Flash to ASF Converter
Have you ever thought to convert flash to asf before? Have you ever lost your patience to deal with the indirect conversions? Then do not hesitate to choose Flash to ASF Converter, which has been designed to help you solve this kinds of problems, such as swf to asf, swf to avi and swf to mp4 etc. Flash to ASF Converter also could help users process the tasks in batches and set the properties of asf file(s). |
Flash to ASF Converter is an expert based on converting swf to other video formats. Through here, this trial version could be yours, so do not hesitate to click it! And click 1, 2, 3, 4 to obtain the different licenses of Flash to ASF Converter based on different working environments. |
The interface of Flash to ASF Converter is as below, which contains some tool buttons, the preview panel and the processing table in general. The button of [Add SWF File(s)] could be used for adding swf file(s) by the way of selecting swf file(s) in the dialog box, or the swf file(s) could be dragged and dropped into the processing table, which is another way to add the source file(s). The button of [Options] could be used in searching the targeting format and setting the width and the height of asf file(s). The button of [Reset] on the options panel could be used to get the original parameters back. [Remove] button and [Remove All] button are for removing the path(s) of swf file(s) singly and in batches separately. [Convert] button could be used to select the objective folder of asf file(s) and convert swf to asf. |
Key features of Flash to ASF Converter:
- Able to run in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/2008/7 systems with the essential flash plug-in
- Convert flash to asf—swf to asf in batches
Preview swf file(s) conveniently
- Support the function of one key reset
- Support to customize the size of video files---support to set the width and height of asf file(s)