Flash to JPG Converter Command Line
Currently, there are many videos are broadcasted with Adobe Shockwave Flash (SWF) technology for free. You can convert those frames of SWF to JPG images with Flash to JPG Converter Command Line. |
VeryDOC Flash to JPG Converter Command Line is free to download and evaluate. This application is designed for MS-DOS command prompt interface, and it is instantly runnable after unpack the package into your hard disk. |
Before running the application, you have to open a MS-DOS command prompt window. Follow these steps, and you will open a MS-DOS command prompt window. [Start] menu [Run] input "cmd" in "Open" input box of dialog "Run" press [OK]. |
For simpler use, you can set the current directory of the opened MS-DOS command prompt window to the one where you have saved the application. For information about how to use MS-DOS commands, please input "help" in the blinking cursor in the command prompt window. |
This is a simple command line for converting a SWF file to JPG image, >swf2img.exe -in a.swf -out aa.jpg . |
In the command line, "swf2img.exe" is the name of the executable file, option "-in" indicates the name of the source SWF file "a.swf", and "-out" options indicates the name for the target converted JPG images, "aa.jpg". There images will be saved with name composed of "aa" and following increasing digits, e.g., aa0001.jpg. |

Flash to JPG Converter Command Line is developed for advanced server and developer users. If you need to run the application on a server, you can buy a server license. If you want to redistribute the application in your developed software package, please buy a developer license. |
Flash to JPG Converter Command Line supports these options:
- -in: specify input SWF file name
- -out: specify output image file name
- -width and –height: set the width and height of converted image
- -timer: set the capture interval of conversion, in unit of millisecond
- -hidewindow: hide the progress dialog during conversion
- -$: register the application with a registration key