Using Acrobat JavaScript in Forms
Using JavaScript to Secure Forms
These objects, in combination, provide you with the means to digitally sign or encrypt a
document. Once you have built a list of authorized recipients, you may then encrypt the
document using the
method, save the
document to commit the encryption, and email it to them.
For example, you can obtain a list of recipients for which the encrypted document is
available, and then encrypt the document:
// Invoke the recipients dialog to select which recipients
// will be authorized to view the encrypted document:
var oOptions = {
bAllowPermGroups: false,
cNote: "Recipients with email and certificates",
bRequireEmail: true,
bUserCert: true
var oGroups = security.chooseRecipientsDialog(oOptions);
// Build the mailing list
var numCerts = oGroups[0].userEntities.length;
var cMsg = "Encrypted for these recipients:\n";
var mailList = new Array;
for (var i=0; i<numCerts; i++) {
var ue = oGroups[0].userEntities[i];
var oCert = ue.defaultEncryptCert;
if (oCert == null) oCert = ue.certificates[0];
cMsg += oCert.subjectCN + ", " + ue.email + "\n";
var oRDN = oCert.subjectDN;
if (ue.email) mailList[i] = ue.email;
else if (oRDN.e) mailList[i] = oRDN.e;
// Now encrypt the document
Acrobat JavaScript Scripting Guide