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PNG to Vector Converter

PNG, Portable Network Graphics, just as its name implies, is a widely used image format on the Internet. PNG is a raster image format, and it cannot maintain the image quality and clarity when being magnified. PNG to Vector Converter is a command line interface supported application that is for converting raster PNG to vector image, e.g., SVG.

This application is free for evaluation and you can download it here. After downloading the package, please unpack the package into your disk. The application does not require installation and you can directly use it via a MS-DOS command line prompt window.


Follow these steps to open a MS-DOS command prompt window in your Microsoft Windows system, [Start] [Run] input “cmd” press [OK]. You can change the default current path to the one with which the application is saved, and then you can run the application with calling its name “Raster2Vector”.


A basic usage of command line for the application is as follows,
>Raster2Vector raster.png vector.svg .


These commands can convert the raster PNG image “raster.png” to vector image “vector.svg”. The below two figures are the effect snapshots for displaying the difference between the raster PNG image and converted vector SVG image.

raster PNG image with serrate curves

The above figure is an effect snapshot of the source raster PNG image. You see that the curves cannot keep smooth when the image is magnified.

Vector SVG image with smooth curves

The next figure is the effect of converted SVG vector image. You see that the curves and lines can remain smooth no matter how the image is magnified.

PNG to Vector Converter have two kinds of authentication. One is a server license with which you can run this application on your server, and the other is a developer license with which you can redistribute this application with your software.

PNG to Vector Converter supports these options:
  • -pagesize : set the page size for converted image (default is letter)
  • -width : set the width of output page in a unit of in/cm/pt
  • -height : set the height of output page in a unit of in/cm/pt
  • -res : set the resolution in a unit of dpi
  • -rotate : rotate counterclockwise by an angle
  • -margin : set margin to output page in a unit of in/cm/pt (e.g., 1.2in)
  • -lmargin : set left margin to output page in a unit of in/cm/pt (e.g., 1.2cm)
  • -rmargin : set right margin to output page in a unit of in/cm/pt (e.g., 3pt)
  • -tmargin : set top margin to output page in a unit of in/cm/pt (e.g., 1.2in)
  • -bmargin : set bottom margin to output page in a unit of in/cm/pt (e.g., 1.2in)
  • -tight: remove whitespace around the input image
  • -linecolor : set line color in format of hexadecimal “#rrggbb” (default is black)
  • -fillcolor : set fill color for closed paths in format of hexadecimal “#rrggbb” (default is transparent)
  • -opaque: make white shapes opaque
  • -speckle : suppress speckles of size less than pixels (default is 2 pixels)
  • -invert: reverse color of input image
  • -svggroup: group related paths together
  • -svgflat: make the whole image a single path
  • -bwthreshold : set threshold value for color image for Black-White conversion (default is 240)
  • -method2: use the alternative algorithm when the default one does not work
  • -centerline: trace a curve's centerline rather than its outline and rebuild the curve
  • -pdfres : set resolution in a unit of DPI for output pdf file (default is 150 DPI)
  • -v: Print copyright and version info
  • -h: Print usage information
  • -help: Print usage information
  • -?: Print usage information
  • -$ : register the application
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