GIF to SWF Batch Converter
SWF is the extension name of format Shockwave Flash. SWF is always used for broadcasting videos on the Internet. You can publish your GIF images in SWF format via converting them to SWF. VeryDOC GIF to SWF Batch Converter is a good application tool for converting multiple GIF images to SWF in a batch process mode. The application is free for evaluation. You can download the trial version of the application via clicking here. If you need the full version of the application, please buy a license for it after the evaluation. |
The user interface (UI) of the application is like that displayed in the below screen snapshot. Drag your GIF images from the Windows Explorer and then drop them onto the UI form to add the GIF images to the waiting queue for conversion. The added GIF images are listed in the list in the table in the lower right part of the UI form. You can remove some items using buttons [Remove] and [Remove All]. Click any item in the file list, and then you will view the corresponding GIF image in the box on the left. |
In group box "Options", there are some options related to the conversion. You can set the frame rate of converted SWF movie with option "Frame Rate". "SWF Width" and "SWF Height" are for setting the frame size of the converted SWF movies.
After setting all options, press [Convert] button and select a directory to save the converted SWF files, then your GIF images are converted to SWF movies by GIF to SWF Batch Converter. The application supports to convert animated GIF images to SWF movies retaining the animation.
Features of GIF to SWF Batch Converter:
- All Windows platform supported – it supports to run in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/2008/7 systems.
- Batch process – it can convert multiple images to SWF flash files in one process.
- Convert GIF animation to SWF video – it supports to convert animated GIF images to SWF movies.
- Set frame size – it supports to set the frame width and height of the converted SWF videos.
- Set frame rate – it supports to set the frame rate of converted SWF videos.