XFA Specification
Chapter 15, Template Specification
Template Reference
The id property
A unique identifier that may be used to identify this element as a target.
The moduleHeight property
Module height.
A module is a set of bars encoding one symbol. Usually a symbol corresponds to a character of supplied
data. This property determines the height of the bars in the module. The allowable range of heights varies
from one barcode pattern to another. The template must not specify a height outside the allowable range.
When this property is not supplied, the default behavior depends on the type of barcode. 1-D barcodes
grow to the height of the enclosing field, limited by the allowable height range. 2-D bar codes default to a
module height of 5mm.
The moduleWidth property
The property has different meanings for different classes of bar codes.
For 1-d software barcodes the XFA processor sets the width of the narrow bars to the value of this
property. The width of the wide bars is derived from that of the narrow bars. The allowable range of widths
varies from one barcode format to another. The template must not specify a value outside the allowable
range. If
is supplied the XFA processor ignores the
property. Conversely
has no default, so when
is not supplied then
must be
For 1-d hardware barcodes
either has no effect or has the same effect as for a software
barcode, depending upon the printer and barcode. However for hardware barcodes the template may fall
back upon the default value for this property. The default is 0.25mm. The allowable range for the value
varies between printers and between barcodes.
For 2-d barcodes the value of this property determines the module width. A module is a set of bars
encoding one symbol. Usually a symbol corresponds to a character of supplied data. The allowable range
of widths varies from one barcode format to another. The template must not specify a value outside the
allowable range. The default value for this property (0.25mm) is not useful for 2-d barcodes.
The printCheckDigit property
Specifies whether the check digit(s) is/are printed in the human-readable text.
The XFA processor ignores this property if the
property has a value of
, or if the
property has a value of
and the standard behavior for the barcode type is to not include a checksum.
Do not print the check digit in the human-readable text, only in the barcode itself. This is the
Append the check digit to the end of the human-readable text.
The rowColumnRatio property
(2-d barcodes only.) Optional ratio of rows to columns for supported 2-D barcodes.
The XFA processor ignores this property if
are specified.
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