XFA Specification
Chapter 18, Connection Set Specification
Connection Set Element Reference
The operation element
This element declares the SOAP operation that is associated with its parent.
The operation element is used within the following other elements:
SOAP allows multiple operations to share the same name. When this happens the input and output
attributes are used to disambiguate.
Note that the SOAP operation must use the document style and literal encoding. See [SOAP1.1] for more
information about doc-literal operations.
The name of the selected operation.
The id property
An identifier which may be used to identify this element in URIs.
The input property
The name of the operation's input element. If this attribute is not supplied the operation takes the default
input name as specified in the WSDL specification [WSDL1.1] section 2.4.5.
The name property
An identifier that may be used to identify this element in script expressions.
The output property
The name of the operation's output element. If this attribute is not supplied the operation takes the
default output name as specified in the WSDL specification [WSDL1.1] section 2.4.5.
The use property
Invokes another object in the same document as a prototype for this object. The content of this property is
either a SOM expression (which cannot start with '#') or a '#' character followed by an XML ID.
Starting with XFA 2.4 the object used as a prototype no longer needs to be the child of
. Any object
of the appropriate class can be used as a prototype.
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