Help with a Doc2Any.exe problem
Hi, We currently use doc to any in one of our server apps to convert files into the docx format before saving them. We have...
Technology Center for VeryDOC products.
Hi, We currently use doc to any in one of our server apps to convert files into the docx format before saving them. We have...
GreatThanksWhat license I require to buy for mu website?End user or Server license.And how much is the validity per license========================You need purchase the server license...
I am executing the following command and the compression is not working. c:\doc2any\doc2any.exe -multipagetif -useoffice 1 -useprinter -xres 300 -yres 300 -compression 7 "\\R2-prod\Order_Folders\000000150361\00_R2_export\000000150361.doc" "C:\LogFiles\WorkArea\00_000000150361.tiff"...
Hi, Thanks for your prompt reply. I have downloaded doc2any sdk in trial version it doesn't have any exe. I have doc2any dll file. Please...
I have used the following command to create the Tiff file attached. c:\doc2any\docprint_client.exe wait c:\doc2any\doc2any.exe -multipagetif -useoffice 1 -xres 300 -yres 300 "\\sc-ntfs4\R2-prod\Order_Folders\000009999991\01_Show_brief-Crew_paperwork\risk assessment.docx" "C:\LogFiles\WorkArea\risk...