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HTMLPrint Command Line Options

View HTMLPrint Command Line product

VeryDOC HTMLPrint v2.0
Print URL, HTML, MHTML files to physical printer.
1. Paper size can be selected either standard papers or user defined papers.
Look at following page for the standard papers:
Usage: htmlprint.exe [options] <HTML/MHTML file or URL>
-printer <string> : printer name to print
-prompt : prompt the user with the print dialog so they can change printer
    settings and/or select pages manually
-savedevmode <string> : prompt the user with print dialog and save the printer
    settings into a disk file
-loaddevmode <string> : restore printer settings which saved by -savedevmode
-promptdevmode    : prompt the user with print dialog and print the printer
    settings to screen
-devmode <string> : restore printer settings which outputed by
    -promptdevmode parameter
-copies <int>     : copies to print
-paper <string>   : set paper size to printer
    number : standard paper size
    others : user defined paper size
-orient <int>     : select the orientation of the printer paper,
    1 is portrait (default) and 2 is landscape
-duplex <int> : select duplex or double-sided printing for printers capable
    of duplex printing,
    1 : simplex
    2 : horizontal
    3 : vertical
-color <int>    : specify color or monochrome to printer,
    1 : monochrome
    2 : color
-xres <int>     : specify the printer x-resolution,
    -4 : high
    -3 : medium
    -2 : low
    -1 : draft
    number: the number of dots per inch (DPI) and is therefore device dependent
-yres <int>     : specify the printer y-resolution
-collate <int>  : specify whether collation should be used when printing
    multiple copies, 0 is disable and 1 is enable
-scale <int> : specify the factor by which the printed output is to be scaled,
    The apparent page size is scaled from the physical page size by a factor
    of scale/100.
-listprinter    : list printers in system
-listbins       : list bins/trays of a printer
-chgbin <int>   : change bin/tray for printer
-restoreprinter : restore original settings to printer after printing
-checkjobstatus : check status for print jobs
-checkjobtime <int> : delay some time before check status for print jobs,
    in seconds
-nodelfailjobs      : don't delete failed print jobs
-printbgcolor <int> : enable or disable print background color and images
-marginleft <int>   : set left margin when print HTML file, unit is point
-margintop <int>    : set top margin when print HTML file, unit is point
-marginright <int>  : set right margin when print HTML file, unit is point
-marginbottom <int> : set bottom margin when print HTML file, unit is point
-hfflag <string>    : set HTML header/footer to off or on
-header <string>    : set HTML header text
-footer <string>    : set HTML footer text
-postdata <string>  : set postdata when print HTML file
-hidewindow         : hide printing dialog
-dlgwidth <int>     : set width to HTML dialog
-dlgheight <int>    : set height to HTML dialog
-debug              : print debug information to screen
-delay <int>        : delay some seconds after HTML page download completely
-timeout1 <int> : force to print HTML file if timeout, default is 600 seconds
-timeout2 <int> : force to exit the process if timeout, default is 'Never'
-$ <string>     : Input registration key
htmlprint.exe -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -copies 3 -paper 9 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -paper "pdf" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "PDFcamp Printer" -paper "11x17in" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "Adobe PDF" -paper "215.9x279.4mm" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "ImagePrinter" -paper "612x792pt" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "docPrint" -paper "612x792pt" -orient 1 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printer "docPrint" -paper "612x792pt" -orient 2 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -prompt C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -prompt
htmlprint.exe -savedevmode C:\printer.dat -printer docPrint
htmlprint.exe -loaddevmode C:\printer.dat C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -promptdevmode -printer docPrint
htmlprint.exe -duplex 3 -color 1 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -xres -4 -yres -4 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -copies 3 -collate 1 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -scale 50 C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -listprinter
htmlprint.exe -listbins
htmlprint.exe -listbins -printer "docPrint"
htmlprint.exe -chgbin 15 -printer "docPrint" C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -copies 3 -restoreprinter C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -checkjobstatus -checkjobtime 5 -nodelfailjobs C:\test.htm
htmlprint.exe -printbgcolor 0
htmlprint.exe -printbgcolor 1
htmlprint.exe -marginleft 10 -margintop 10 -marginright 10 -marginbottom 10
htmlprint.exe -hfflag off
htmlprint.exe -hfflag on -header "HTML Header" -footer "HTML Footer"
htmlprint.exe -hidewindow
htmlprint.exe -dlgwidth 1024 -dlgheight 768
htmlprint.exe -debug
htmlprint.exe -delay 30 -timeout1 30 -timeout2 60
htmlprint.exe -color 1
htmlprint.exe -xres 600 -yres 600
htmlprint.exe -xres -4
htmlprint.exe -savedevmode C:\file.dat -printer "VeryPDF PCL Writer"
htmlprint.exe -loaddevmode C:\file.dat -printer "VeryPDF PCL Writer" C:\test.mht
htmlprint.exe -postdata "Username=YourUserName&Password=YourPassword"
htmlprint.exe -postdata "PHPSESSID=tmf0p2vdtqj734dk05o790eho4"
htmlprint.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C:\test.htm
You can run following command lines to batch print HTML and MHTML files:

#1, You can run following command lines to print all .htm and .mht files in D:\temp\ folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.htm) do htmlprint.exe "%F"

for %F in (D:\temp\*.mht) do htmlprint.exe "%F"

#2, You can run following command line to print all .htm and .mht files in D:\temp\ folder and its subdirectories,

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.htm) do "htmlprint.exe" "%F"

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.mht) do "htmlprint.exe" "%F"

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.htm;*.mht) do "htmlprint.exe" "%F"

#3, If you wish include above command lines in a .bat file, please use "%%" to instead of "%", for example,

for %%F in (D:\temp\*.htm) do htmlprint.exe "%%F"

for /r D:\temp %%F in (*.htm;*.mht) do "htmlprint.exe" "%%F"

Relative Hyperlinks:
Internet Explorer Header / Footer Print Codes
How to Convert a HTML file or Web Pages to PDF file via Command Line?
Internet Explorer 7 Controlling Headers and Footers
Relative Products:
HTML to PDF Converter: Convert HTML files and URLs to PDF, PS, EPS, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TGA, etc. files.
DocConverter COM: Convert HTML files and URLs to PDF files by PDFcamp Printer.
docPrint Pro: Batch Convert any printable documents to PDF, PS, EPS, WMF, EMF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, etc. files.
HTML to Image Converter: Convert HTML files to JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, WMF, EMF files.
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See Also:
PDF to Image Converter :: PDF Extract TIFF :: HTML Converter :: PDFcamp Printer :: DocConverter COM :: PDF to Word Converter :: PDF to Text Converter :: Image to PDF Converter :: Image to PDF OCR :: PDF to HTML Converter :: AutoCAD DWG and DXF to PDF Converter :: PCL to PDF Converter :: Document Printer (docPrint) :: VeryPDF PDF Editor :: PDF Password Remover :: Encrypt PDF :: PDF Split-Merge :: PDF Stamper :: VeryPDF PDFPrint :: Advanced PDF Tools :: PDF Editor Toolkit :: Text to PDF Converter :: PowerPoint to Flash :: PowerPoint Converter

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