-scale option is not work in PDF to Vector Converter SDK

I am trying to use -scale feature from pdf2vec tool when converting to PostScript, but it does not appear to have any effect: same .ps file is produced with out without -scale option. I have tried command line tool, as well as SDK (.DLL). Is there some special syntax required for this option beyond what is on page:


Thanks for your message, you can run following command lines to convert your PDF file to PS files with different "scale" option, the output PS files are not same,

pdf2vec.exe -scale 50 -psmode 0 E:\test.pdf E:\test1.ps
pdf2vec.exe -scale 80 -psmode 0 E:\test.pdf E:\test2.ps

Thank you very much for the quick response.

I have tested with suggested option, and that worked differently, but with issues, so this is not resolved yet.

1) the file produced with "-scale" option "huge". From 100 KB PDF, the .PS is 41 MB (!!). A non-scale converted .PS file is about 200 KB.

2) When printed, the .PS file is still not doing scaling image, so there is not visible difference. I have tested with 2 different types of printers, with different internal postscript engines, no scaling on any of them.

3) I have observed that the conversion is now done by using a print driver with specific name. To see if the issue of print file size could be resolved, I rename another "print to file" postscript driver to required name, and then the conversion produced expected reasonable postscript size (200KB), but still not resizing/scaling when printed.

I have tested printing directly from PDF reader program, and with "scale" option in the driver it does print resizes. So there is possibly some limitation in the way the PDF2Vec is using "scale" option in the driver.

Attached is a sample PDF file that I was using for testing. This is a file from a third-party customer, so while there is no confidential info in the file, please do not share it with others.

>>1) the file produced with "-scale" option "huge". From 100 KB PDF, the .PS
is 41 MB (!!). A non-scale converted .PS file is about 200 KB.

This is normal, because "-scale 50 -psmode 0" option will embed all necessary fonts into PS file, these fonts' data will increase PS file size a lot. If you don't want to embed the fonts, you may run following command line directly,

pdf2vec.exe D:\test.pdf D:\out.ps

this command line will create a small PS file from PDF file.

Do you want print the PDF file with "scale" option? if yes, we suggest you may download PDFPrint Command Line product from our website to try,


PDFPrint Command Line product has more options to scale the PDF pages to fit the target printer's paper size, for example,

pdfprint.exe -scale 50 -printer "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" D:\test.pdf

pdfprint.exe -scalex 50 -scaley 50 -printer "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" D:\test.pdf

pdfprint.exe -scalex 50 -scaley 50 -raster2 -printer "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" D:\test.pdf

Can you scale the PDF file and print to your printer correctly with PDFPrint Command Line application?


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