What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?

There are so many slide transition animation in ppt documents and by using which we can explain our opinions and ideas freely and directly.When we covert ppt to flash,VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0 retains almost all the animations for us.

1.Slide transition animation--Entrance Animations

What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?       What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?

2.Slide transition animation--Emphasis Animations

What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?     What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?

3.Slide transition animation--Exit Animations

What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?     What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?

4.Slide transition animation--Motion Paths

What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?     What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?

What "Slide Transition Animation" are supported by your software? can you show me some examples?

5.Slide transition animation--More effects

The following effects are also Supported by PowerPoint to Flash Converter,
1. Sound effect on the Entrance Animation
2. Transition effects between slides
3. Settings for the transitions between slides
4. Random transition
5. Header and footer
6. Superscript and subscript
7. Text placeholder
8. Animation control
9. Hyperlink
10. Chart effects
11. Text "by letter" or "by word" in Reverse Order

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