Use htmltools.exe or doc2any.exe to convert RTF files to PDF files


I want to convert a .rtf-File to a .pdf-Document. I call the program with a "shell-execution" from VB6:

Call Shell("D:\htmltools.exe D:\rtf\Bill_1.rtf D:\pdf\Bill_1.pdf")

On my local Windows XP it works perfectly but if i try it on my Windows Server 2008 the .pdf-File gets printer with all gridlines from the tables.

What can I do?
I can send you the files if you need.

htmltools.exe can't convert RTF file to PDF file very well, because htmltools.exe is depend on the version of Rich Text Edit Control which installed in your Windows System. If you wish convert RTF file to PDF file from command line, we suggest you may use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line application, this software has more methods to convert RTF file to PDF file, it can convert RTF file to PDF file with or without MS Office/OpenOffice, it is also support DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, etc. formats to PDF conversion.

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line application can be downloaded from following web page,

You can use following code lines to convert RTF file to PDF file easily,

Call Shell("D:\doc2any.exe D:\rtf\Bill_1.rtf D:\pdf\Bill_1.pdf")

Call Shell("D:\doc2any.exe -useoffice 1 -useprinter D:\rtf\Bill_1.rtf D:\pdf\Bill_1.pdf")

Call Shell("D:\doc2any.exe -nouseoffice D:\rtf\Bill_1.rtf D:\pdf\Bill_1.pdf")


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