions
  Layout for Growable Objects
    Background and Goals
    Growable Containers
      Growth and the Box Model
      Growth in Growable Positioned Objects
    Text Placement in Growable Containers
      Text Layout with Growable Width
      Text Layout with Growable Height
    Flowing Layout for Containers
      Top-to-Bottom Layout
      Left-to-Right Top-to-Bottom Tiled Layout
      Right-to-Left Top-to-Bottom Tiled Layout
      Interaction Between Growable Objects and Flowed Content
        Non-Interactive Form Layout
        Interactive Form Fill-In
      Effect of Container Rotation on Flowed Layout
      The Layout DOM
      The Layout Algorithm
        Error Handling
      Content Overflow
      Content Splitting
        Split Restrictions
        Splitting a Container Having Child Containers
        Borders and Splitting
      Flowing Between ContentArea Objects
        Maximum Occurrence Limits
        Minimum Occurrence Limits
      Leaders and Trailers
        Break Leaders and Trailers
        Bookend Leaders and Trailers
        Overflow Leaders and Trailers
        Overflow Leader/Trailer Lists
        Inheritance of Overflow Leaders and Trailers
        Combined Leaders and Trailers
  Dynamic Forms
    Static Forms Versus Dynamic Forms
    Data Binding for Dynamic Forms
      Variable Number of Subforms
      The Occur Element
        The initial property
        The max property
        The min property
      Blank Form
      Greedy Matching
      Explicit Data References
      Subform Set
      Instance Manager
    Layout for Dynamic Forms
      Adhesion in Dynamic Forms
      Break Conditions for Dynamic Forms
      Break on Entry
        Break to Empty pageArea or contentArea
        Combining startNew with beforeTarget
        Conditional Break on Entry
        Inserting a Trailer
        Inserting a Leader
      Break on Exit
      Break on Overflow
      Combining Breaks and Occurrence Limits
        Combining Break and Maximum Occurrence
        Combined Break and Minimum Occurrence
  Automation Objects
    How Script Elements Are Used Within Automation Objects
    Document Variables
      Variables Used to Hold Boilerplate or Image References
      Variables Used to Define Named Script Objects
        Instantiation of Named Script Objects
        Declaring and Referencing Named Script Objects
        As compared to UI validation
        As compared to XML validation
      Types of Validation Tests
      User Interactions With Validation Tests
        Error and Warning Messages
        Interacting with the User to Obtain a Valid Value
      Responding to Test Failures
        Datatype test
      Application Events
      DOM Events
      Subform Events
      Exclusion Group Events
      Field Events
      Connection Events
        $event properties
      Order of Precedence When Multiple Actions Are Defined for an Event
    Order of Precedence for Automation Objects Activated by the Same Trigger
    Purpose of Scripting
    Specifying Where to Execute a Script
      Applications of the runAt="both" property
    Selecting a Script Language
    Setting Up a Scripting Environment
    Exception handling
    Picture Clauses and Localization
    Naked References in JavaScript
    Unicode Support
  Forms That Initiate Interactions with Servers
    Submitting Data and Other Form Content to a Server
      Content Interchange
        Client Submit Event That Does Not Expect Returned Data
          Example of an event that does not expect data to be returned from the server
        Client Submit Event That Processes Data at the Server
          Client-side actions
          Server-side actions initiated by above
        Client Submit Event That Conditionally Processes Data at the Server
    Using Web Services
      Web Service Architecture
      Cycle of Operation in a Web Service Transaction
      Structure of a Web Service Message
      Example That Illustrates the Web Services Architecture
        Input message queries server for the trading price of a corporation
        Output message provides trading price (if successful) or a status indicator (if not successful)
        Definition file may define multiple individual operations, each using a different connection set
        Messages Represented in the Connection Data DOM
        Associating Fields and Exclusion Groups with Nodes in the Connection Data DOM
        Data Conditionally Copied Between the Data DOM and the Connection Data DOM
        Replying to the Web Server and Error Responses
      Schema and WSDL
    Invoking ADO APIs Through the Source Set DOM
      The Source Set Document
        The sourceSet element
        The source element
        The connect element
        The connectString element
        The user and password elements
        The command element
        The query element
        The recordSet Element
        The select element
        The map element
        The bind element
      Template features used with the Source Set DOM
        Fields bound to columns in the data base
        The push buttons
        Updates and rollbacks
    Null handling
  User Experience
      Barcode Widget
      Check Box and Check Button
        Check Buttons Not Contained in an Exclusion Group
        Check Buttons Contained in an Exclusion Group
      Choice List
        Choice List Before Interacting with User
        User Selects Field
          Whether the User May Select Multiple Data Values
          Whether the User May Provide Data Values
        User Exits Field
        Data Associated with Choice List Selections
        When to Update the XFA Data DOM
      Date/Time Editing Widget
        User Selects a Field That Has Date-Time Edit Widget
        User Supplies Data to the Field
        User De-Selects the Field
      Default UI
      External Object Widget
      Image Edit Widget
      Numeric Edit
        User Selects a Field That Has a Numeric Edit Widget
        User Supplies Data
        User De-Selects the Field
      Password Edit Widget
      Signature Widget
        User in an Interactive Context Clicks on a Signature Widget
        User in an Interactive Context Changes Signed Data
        User in a Non-Interactive Context Signs a Printed Form
      Text Edit Widget
        User Selects a Field That Has a Text Editing Widget
        User Supplies Data
        User De-Selects the Field
    User Experience with Digital Signatures
      Signature Event Produces an XML Digital Signature
      Signature Widget Produces a PDF Signature
    Accessibility and Field Navigation
      Traversal: Tabbing Order and Speech Order
        Explicitly Defined Keystroke-Initiated Traversals
        Default Keystroke-Initiated Traversal
        Non-Keystroke Traversals
          Traversal Initiated When Maximum Number of Characters Supplied
          Traversal When Speech Application Completes the Current Container
        Traversal Sequences That Support Speech
        Delegating Focus to Another Container
      Accelerator Keys: Using Keyboard Sequences to Navigate
      Speech of Text Associated with a Container
      Other Accessibility-Related Features
  Dealing with Data in Different XML Formats
    Extended Mapping Rules
      Document Range
      The attributes Element
        Data Group Elements with Attributes
        Data Value Elements with Attributes
        Null Values with Attributes
      The excludeNS Element
      The groupParent Element
      The ifEmpty Element
      The nameAttr Element
      The picture Element
      The presence Element
      The range Element
      The record Element
      The rename Element
      The startNode Element
      The whitespace Element
      The xfa:dataNode Attribute
    XSLT Transformations
      XSLT Preprocessing
      XSLT Postprocessing
  Security, Control, and Digital Signatures
    Tracking and Controlling Templates Through Unique Identifiers
      Unique Identifiers and Time Stamps
      Processing Requirements for Template Designing Applications
      Processing Requirements for XFA Processing Applications
    Respecting External References in Image Data and Rich Text
    Discarding Unexpected Submitted Packets
    Signed Forms
      Types of Digital Signatures
      Using Digital Signatures to Achieve Different Levels of Security
        Differences Between XML and PDF Digital Signatures
          Using certified signatures to restrict changes
          What part of the document can be signed
          Tracking changes during a forms lifetime
        Refresher on the Relationship Between XFA and PDF
          Using XML digital signatures for integrity
          Using PDF Digital signatures for integrity
          Using XML digital signatures for authenticity
          Using PDF Digital signatures for authenticity
        Non- Repudiability
        Usage Rights Signatures (Ubiquitized Documents)
      XML Digital Signatures
        Signing a Form
        Removing a Signature
        Verifying a Signature
        Template Provides Instructions on Signature Operation
          Signature filter: Handler, algorithms, and certificates to use to produce a signature
          Manifest: Data and other content digested by the signature handler
          Signature destination
          XFA-Specific Information in the XML Digital Signature
      PDF Signatures
Part 2: XFA Grammar Specifications
  Template Specification
    Guide to the Template Specification
      How to Read an Element Specification
        Regular Properties
        One-of Properties
        Property Defaults
      Element Occurrence
        Singly Occurring Elements
        Multiply Occurring Elements
    Template Reference
      The arc element
        The circular property
        The edge property
        The fill property
        The hand property
        The id property
        The startAngle property
        The sweepAngle property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The area element
        The area child
        The colSpan property
        The desc property
        The draw child
        The exclGroup child
        The exObject child
        The extras property
        The field child
        The id property
        The name property
        The relevant property
        The subform child
        The subformSet child
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The x property
        The y property
      The assist element
        The id property
        The role property
        The speak property
        The toolTip property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The barcode element
        The charEncoding property
        The checksum property
        The dataColumnCount property
        The dataLength property
        The dataPrep property
        The dataRowCount property
        The encrypt property
        The endChar property
        The errorCorrectionLevel property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The moduleHeight property
        The moduleWidth property
        The printCheckDigit property
        The rowColumnRatio property
        The startChar property
        The textLocation property
        The truncate property
        The type property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The wideNarrowRatio property
      The bind element
        The match property
        The picture property
        The ref property
      The bindItems element
        The connection property
        The labelRef property
        The ref property
        The valueRef property
      The bookend element
        The id property
        The leader property
        The trailer property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The boolean element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The border element
        The break property
        The corner property
        The edge property
        The extras property
        The fill property
        The hand property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The presence property
        The relevant property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The break element
        The after property
        The afterTarget property
        The before property
        The beforeTarget property
        The bookendLeader property
        The bookendTrailer property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The overflowLeader property
        The overflowTarget property
        The overflowTrailer property
        The startNew property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The breakAfter element
        The id property
        The leader property
        The script property
        The startNew property
        The target property
        The targetType property
        The trailer property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The breakBefore element
        The id property
        The leader property
        The script property
        The startNew property
        The target property
        The targetType property
        The trailer property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The button element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The calculate element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The message property
        The override property
        The script property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The caption element
        The extras property
        The font property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The para property
        The placement property
        The presence property
        The reserve property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The value property
      The certificate element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The certificates element
        The id property
        The issuers property
        The oids property
        The signing property
        The url property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The checkButton element
        The border property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The shape property
        The size property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The choiceList element
        The border property
        The commitOn property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The open property
        The textEntry property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The color element
        The cSpace property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The value property
      The connect element
        The connection property
        The id property
        The picture property
        The ref property
        The usage property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The contentArea element
        The desc property
        The extras property
        The h property
        The id property
        The name property
        The relevant property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The w property
        The x property
        The y property
      The corner element
        The color property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The inverted property
        The join property
        The presence property
        The radius property
        The stroke property
        The thickness property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The date element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The dateTime element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The dateTimeEdit element
        The border property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The decimal element
        The fracDigits property
        The id property
        The leadDigits property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The defaultUi element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The desc element
        The boolean child
        The date child
        The dateTime child
        The decimal child
        The exData child
        The float child
        The id property
        The image child
        The integer child
        The text child
        The time child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The draw element
        The anchorType property
        The assist property
        The border property
        The caption property
        The colSpan property
        The desc property
        The extras property
        The font property
        The h property
        The hAlign property
        The id property
        The locale property
        The margin property
        The maxH property
        The maxW property
        The minH property
        The minW property
        The name property
        The para property
        The presence property
        The relevant property
        The rotate property
        The setProperty child
        The traversal property
        The ui property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The vAlign property
        The value property
        The w property
        The x property
        The y property
      The edge element
        The cap property
        The color property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The presence property
        The stroke property
        The thickness property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The encrypt element
        The certificate property
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The event element
        The activity property
        The execute property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The name property
        The ref property
        The script property
        The signData property
        The submit property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The exclGroup element
        The access property
        The accessKey property
        The anchorType property
        The assist property
        The bind property
        The border property
        The calculate property
        The caption property
        The colSpan property
        The connect child
        The desc property
        The event child
        The extras property
        The field child
        The h property
        The hAlign property
        The id property
        The layout property
        The margin property
        The maxH property
        The maxW property
        The minH property
        The minW property
        The name property
        The para property
        The presence property
        The relevant property
        The setProperty child
        The transient property
        The traversal property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The validate property
        The vAlign property
        The w property
        The x property
        The y property
      The exData element
        The contentType property
        The href property
        The id property
        The maxLength property
        The name property
        The transferEncoding property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The execute element
        The connection property
        The executeType property
        The id property
        The runAt property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The exObject element
        The archive property
        The boolean child
        The classId property
        The codeBase property
        The codeType property
        The date child
        The dateTime child
        The decimal child
        The exData child
        The exObject child
        The extras property
        The float child
        The id property
        The image child
        The integer child
        The name property
        The text child
        The time child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The extras element
        The boolean child
        The date child
        The dateTime child
        The decimal child
        The exData child
        The extras child
        The float child
        The id property
        The image child
        The integer child
        The name property
        The text child
        The time child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The field element
        The access property
        The accessKey property
        The anchorType property
        The assist property
        The bind property
        The bindItems child
        The border property
        The calculate property
        The caption property
        The colSpan property
        The connect child
        The desc property
        The event child
        The extras property
        The font property
        The format property
        The h property
        The hAlign property
        The id property
        The items child
        The locale property
        The margin property
        The maxH property
        The maxW property
        The minH property
        The minW property
        The name property
        The para property
        The presence property
        The relevant property
        The rotate property
        The setProperty child
        The traversal property
        The ui property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The validate property
        The vAlign property
        The value property
        The w property
        The x property
        The y property
      The fill element
        The color property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The linear property
        The pattern property
        The presence property
        The radial property
        The solid property
        The stipple property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The filter element
        The certificates property
        The handler property
        The id property
        The name property
        The reasons property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The float element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The font element
        The baselineShift property
        The extras property
        The fill property
        The id property
        The lineThrough property
        The lineThroughPeriod property
        The overline property
        The overlinePeriod property
        The posture property
        The size property
        The typeface property
        The underline property
        The underlinePeriod property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The weight property
      The format element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The picture property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The handler element
        The id property
        The type property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The version property
      The image element
        The aspect property
        The contentType property
        The href property
        The id property
        The name property
        The transferEncoding property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The imageEdit element
        The border property
        The data property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The integer element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The issuers element
        The certificate child
        The id property
        The type property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The items element
        The boolean child
        The date child
        The dateTime child
        The decimal child
        The exData child
        The float child
        The id property
        The image child
        The integer child
        The name property
        The presence property
        The ref property
        The save property
        The text child
        The time child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The keep element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The intact property
        The next property
        The previous property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The line element
        The edge property
        The hand property
        The id property
        The slope property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The linear element
        The color property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The type property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The manifest element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The name property
        The ref child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The margin element
        The bottomInset property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The leftInset property
        The rightInset property
        The topInset property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The medium element
        The id property
        The imagingBBox property
        The long property
        The orientation property
        The short property
        The stock property
        The trayIn property
        The trayOut property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The message element
        The id property
        The text child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The numericEdit element
        The border property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The occur element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The initial property
        The max property
        The min property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The oid element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The oids element
        The id property
        The oid child
        The type property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The overflow element
        The id property
        The leader property
        The target property
        The trailer property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The pageArea element
        The area child
        The blank property
        The contentArea child
        The desc property
        The draw child
        The exclGroup child
        The extras property
        The field child
        The id property
        The initialNumber property
        The medium property
        The name property
        The numbered property
        The occur property
        The relevant property
        The subform child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The pageSet element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The name property
        The occur property
        The pageArea child
        The pageSet child
        The relevant property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The para element
        The hAlign property
        The id property
        The lineHeight property
        The marginLeft property
        The marginRight property
        The preserve property
        The radixOffset property
        The spaceAbove property
        The spaceBelow property
        The tabDefault property
        The tabStops property
        The textIndent property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The vAlign property
      The passwordEdit element
        The border property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The passwordChar property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The pattern element
        The color property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The type property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The picture element
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The proto element
        The arc child
        The area child
        The assist child
        The barcode child
        The bindItems child
        The bookend child
        The boolean child
        The border child
        The break child
        The breakAfter child
        The breakBefore child
        The button child
        The calculate child
        The caption child
        The certificate child
        The certificates child
        The checkButton child
        The choiceList child
        The color child
        The connect child
        The contentArea child
        The corner child
        The date child
        The dateTime child
        The dateTimeEdit child
        The decimal child
        The defaultUi child
        The desc child
        The draw child
        The edge child
        The encrypt child
        The event child
        The exclGroup child
        The exData child
        The execute child
        The exObject child
        The extras child
        The field child
        The fill child
        The filter child
        The float child
        The font child
        The format child
        The handler child
        The image child
        The imageEdit child
        The integer child
        The issuers child
        The items child
        The keep child
        The line child
        The linear child
        The manifest child
        The margin child
        The medium child
        The message child
        The numericEdit child
        The occur child
        The oid child
        The oids child
        The overflow child
        The pageArea child
        The pageSet child
        The para child
        The passwordEdit child
        The pattern child
        The picture child
        The radial child
        The reason child
        The reasons child
        The rectangle child
        The ref child
        The script child
        The setProperty child
        The signature child
        The signatureProperties child
        The signData child
        The signing child
        The solid child
        The speak child
        The stipple child
        The subform child
        The subformSet child
        The submit child
        The text child
        The textEdit child
        The time child
        The toolTip child
        The traversal child
        The traverse child
        The ui child
        The validate child
        The value child
        The variables child
      The radial element
        The color property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The type property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The reason element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The reasons element
        The id property
        The reason child
        The type property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The rectangle element
        The corner property
        The edge property
        The fill property
        The hand property
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The ref element
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The script element
        The binding property
        The contentType property
        The id property
        The name property
        The runAt property
        The stateless property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The setProperty element
        The connection property
        The ref property
        The target property
      The signature element
        The border property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The signatureProperties element
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The signData element
        The filter property
        The id property
        The manifest property
        The operation property
        The ref property
        The signatureProperties property
        The target property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The signing element
        The certificate child
        The id property
        The type property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The solid element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The speak element
        The disable property
        The id property
        The priority property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The stipple element
        The color property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The rate property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The subform element
        The allowMacro property
        The anchorType property
        The area child
        The assist property
        The bind property
        The bookend property
        The border property
        The break property
        The breakAfter child
        The breakBefore child
        The calculate property
        The colSpan property
        The columnWidths property
        The connect child
        The desc property
        The draw child
        The event child
        The exclGroup child
        The exObject child
        The extras property
        The field child
        The h property
        The hAlign property
        The id property
        The keep property
        The layout property
        The locale property
        The margin property
        The maxH property
        The maxW property
        The minH property
        The minW property
        The name property
        The occur property
        The overflow property
        The pageSet property
        The para property
        The presence property
        The proto child
        The relevant property
        The scope property
        The setProperty child
        The subform child
        The subformSet child
        The traversal property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The validate property
        The vAlign property
        The variables property
        The w property
        The x property
        The y property
      The subformSet element
        The bookend property
        The break property
        The breakAfter child
        The breakBefore child
        The desc property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The name property
        The occur property
        The overflow property
        The relation property
        The relevant property
        The subform child
        The subformSet child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The submit element
        The embedPDF property
        The format property
        The id property
        The target property
        The textEncoding property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The xdpContent property
      The template element
        The extras property
        The subform child
      The text element
        The id property
        The maxChars property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The textEdit element
        The allowRichText property
        The border property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The margin property
        The multiLine property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The time element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The toolTip element
        The id property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The traversal element
        The extras property
        The id property
        The passThrough property
        The traverse child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The traverse element
        The delegate property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The operation property
        The ref property
        The script property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The ui element
        The barcode property
        The button property
        The checkButton property
        The choiceList property
        The dateTimeEdit property
        The defaultUi property
        The exObject property
        The extras property
        The id property
        The imageEdit property
        The numericEdit property
        The passwordEdit property
        The picture property
        The signature property
        The textEdit property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The validate element
        The extras property
        The formatTest property
        The id property
        The message property
        The nullTest property
        The picture property
        The script property
        The scriptTest property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The value element
        The arc property
        The boolean property
        The date property
        The dateTime property
        The decimal property
        The exData property
        The float property
        The id property
        The image property
        The integer property
        The line property
        The override property
        The rectangle property
        The relevant property
        The text property
        The time property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The variables element
        The boolean child
        The date child
        The dateTime child
        The decimal child
        The exData child
        The float child
        The id property
        The image child
        The integer child
        The manifest child
        The script child
        The text child
        The time child
        The use property
        The usehref property
  Config Specification
    The Configuration Data Object Model
      Scripting Interface
    Config Element Reference
      The adjustData element
        The desc property
      The agent element
        The common property
        The desc property
        The name property
      The attributes element
        The desc property
      The batchOutput element
        The desc property
        The format property
      The common element
        The data property
        The desc property
        The locale property
        The template property
      The config element
        The agent child
        The desc property
      The data element
        The adjustData property
        The attributes property
        The desc property
        The excludeNS child
        The outputXSL property
        The range property
        The record property
        The startNode property
        The transform child
        The uri property
        The window property
        The xsl property
      The debug element
        The desc property
        The uri property
      The excludeNS element
        The desc property
      The groupParent element
        The desc property
      The ifEmpty element
        The desc property
      The locale element
        The desc property
      The nameAttr element
        The desc property
      The outputXSL element
        The desc property
        The uri property
      The picture element
        The desc property
      The presence element
        The desc property
      The range element
        The desc property
      The record element
        The desc property
      The relevant element
        The desc property
      The rename element
        The desc property
      The startNode element
        The desc property
      The startPage element
        The desc property
      The template element
        The desc property
        The relevant property
        The startPage property
        The uri property
      The transform element
        The desc property
        The groupParent property
        The ifEmpty property
        The nameAttr property
        The picture property
        The presence property
        The ref property
        The rename property
        The whitespace property
      The uri element
        The desc property
      The whitespace element
        The desc property
      The window element
        The desc property
      The xsl element
        The debug property
        The desc property
        The uri property
  Locale Set Specification
    The calendarSymbols element
      The name property
      The dayNames child
      The monthNames child
      The eraNames child
      The meridiemNames child
    The currencySymbol element
      The name property
    The currencySymbols element
      The currencySymbol child
    The datePattern element
      The name property
    The datePatterns element
      The datePattern child
    The dateTimeSymbols element
    The day element
    The dayNames element
      The abbr property
      The day child
    The era element
    The eraNames element
      The era child
    The locale element
      The name property
      The desc property
      The calendarSymbols child
      The datePatterns child
      The timePatterns child
      The dateTimeSymbols child
      The numberPatterns child
      The numberSymbols child
      The currencySymbols child
    The localeSet element
      The locale child
    The meridiem element
    The meridiemNames element
      The meridiem child
    The month element
    The monthNames element
      The abbr property
      The month child
    The numberPattern Element
      The name property
    The numberPatterns Element
      The numberPattern child
    The numberSymbol element
      The name property
    The numberSymbols element
      The numberSymbol child
    The timePattern element
      The name property
    The timePatterns element
      The timePattern child
  Connection Set Specification
    About the Connection Set Grammar
    Connection Set Element Reference
      The connectionSet element
        The wsdlConnection child
        The xmlConnection child
        The xsdConnection child
      The operation element
        The id property
        The input property
        The name property
        The output property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The rootElement element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The soapAction element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The soapAddress element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The uri element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The wsdlAddress element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The wsdlConnection element
        The dataDescription property
        The name property
        The operation property
        The soapAction property
        The soapAddress property
        The wsdlAddress property
      The xmlConnection element
        The dataDescription property
        The name property
        The uri property
      The xsdConnection element
        The dataDescription property
        The name property
        The rootElement property
        The uri property
  Data Description Specification
    About the Data Description Grammar
    Data Description Grammar
    Data Description Element Reference
      dd:dataDescription Element
        dd:name attribute
      dd:group Element
        dd:maxOccur Attribute
        dd:minOccur Attribute
        dd:model Attribute
        dd:nullType Attribute
        dd:reqAttrs Attribute
  Source Set Specification
    The Source Set Data Object Model
      Scripting Interface
    Source Set Element Reference
      The bind element
        The contentType property
        The id property
        The name property
        The ref property
        The transferEncoding property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The boolean element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The command element
        The delete property
        The id property
        The insert property
        The name property
        The query property
        The timeout property
        The update property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The connect element
        The connectString property
        The delayedOpen property
        The extras child
        The id property
        The name property
        The password property
        The timeout property
        The use property
        The usehref property
        The user property
      The connectString element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The delete element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The extras element
        The boolean child
        The extras child
        The id property
        The integer child
        The name property
        The text child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The insert element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The integer element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The map element
        The bind property
        The from property
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The password element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The query element
        The commandType property
        The id property
        The map child
        The name property
        The recordSet property
        The select property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The recordSet element
        The bofAction property
        The cursorLocation property
        The cursorType property
        The eofAction property
        The extras child
        The id property
        The lockType property
        The max property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The select element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The source element
        The bind child
        The command child
        The connect property
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The sourceSet element
        The id property
        The name property
        The source child
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The text element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The update element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
      The user element
        The id property
        The name property
        The use property
        The usehref property
  XDP Specification
    About the XDP Grammar
      Role of XDP
      Overview of Packaging a PDF Document in XDP Format
      Extensibility of XDP and PDF
    XDP Element Language Syntax
      The xfa Processing Instruction
      XDP Namespace
      XDP Packets
    XDP Reference
      The config Element (an XDP Packet)
      The connectionSet Element (an XDP Packet)
      The datasets Element (an XDP Packet)
      The localeSet Element (an XDP Packet)
      The pdf Element (an XDP Packet)
        chunk element
      The signature Element (an XDP Packet)
      The sourceSet Element (an XDP Packet)
      The stylesheet Element (an XDP Packet)
      The template Element (an XDP Packet)
      The xdc Element (an XDP Packet)
      The xdp Element
      The xfdf Element (an XDP Packet)
      The xmpmeta Element (an XDP Packet)
Part 3: Other XFA-Related References
  Canonical Format Reference
  FormCalc Specification
    Grammar and Syntax
      Language Overview
        Notational Conventions
      Lexical Grammar
        White Space
        Line Terminators
        String Literals
        Number Literals
        Literals (General)
      Syntactic Grammar
      Basic Expressions
        Expressions Lists
        Simple Expressions
          Operator Precedence
          Numeric operations on non-numeric operands
          Boolean operations on non-Boolean operands
          String operations on non-string operands
        Logical Or Expressions
        Logical And Expressions
        Equality Expressions
        Relational Expressions
        Additive Expressions
        Multiplicative Expressions
        Unary Expressions
        Primary Expressions
        Declaration Expressions: Variables and User-Defined Functions
          User-Defined Functions
        Assignment Expressions
        Assignment of References
        Passing References to Functions
        Passing References to Methods
        Returning References from Methods and Functions
        Comparing References for Equality and Inequality
        Qualifying References by an Accessor or Method
        Other Reference Uses
      Control Expressions
        Break Expressions
        Continue Expression
        If Expressions
        For Expressions
        For Each Expressions
        While Expression
      Block Expressions, Explicit and Implied
        Block Expression
      Function and Method Calls
        Function Calls
        Method Calls
        Case Sensitivity
        Argument List
    FormCalc Support for Locale
        Specifying a Locale (Locale Identifier String)
        Determining Which Locale to Use
      Date Format Styles
        Date Picture Clauses
        Localized Date Formats
      Time Format Styles
        Time Picture Clauses
        Localized Time Formats
      Date and Time Values
    Arithmetic Built-in Functions
    Date And Time Built-in Functions
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
    Financial Built-in Functions
    Logical Built-in Functions
    String Built-in Functions
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
        See Also
    URL Built-in Functions
        See Also
        See Also
    Miscellaneous Built-in Functions
        See Also
  Picture Clause Specification
      How Picture Clauses Are Used
      How Picture Clauses Evolved
    Picture-Clause Building Blocks
      Context-Specific Picture-Clause Symbols
      Global Picture-Clause Symbols
      Picture Clause Literals
        Output Formatting
        Input Parsing
      Locale Identifier Strings
        What a Locale Is
        Determining the Prevailing Locale
        Convention for Explicitly Naming Locale
    Complex Picture-Clause Expressions
      Predefined Picture Clauses
      Compound Picture Clauses
      Locale-Specific Picture Clauses
      Locale-Specific, Compound Picture Clauses
      Alternate Picture Clauses
      Alternate Locale-Specific Picture Clauses
    Asian Date, Time and Number Considerations
      Using Full-Width Characters and Ideographs in Date and Time Data
      Using Full-Width Characters in Number Data
      Tens Rule Numeric System
      Imperial (Alternate) Eras and Alternate Era Styles
        Japanese Date Time Rules
        Korean Date Time Rules
        Chinese (Taiwan) Date Time Rules
        Chinese (China) Date Time Rules
    Picture Clause Reference
      Date Picture Clauses
        Standard Date Picture Symbols
        Asian Date Symbols
        Requirements for Acceptable Date Picture Clauses
          Avoid Ambiguity in Date Picture Clauses Used for Input Parsing
          Avoid Multiple Occurrences of the Same Types of Symbols in Input Parsing
        Examples of Output Formatting
        Examples of Input Parsing
        Examples of Asian Output Formatting and Input Parsing
          Japanese Locale
      Time Pictures
        Standard Symbols
        Asian Time Picture Symbols
        Requirements for Acceptable Time Picture Clauses
        Examples of Output Formatting
        Examples of Input Parsing
        Examples of Asian Output Formatting and Input Parsing
      Numeric Pictures
        Effect of the 8 Picture Symbol
        Effect of the % Picture Symbol
        Requirements for Acceptable Number Picture Clauses
        Example of Output Formatting
        Examples of Input Parsing
        Examples of Asian Picture Clauses
      Text Pictures
        Examples of Output Formatting
        Examples of Input Parsing
      Null-Category Picture Clauses
      Zero-Category Picture Clauses
        Examples of Input Parsing Against Null- and Zero-Category Picture Clauses
        Examples of Output Formatting Against Null- and Zero-Category Picture Clauses
  Rich Text Reference
    Summary of Supported XHTML and CSS Attributes
    Supported Container Elements
      HTML Element
      Body Element
    Supported Paragraph Formatting
      First Line Indent
      Horizontal Alignment
      Left Margin
      Line Break
      Line Spacing
      Right Margin
      Set Margins
      Space After Paragraph
      Space Before Paragraph
      Vertical Alignment
    Supported Character Formatting
      Baseline Adjustment
      Tab Stops
      Underline and Strikethrough
    Retaining Consecutive Spaces (xfa-spacerun:yes)
    Embedded Object Specifications
    Version Specification
Part 4: Appendices, Bibliography, Glossary and Index
  Algorithms for Determining Coordinates Relative to the Page
  Layout Objects
  History of Changes in This Specification
    New Object Models
      Data Object Models
        Connection Set DOM added, version 2.1
        Connection Data DOM added, version 2.1.
        Data Description DOM added, version 2.1.
        Layout DOM added, version 2.1
      Special Object Models
        Special Object Models, version 2.1
    New XFA Template Features
      Container Properties
        Form fragments, version 2.4
        Bar code encryption, version 2.4
        Barcode character encoding, version 2.4
        Exclusion group elements capability expanded, version 2.1
        Hide/reveal containers depending on relevance, version 2.1
        Growable containers, version 2.1
        Paragraph formatting, version 2.1
        Barcode formatting, version 2.1
        Image aspect, version 2.1
        Noninteractive fields, version 2.1
      Automation and Web-Related Interactions
        URL-encoded option for submit, version 2.4
        Choice-list enter and exit events pair up, version 2.4
        Manifests as scripting variables, version 2.4
        Support for Web Services, version 2.1
        Submission of form parts to a target URI, version 2.1
        Subforms may include calculations, verison 2.1
        Calculations may specify override conditions, version 2.1
        Scripts specify whether they should be executed on the client, server or both, version 2.1
        Event for populating drop-down choice list widgets, version 2.2
        Document variables, version 2.1
        Validation checks against validation-specific picture clauses, version 2.1
        Event source included as an event attribute, version 2.1
      Naming Conventions
        Support for tags and attribute names containing "." and "_", version 2.2
        Support for xsi:nil, version 2.1
      Data Mapping (Data Loading)
        New grouping transform, version 2.1
        Support for references in image data, version 2.1
        Specifying data attributes to use for naming nodes in the XFA Data DOM, version 2.1
      Data Unloading
        Use of data description when writing out XML, version 2.1
      Data Binding
        Complex binding, version 2.4
        Conditional binding, version 2.4
        Dynamic forms, version 2.1
        Repeating subforms, version 2.1
        Explicit data references, version 2.1
        Subform sets, version 2.1
        Record processing, version 2.1
        Global fields, version 2.1
        Data description element, version 2.1
        Default data binding to include attribute data, version 2.1
        Subform scope option, version 2.1
        Support for right-to-left text flow, version 2.4
        Conditional breaking, version 2.4
        Nesting tables, version 2.4
        Automatically breaking layout, version 2.1
        Dynamic layout, version 2.1
        Flowing layout strategy, version 2.1
        Flowing layout support for tables and table-rows, version 2.1
      Rich Text
        Embedded objects, version 2.1
        Subscript and superscript support, version 2.1
      Accessibility and User Interface
        New Widget Types
          Signature widget, version 2.1
          Image entry widget, version 2.1
          Rich text option for text widget, version 2.1
        Widget Appearance
          Widget margins, version 2.1
          Widget borders, version 2.1
        Choice List Widgets
          Multiple selections, version 2.1
          Immediate commitment of selections, version 2.1
        Caption Appearance
          Captions can differ between views, version 2.4
          Caption margins, version 2.1
        Form Navigation
          Accelerator key allows keyboard sequence to bring fields into focus, version 2.2
        Aids for Vision-Impaired Users
          Role of a container may be defined, especially for table headings and rows, version 2.1
          Speech order prioritized, version 2.1
      Localization and Picture Clauses
        Data Localization
          Locale Set, an XML grammar for representing localization information, version 2.1
          Data Picture Transform (template and config), version 2.1
          Default output format reflects locale, version 2.2
        Picture Clause Expressions
          Generic pre-defined picture clauses, version 2.4
          New picture symbol "8", version 2.4
          Picture clause symbols for zero and null values, version 2.2
          Retention of precision in decimal numbers parsed, version 2.2
          Number picture clause symbol for fractional digits, version 2.2
          Compound picture clauses, version 2.1
          Symbols used for whitespace characters, version 2.1
        Support for Asian-Language Representations, version 2.1
          Imperial era years
          Tens rule
          Support for East Asian scripts in locale designators
          FormCalc support for East Asian scripts in locale designators
      Scripting Object Model (SOM)
        Value tests in SOM expressions, version 2.4
        Referencing objects by their class names, version 2.1
        Document variables used as named script objects, version 2.2
        New functions to access locale, version 2.1
        FormCalc support for East Asian scripts in locale designators
      Security and Control
        XML digital signatures, version 2.2
        Uniquely identifying templates, version 2.2
    Modified XFA Template Features
    Deprecated XFA Template Features
      Template Syntax
        Refactored break element, version 2.4
        Deprecated hAlign and vAlign attributes on container elements, version 2.4
        Deprecated stateless attribute on the script element, version 2.4
        Deprecated transient attribute on the exclGroup element, version 2.4
    About the Schemas
      Extracting the Schemas
      Using the Schemas to Validate an XFA Document
      Using the Schemas to Generate an XFA Document
    General References
    Fonts and Character Encoding References
    Barcode References