Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

We know the conversion at least require two condition, one is the conversion software, the other is the converted file. In operation when you have downloaded the DOC to any converter in the site of https://www.verydoc.com/doc-to-any.html or https://www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip   it contains the converted file.

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

there are six format files marked by the red circle in advance, so if we want to convert rtf to pdf, it becomes very handy, the detail as follows

step1: go to DOS

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

step2: drag the icon of doc2any.exe into DOS window

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?               Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

step3: drag the icon of example.rtf into DOS window

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?           Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

step4: repeat step3, and correct a little, that substitute pdf for rtf

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?          Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

then press the “Enter”

Why does converting rtf to pdf is quicker by VeryDOC DOC to any converter?

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