VeryDOC XPS to EPS Converter-convert xps to eps file in batch

   VeryDOC XPS to EPS Converter is a command line Windows application, which can be used to convert xps to eps from script. Meanwhile this software can also be used to convert xps to PDF, PS, BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PCX, etc. format in batch. There are also developer version and SDK version of this software, which allows you to call it together with Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc. Using the COM object (or DLL Library, or Command Line). In this article, I will show you how this software works when use it as command line software.

Step 1. Download XPS to EPS Converter

  • This software is command line version software and we have compressed it to zip file. Once downloading finishes, please extract it to some folder and then use it according to the usage and examples.
  • When you need switch users frequently,  please register this software by Administrator Right.

Step 2. Convert XPS to EPS

  • If you need to know more about this software, please visit VeryDOC homepage as I can not list all its information here.
  • When converting XPS file to EPS file, please refer to the following examples.

Usage: xps2pdf [options] <xps-file> [<out-file>]

  • when converting single xps to eps, please refer to the following template.
    xps2pdf.exe C:\in.xps C:\out.eps
  • when converting xps to eps in batch, please refer to the following command line.
    xps2pdf.exe C:\in\*.xps C:\out\*.eps
  • You can also use the following command line to write bat file then you can run the conversion automatically.

    for /r D:\test %F in (*.xps) do "xps2pdf.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.eps"
    for %F IN (D:\test\*.xps) DO "xps2pdf.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.eps"

By one of the above command lines, you can convert xps to eps in batch in a few seconds. This method can also be applied when converting xps to other file formats. During the conversion, you can adjust image resolution and specify image width and height.

  • When adjust image resolution, please refer to the following command line.
  • xps2pdf.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 -bitcount 1 C:\in.xps C:\out-%04d.eps
    -xres <int>: this parameter is an order to set X resolution to image file
    -yres <int>: this parameter is an order to set Y resolution to image file
    -bitcount <int>: this parameter is an order to set color depth for image conversion

Note:this software overwrites same name file as default.  So when you do not need to overwrite the existed file, please add parameter skip, which will avoid being overwrite the existed file.  -skip   this parameter is an order that don't overwrite an output file if it already exists. If you have any good suggestion for this software, please contact our support team.

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