Flash to BMP Converter Command Line
There are many online videos that are stored in SWF (Shockwave Flash) format. You can download these SWF videos and convert them into images with Flash to BMP Converter Command Line. |
Flash to BMP Converter Command Line is developed for converting SWF to BMP images via command line operations. This application is free for evaluation, and you can download this via this link. This application is instantly workable after unzipping it into the hard disk. |
For this application is MS-DOS mode oriented, you have to open a MS-DOS command prompt window before running the application. Follow these steps to open a command prompt window, [start] [Run] input "cmd" press [OK]. For calling the application with its executable file name, a simple method is to change the current path of the MS-DOS command prompt to the path pointing to the converter. |
A command line for converting SWF to BMP using the application is as follows: >swf2img.exe -in a.swf -out b.bmp . |
This command line calls "swf2img.exe" for converting "a.swf" to "b.bmp", from SWF to BMP. This converts all frames of the SWF to BMP images, and you can use commands like the follows to control the name of output BMP images.
>swf2img.exe -in a.swf -out "b-%02d.bmp" . |
String "%2d" in the command line is for saving the output PNG images with a two-digit suffix after the string "b-". For an example, the converted PNG images will be named like "b- 1.bmp", "b- 2.bmp"… The usage of "%d" is similar with to that in C++ program language. For details of formatting name, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printf_format_string. |
MS-DOS command line application natively supports to be called via a third party program or script. If you need to run this application on a server, please buy a server license. With a developer license, you may also redistribute the application within your developed software package. |
Flash to BMP Converter Command Line supports these options:
- -in: specify input SWF file name
- -out: specify output image file name
- -width and –height: set the width and height of converted image
- -timer: set the capture interval of conversion, in unit of millisecond
- -hidewindow: hide the progress dialog during conversion
- -$: register the application with a registration key