GIF to Flash Producer
Adobe Shockwave Flash (SWF for short) is a widely accepted technology that is used in playing multimedia and providing online interactive services. A file stored in SWF format uses the extension name of “.swf”, and VeryDOC GIF to Flash Producer is a useful tool for producing flash videos with GIF images. |
The application GIF to Flash Producer is free to download and evaluate via clicking here. After the free evaluation, you can buy a license for obtaining the full function of the application. You can have some acquaintance of the application from the following screen snapshot. The main interface window form is snapshot in the following figure. You can see that there is a table in the lower right part of the form. Those GIF images in the file list will be used to produce SWF files. You can add your GIF images with dragging your GIF files from the Windows Explorer and dropping them into the main interface window form. Buttons [Add GIF File(s)], [Remove] and [Remove All] are for managing the items of the file list. The box on the left is used for previewing the GIF images of corresponding items in the file list. |
In group box “Options”, the application provides some options for the process. You can set the frame rate, width and height for the produced flash files with the corresponding options in the group box. The option box “Enable Flash Zlib Compression” is used for compressing the produced SWF files to reduce the sizes.
In the main Press [Convert] button to produce SWF flash videos using the selected GIF images with GIF to Flash Producer. The last screen snapshot is the playing effect of a produced flash video. |
Features of GIF to Flash Producer:
- All Windows platform supported – it supports to run in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/2008/7 systems.
- GIF animation – it supports to produce flash videos from gif animations.
- Set frame size – it supports to set the frame width and height of the flash videos.
- Set frame rate – it supports to customize the frame rate of made flash videos.
- Batch process – it can process more than one GIF image in one process.