XFA Specification
Chapter 2, Template Features for Designing Static Forms
Basic Layout
Subforms may have explicit widths supplied by
attributes and explicit heights supplied by
attributes. When one of these attributes is not
supplied the layout processor calculates it. The
width and/or height is calculated considering
the nominal extents and positions of the
enclosed content and the container's own
margins and caption. The overall width is the
minimum width required to include all the
enclosed content, plus left and right margins.
The overall height is the minimum height
required to include all the enclosed content,
plus top and bottom margins and caption.
Borders do not affect extent calculations. The
figure at right shows the components of height
and width for a subform with a caption and
bottom margin
right margin
left margin
subform width
Subform with content, caption, and margins
Text objects may have explicit widths supplied by
attributes and/or explicit heights supplied by
attributes. When one of these attributes is not supplied, the layout processor must calculate it. The width
and/or height is calculated based upon the text content. The height calculation for each line must take
into account the height of each character (which depends on the type face and size), the positioning of
characters above the baseline (superscript) and below the baseline (subscript), and underlining. The
overall height is the sum of the individual line heights, plus the sum of the leading between lines, plus the
caption height. The width calculation for each line must take into account the width of each character,
including white space characters, and for the first line the text indent. The overall width is the largest of the
line widths. The following figure shows these quantities.
subform height
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