>>1. Doc2any has always return error description if any conversion exception has generated regardless of error source (doc2any, Office, 7z or so). The service has not hang in any circumstances.
Thanks for your message, you can add "-checkpwd" option to skip password protected DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, etc. office documents, this will avoid hang problem, for example,
doc2any.exe -checkpwd "D:\downloads\password_test.docx" "D:\downloads\password_test.pdf"
>>2. Doc2any has to handle all Office applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) user interactive/security messages not to hang the conversion process. Currently the issue exist with Potentially Dangers External Links.
Thanks for your message, this problem is because DCOM permission problem, it has been fixed by your colleague.
We have release a new version of doc2any SDK today, please download new version from following web page,
The new version is support following formats,
Required Features:
1. Support following input file formats:
* doc – Legacy Word document
* dot – Legacy Word templates
* docx – Word document
* docm – Word macro-enabled document
* dotx – Word template
* dotm – Word macro-enabled template
* docb – Word binary document introduced in Microsoft Office 2007
* xls – Legacy Excel worksheet
* xlt – Legacy Excel templates
* xlm – Excel macro
* xlsx – Excel workbook
* xlsm – Excel macro-enabled workbook; same as xlsx but may contain macros and scripts
* xltx – Excel template
* xltm – Excel macro-enabled template; same as xltx but may contain macros and scripts
Other formats
* xlsb – Excel binary worksheet (BIFF12)
* xlw – Excel workspace; previously known as "workbook"
* ppt – Legacy PowerPoint presentation
* pot – Legacy PowerPoint template
* pps – Legacy PowerPoint slideshow
* pptx – PowerPoint presentation
* pptm – PowerPoint macro-enabled presentation
* potx – PowerPoint template
* potm – PowerPoint macro-enabled template
* ppam – PowerPoint add-In
* ppsx – PowerPoint slideshow
* ppsm – PowerPoint macro-enabled slideshow
* sldx – PowerPoint slide
* sldm – PowerPoint macro-enabled slide
Such as CSV, OML, XML, YAML…
Also following image formats have to be supported:
JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, PSD, BMP, SVG (any additional are desired)
>>2. Internal doc2any support via command parameters fit to page width all the columns applied to all sheets in XL workbook.
Yes, have supported this function by "-fitpageforoffice" parameter, for example,
doc2any.exe -printerpaper 3000x3000pt -useoffice 1 -useprinter example.xls _example_1.pdf
doc2any.exe -printerpaper 612x792pt -fitpageforoffice -useoffice 1 -useprinter example.xls _example_2.pdf
doc2any.exe -printerpaper 612x792pt -fitpageforoffice -useoffice 1 -useprinter example.xlsb _example_xlsb_2.pdf
You can use "-printerpaper 612x792pt -fitpageforoffice" options to scale Excel contents to fit to Letter paper size.
Title: CSV to PDF-Convert content to Single Page
Just downloaded and tested your ‘VeryDoc to Any Converter’ tool.
I’m trying to convert a csv file to a single PDF file, but getting 3 broken pgs.
Can you advise on syntax to create this.
I’ve tried -fitpage filename.csv filename.pdf (doesn’t run)
I can run -nooffice filename.csv filename.pdf (runs ok, but 3 broken pgs created in PDF)
Please add “-fitpageforoffice” option to try again, for example,
doc2any.exe -printerpaper 612x792pt -fitpageforoffice -useoffice 1 -useprinter D:\test.csv D:\out.pdf
doc2any.exe -fitpageforoffice -useoffice 1 D:\test.csv D:\out.pdf
We are hoping “-fitpageforoffice” option will work better for you.