What is PDF/A?

In this article, you will see a new application which is designed for converting the document of PDF to PDF/Adocument and the method for using the application.

You may have never heard of the document of PDF/A before. In fact, it is a version of PDF document based on PDF 1.4 version. PDF/A doesn’t require external information when preserving electronic documents.

Maybe you know that the PDF document doesn’t suite for long-time preserving because PDF document rely on some external information. But thanks for PDF/A, all the information are embedded in PDF/A document and any readers can open and read the documents of PDF/A anytime and anywhere. So you can also understand the name “PDF/A” as archival PDF which means that the document suites for long-time storage.

In PDF/A documents, some elements are not compatible. For example, audio and video content are forbidden, it can not be encrypted for protecting the contents, Java script and executable file launches are prohibited, etc.

The application used for converting the document of PDF to PDF/A is named as PDF to PDF/A Converter which is a command line application. By using it, you can finish the conversion easily and fast.

To use the application, you should download a free trial version at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf2pdfa_cmd.zip and you just need to unzip the ZIP file to your computer and you should use the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe as the called program in the conversion from PDF to PDF/A. If you want to buy the product, you can enter its homepage at https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-pdfa.html to choose a suitable license to purchase.

Please open MS-DOS interface for it is a MS-DOS oriented application. You can click “Start”—“Run” or use the combination “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box and then please type “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button.

You should input the command line in popup MS-DOS interface for converting the document of PDF to PDF/A. The command line includes called program, source file and target file just like the following example:

pdf2pdfa.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

In the command line, pdf2pdfa.exe stands for the called program and you should use its path when you call it in the command line window. C:\in.pdf stands for the path of source file and C:\out.pdf stands for the path of target file.

At last please click “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to PDF/A. When the conversion is over, you will be read the target file with some kind of PDF reader installed on you computer.

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