The functions that interest to us are: the color PDF compression (JPEG2000 or similar) and JBIG2 compression for PDF in black and white

Good morning.

We are interested in your software for PDF file processing.

The functions that interest to us are: the color PDF compression (JPEG2000 or similar) and JBIG2 compression for PDF in black and white.

We are interested, also, to PDF conversion, single or multi-page, in Tiff format.

We seek a component to be integrated with an application (one application and one development desktop) that we sell to customers who would use it at their location (not in the cloud) to create and process documents and, as last, compress and convert them to TIF file.

We would like a "developer" license that is without costs for each deployment and no runtime to be installed on client PCs.

We would like to know if your software performs the required functions and if you sell it with a license of this kind.

If your answer is positive I ask you, please, to tell us a link to download an evaluation version and the link to download the manual (if separate from the software download).

At same time, I ask you to give us an indication of the price of the license.

Thank you.

Best regards.

The functions that interest to us are: the color PDF compression (JPEG2000 or similar) and JBIG2 compression for PDF in black and white
Thanks for your message, we suggest you may download "VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line" or "PDF Compressor SDK" from following web page to try,

"VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line" and "PDF Compressor SDK" products are contain JPEG2000 and JBIG2 compression, you can use these products to compress color and grayscale images in PDF files with JPEG2000 compression (JPXDecode), and compress black and white images in PDF files using JBIG2 compression (JBIG2Decode), these algorithm will compress your PDF files smaller enough.

The cost of Developer License for "VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line" and "PDF Compressor SDK" products are USD$2499 and USD$3499, after you purchase either one, you can integrate it into your product and distribute it along with your product to your customers royalty free.

We suggest you may download the trial version from our website for evaluation first, if you encounter any problem, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you asap.


See Also:

.NET JBIG2 SDK to encode, decode JBIG2 images. Professional JBIG2 Technology for .NET Developments. JBIG2 compression for PDF Optimizer

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