PNG to Text OCR Converter
PNG to Text OCR Converter gives you a chance to convert the characters in different languages of PNG to Text document with the best OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology. The application supports many types of input image formats such as TIFF, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, etc. |
PNG to Text OCR Converter is free to download and evaluate. This application is designed for MS-DOS command prompt interface, and it is instantly runnable after unpack the package into your hard disk. |
PNG to Text OCR Converter is developed for advanced server and developer users. If you need to run the application on a server, you can buy a server license. If you want to redistribute the application in your developed software package, please buy a developer license. |
Before running the application, you have to open a MS-DOS command prompt window. Follow these steps, and you will open a MS-DOS command prompt window. [Start] menu [Run] input "cmd" in "Open" input box of dialog "Run" press [OK]. |
This is a basic command line for converting PNG to Text document as follows:
pdf2txtocr.exe –ocr C:\in.png C:\out.txt
With this command line template, you can write your own command line in cmd dialog box. Please see an example command line in Figure1. |

Figure1. |
The commands are: "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\Downloads\pdf2txtocrcmd\pdf2txtocr.exe" -ocr "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\ocr\ex-png0001.png" 01.text
- "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\Downloads\pdf2txtocrcmd\pdf2txtocr.exe" is the path of pdf2txtocr which is the executable file in PNG to Text OCR Converter.
- "–ocr" stands for the OCR technology to be taken by the application.
- "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\ocr\ex-png0001.png" is the path of original PNG image file.
- 01.text is the file name and extension name of Text document. You can also specify a new directory for the created Text document here.
Features of PNG to Text OCR Converter:
- Support all versions of Windows systems.
- Convert scanned image files to plain Text files including TIFF, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, PCX, TGA, JP2, PNM and MNG.
- Convert scanned PDF files to text files.
- Convert text based PDF files to plain text files.
- Able to retain original layout of PDF documents.
- Support English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, etc.
- Support user password and owner password in input PDF file.
- Able to convert color PDF files and color image files to plain Text files.