Convert Flash to Image |
VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter is designed for extracting frames of shockwave flash (SWF) videos to images, such as swf to gif, swf to jpg, etc. Besides converting swf to images, the application supports to add special image effects for the converted images. |
The first screen snapshot is from the main interface form of the application. You can preview the source swf video in the upper left part of the form, and those source swf files are listed in the table of file list on the right side of the preview area. The buttons [Add SWF File(s)], [Remove] and [Remove All] are used to add or remove items to or from the file list. |
Press the button labeled [Options] to activate the "Options" dialog as presented in the next screen snapshot. You can choose a file format in the dropdown list of "Convert Format" as the target format. For target format TIF/TIFF, you can choose a compression method in the dropdown list of "Compress Mode". |
In the group box of "Special Effect", you can add those listed image effects to the converted image. "Spread" is to blur the pattern of the image, where the argument number stands for the extent of blurring. "Swirl" is to swirl the pixels around the image center, where the argument number means an extent of swirl (a larger number means a stronger swirl). "Charcoal" is to add the charcoal painting effect, where the argument number means the radius of painting brush with unit of pixel. "Paint" is to add the oil painting effect, where the argument number means the radius of painting brush with unit of pixel. Press [OK] in the dialog to save the setting and exit to the main interface. In the main interface of the application, press button [Convert] to start the conversion process. |