Two ways to convert PowerPoint to PDF and add watermark

This article aims to tell you 2 ways to convert PowerPoint to PDF and add watermark on PDF file with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Here are the details below:

First of all, please extract the content of the zip file that can be downloaded from the following link to your computer:, then you can run DOC to Any Converter Command Line to process the task with 2 different ways after the opening of the command prompt window like below, which is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

click “Windows + R” > input “cmd.exe” or “cmd” in dialog box of “Run” > hit “OK”


First, please see an example to convert PowerPoint to PDF and add watermark on PDF:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>d:<enter>

D:\>cd doc2any_cmd<enter>

D:\doc2any_cmd>doc2any –wtext “xxyy” –wtype 2 example.ppt example5.pdf<enter>

Then, please allow me to illustrate it:

  • d:<enter> is to enter disc D with one click on “enter” after “d:” is typed in command prompt window
  • cd doc2any_cmd<enter> is to change directory with command “cd”, and enter to folder “doc2any_cmd” with one click on “enter” after the command “cd doc2any_cmd” is typed in command prompt window
  • doc2any is typed for launching DOC to Any Converter Command Line with the name of program “doc2any.exe”
  • –wtext “xxyy” is a parameter typed for edit the content of watermark of PDF as “xxyy”, which also can be changed to another string
  • –wtype 2 is a parameter that is used to make watermark appear on the footer of PDF page
  • example.ppt stands for the source file “example.ppt” added for this conversion
  • example5.pdf stands for the targeting PDF file that will be converted from this process
  • <enter> represents one click on “enter”, this last click is essential to produce PDF file

You can copy and paste the command line above and change the relative directories to process your own task with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. And the premise to use this way is the source file needs to be in the same folder with “doc2any.exe”.


In the command prompt window, you can type the command line to process this task referring to the following example:

doc2any.exe –wtext “xxyy” –wtype 2 d:\doc2any_cmd\example.ppt d:\doc2any_cmd\example5.pdf


doc2any.exe stands for the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is used to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line; d:\doc2any_cmd\example.ppt is the path of source PowerPoint file, which is typed for making this file added for this process; d:\doc2any_cmd\example5.pdf is the targeting path used for saving targeting PDF file.

Finally, one click on “enter” in command prompt window can still lead to the production of your PDF file

At last, if you have any questions on how to convert PowerPoint to PDF and add watermark on PDF, please leave your comment here, and thank you for joining here!

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