Why should we choose HTML to ePub Converter?

HTML to ePub Converter helps Windows users convert HTML to epub in batches through GUI interface. Apparently, compared with PDF to ePub Converter, HTML to ePub Convert allows webpage files of HTML, HTM to be converted into epub format e-books rather than PDF files. So it can provide you a convenience to directly convert HTM, HTML to epub files, other than converting HTML to PDF and then PDF to epub, which can save you with more efficiency in your daily work and keep you from purchasing another PDF software that is used for converting HTML to PDF definitely!

You could try HTML to ePub Converter from here, and know more about this simple-0perate GUI tool from here.

Here is the GUI interface of HTML to ePub Converter:

Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

Top features and capabilities of HTML to ePub Converter:

  • 32 bits and 64 bits Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 platforms
  • Support input formats ---- .htm and .html
  • Support output formats ---- standard ePub format
  • Quickly and easily convert your HTML files to ePub files in batches
  • Allow you to drag and drop of adding your HTML files
  • Retain HTML, HTM files data, e.g., original text, graphics, images, hyperlinks and layout, in targeting epub files
  • Flexible epub covers by selecting local image from your computer
  • Enable users to edit epub name, author, ISBN, date, catagory, comments etc.
  • Preview of source HTML, HTM files and objective epub files on condition of epub viewer installed in your computer
  • Various languages support ---- English, German, French, Spanish,  Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Japanese etc.
  • epub files can be compatible with various portable devices, e.g.,  iPhone, iPod Touch,  Sony Reader, Android devices, Pocket Reader etc.
  • Include flexible licenses for different users to purchase ---- personal license for personal use only, site license for granted copies in one company and business license for definite commercial purpose

Is HTML to ePub Converter suitable for your needs? If you can try HTML to ePub Converter, you will experience how fast HTML to ePub Converter can convert HTML to epub in batches! However, there is an amazing software I want to recommend to you, which is PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter. PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter allows you to produce interesting flip book from any kinds of PDF files, including encrypted PDF files and scanned PDF files. Most important, PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter can allow you to share your flip book with your friends through embedding them online anywhere!

Here is one screen snapshot of produced flip book, and I promise you that one glance on it, you will totally fall in love with PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter with no doubt! So just try PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter right now!

example flip book from PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter

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