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Result comparison in option "-useprinter"

This page shows the difference between the conversion effects of using "-useprinter" and not-using "-useprinter" of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter. The option "-useprinter" is added in the update of version 3.0.

The first image shows the EMF file that will be converted to PDF for test.

created PDF without option -useprinter

If we use the following commands without option "-useprinter" to convert the EMF to PDF, we will get a blank PDF, which means the conversion is failed.


The command line is as the follow.

emf2vec.exe equation.emf _equation.pdf

This can only create a blank PDF page as shown in the second image below.

created PDF without option -useprinter

Now we will use the option "-useprinter" to convert the EMF to PDF.

emf2vec.exe -useprinter equation.emf _equation_useprinter.pdf

Then the PDF will be correctly created as shown in the last image.

Created PDF from EMF using option “-useprinter”


You must run as an Administrator when using the option "-useprinter". The option will create a PostScript virtual printer for converting EMF.


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