XFA Specification
Chapter 15, Template Specification
Template Reference
For more information see "The
The occur child
An element that describes the constraints over the number of allowable instances for its enclosing
For more information see "The
The oid child
An Object Identifier (OID) of the certificate policies that must be present in the signing certificate.
For more information see "The
The oids child
A collection of Object Identifiers (OIDs) which apply to signing data with an XML digital signature.
For more information see "The
The overflow child
An element that controls what happens when the parent subform or subform set overflows the current
layout container.
For more information see "The
The pageArea child
An element that describes a rendering surface.
For more information see "The
The pageSet child
An element that describes a set of related page area objects.
For more information see "The
The para child
element that specifies default paragraph and alignment properties to be applied to the
content of an enclosing container.
For more information see "The
The passwordEdit child
user interface
Typically the user-interface will obscure any visual representation of the content.
For more information see "The
The pattern child
For more information see "The