HTMLPrint Command Line Options |
View HTMLPrint
Command Line product
VeryDOC HTMLPrint v2.0
Web: http://www.verypdf.com
Web: http://www.verydoc.com
Email: support@verypdf.com
Print URL, HTML, MHTML files to physical printer.
1. Paper size can be selected either standard papers or user defined
Look at following page for the standard papers:
Usage: htmlprint.exe [options] <HTML/MHTML file or URL>
-printer <string> : printer name to print
-prompt : prompt the user with the print dialog so they can change
settings and/or select pages manually
-savedevmode <string> : prompt the user with print dialog and save
the printer
settings into a disk file
-loaddevmode <string> : restore printer settings which saved by -savedevmode
-promptdevmode : prompt the user with print dialog
and print the printer
settings to screen
-devmode <string> : restore printer settings which outputed by
-promptdevmode parameter
-copies <int> : copies to print
-paper <string> : set paper size to printer
number : standard paper size
others : user defined paper size
-orient <int> : select the orientation of
the printer paper,
1 is portrait (default) and 2 is landscape
-duplex <int> : select duplex or double-sided printing for printers
of duplex printing,
1 : simplex
2 : horizontal
3 : vertical
-color <int> : specify color or monochrome to
1 : monochrome
2 : color
-xres <int> : specify the printer
-4 : high
-3 : medium
-2 : low
-1 : draft
number: the number of dots per inch (DPI) and is therefore
device dependent
-yres <int> : specify the printer
-collate <int> : specify whether collation should be used when
multiple copies, 0 is disable and 1 is enable
-scale <int> : specify the factor by which the printed output is to
be scaled,
The apparent page size is scaled from the physical page size
by a factor
of scale/100.
-listprinter : list printers in system
-listbins : list bins/trays of a
-chgbin <int> : change bin/tray for printer
-restoreprinter : restore original settings to printer after
-checkjobstatus : check status for print jobs
-checkjobtime <int> : delay some time before check status for print
in seconds
-nodelfailjobs : don't delete failed
print jobs
-printbgcolor <int> : enable or disable print background color and
-marginleft <int> : set left margin when print HTML
file, unit is point
-margintop <int> : set top margin when print HTML
file, unit is point
-marginright <int> : set right margin when print HTML file,
unit is point
-marginbottom <int> : set bottom margin when print HTML file, unit
is point
-hfflag <string> : set HTML header/footer to off
or on
-header <string> : set HTML header text
-footer <string> : set HTML footer text
-postdata <string> : set postdata when print HTML file
-hidewindow : hide
printing dialog
-dlgwidth <int> : set width to HTML dialog
-dlgheight <int> : set height to HTML dialog
: print debug information to screen
-delay <int> : delay some
seconds after HTML page download completely
-timeout1 <int> : force to print HTML file if timeout, default is
600 seconds
-timeout2 <int> : force to exit the process if timeout, default is
-$ <string> : Input registration key
htmlprint.exe -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -copies 3 -paper 9 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -paper "pdf" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -paper "11x17in" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "Adobe PDF" -paper "215.9x279.4mm" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "ImagePrinter" -paper "612x792pt" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "docPrint" -paper "612x792pt" -orient 1 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "docPrint" -paper "612x792pt" -orient 2 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -prompt C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -prompt http://www.verypdf.com
htmlprint.exe -savedevmode C:\printer.dat -printer docPrint
htmlprint.exe -loaddevmode C:\printer.dat C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -promptdevmode -printer docPrint
htmlprint.exe -duplex 3 -color 1 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -xres -4 -yres -4 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -copies 3 -collate 1 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -scale 50 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -listprinter
htmlprint.exe -listbins
htmlprint.exe -listbins -printer "docPrint"
htmlprint.exe -chgbin 15 -printer "docPrint" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -copies 3 -restoreprinter C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -checkjobstatus -checkjobtime 5 -nodelfailjobs C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printbgcolor 0 http://www.verypdf.com
htmlprint.exe -printbgcolor 1 http://www.verydoc.com
htmlprint.exe -marginleft 10 -margintop 10 -marginright 10 -marginbottom
10 http://www.verydoc.com
htmlprint.exe -hfflag off http://www.verydoc.com
htmlprint.exe -hfflag on -header "HTML Header" -footer "HTML Footer"
htmlprint.exe -hidewindow http://www.verydoc.com
htmlprint.exe -dlgwidth 1024 -dlgheight 768 http://www.verydoc.com
htmlprint.exe -debug http://www.verydoc.com
htmlprint.exe -delay 30 -timeout1 30 -timeout2 60 http://www.verydoc.com
htmlprint.exe -color 1 http://www.verydoc.com
htmlprint.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 http://www.verydoc.com
htmlprint.exe -xres -4 http://www.verypdf.com
htmlprint.exe -savedevmode C:\file.dat -printer "VeryPDF PCL Writer"
htmlprint.exe -loaddevmode C:\file.dat -printer "VeryPDF PCL Writer"
htmlprint.exe -postdata "Username=YourUserName&Password=YourPassword"
htmlprint.exe -postdata "PHPSESSID=tmf0p2vdtqj734dk05o790eho4"
htmlprint.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C:\test.htm |
You can run following
command lines to batch print HTML and MHTML files: |
#1, You can run
following command lines to print all .htm and .mht files in D:\temp\
for %F in (D:\temp\*.htm) do htmlprint.exe "%F"
for %F in (D:\temp\*.mht) do htmlprint.exe "%F"
#2, You can run following command line to print all .htm and .mht
files in D:\temp\ folder and its subdirectories,
for /r D:\temp %F in (*.htm) do "htmlprint.exe"
for /r D:\temp %F in (*.mht) do "htmlprint.exe"
for /r D:\temp %F in (*.htm;*.mht) do "htmlprint.exe"
#3, If you wish include above command
lines in a .bat file, please use "%%" to instead of "%", for
for %%F in (D:\temp\*.htm) do htmlprint.exe "%%F"
for /r D:\temp %%F in (*.htm;*.mht) do "htmlprint.exe"
"%%F" |
Relative Hyperlinks: |
Internet Explorer Header /
Footer Print Codes |
How to Convert a HTML file or Web Pages to PDF file via Command
Line? |
Internet Explorer 7 Controlling
Headers and Footers |
Relative Products: |
Convert HTML files and URLs to PDF, PS, EPS, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP,
TGA, etc. files. |
COM: Convert HTML files and URLs to PDF files by PDFcamp
Printer. |
docPrint Pro:
Batch Convert any printable documents to PDF, PS, EPS, WMF, EMF,
TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, etc. files. |
HTML to Image
Converter: Convert HTML files to JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, WMF, EMF
files. |
All VeryPDF Products... |
See Also: |
PDF to Image Converter ::
PDF Extract TIFF
HTML Converter ::
PDFcamp Printer ::
DocConverter COM ::
PDF to Word Converter ::
PDF to Text Converter ::
Image to PDF Converter ::
Image to PDF OCR ::
Converter ::
AutoCAD DWG and DXF to PDF Converter ::
PCL to PDF Converter ::
Document Printer (docPrint) ::
Editor ::
PDF Password Remover ::
Encrypt PDF
:: PDF Split-Merge
:: PDF Stamper
:: VeryPDF
PDFPrint ::
PDF Tools ::
PDF Editor Toolkit ::
Text to PDF
Converter ::
PowerPoint to Flash ::
PowerPoint Converter |