Chapter 4, Exchanging Data Between an External Application
and a Basic XFA Form
XFA Specification
Creating, Updating, and Unloading a Basic XFA Data DOM
The first element is also excluded from the document range, not on the basis of namespace but is it is an
XML processing instruction, as described above in
“XML Logical Structures” on page 122.
The result of mapping this XML data document, assuming the XFA Configuration DOM specifies that
attributes are to be preserved, is as follows:
[dataGroup (invoice) isRecord="true"]
[dataGroup (item)]
[dataGroup (book)]
[dataValue (ISBN) = "15536455"]
[dataValue (title) = "Introduction to XML"]
[dataValue (quantity) = "1"]
[dataValue (unitprice) = "25.00"]
[dataValue (currency) = "us" content="metadata"]
[dataValue (discount) = ".40"]
[dataValue (trn:identifier) = "27342712"
The above example demonstrates the automatic exclusion of attributes having the
prefix and of
attributes having the
namespace prefix.
Record Elements
Some XML data documents enclose repeating groups of data, each with different content. This
specification refers to these repeating groups of data as
Typically a record holds the data from a
single form instance.
By default, the data loader considers the document range to enclose one record of data represented by
the first (outermost) data group within the document range.
Consider the following XML data document:
<contact>Tim Bell</contact>
<title>Introduction to XML</title>
<title>XML Power</title>
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