XFA Specification
Chapter 15, Template Specification
Template Reference
The fill property
element that applies a color and optional rendered designs to the region enclosed by an
For more information see "The
fill element".
The hand property
Description of the
of a line or edge.
Center the displayed line on the underlying vector or arc.
Position the displayed line immediately to the left of the underlying vector or arc, when following
that line from its start point to its end point.
Position the displayed line immediately to the right of the underlying vector or arc, when
following that line from its start point to its end point.
The id property
A unique identifier that may be used to identify this element as a target.
The margin property
box model
element that specifies one or more insets for an object.
For more information see "The
margin element".
The presence property
Visibility control.
Make it visible.
Make it transparent. Although invisible it still takes up space.
Hide it. It is not displayed and does not take up space.
The relevant property
Specifies the views for which the enclosing object is relevant. The views themselves are specified in the
config object.
Views are supplied as a space-separated list of viewnames:
[[+|-]viewname [...]]"
. A token of the form viewname indicates the enclosing element should be
included in that particular view. A token of the form
indicates the element should be
included in that particular view. A token of the form
indicates the element should be
excluded from that particular view.
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