Save PDF to PDF/A and edit PDF title

If you want to save the document of PDF to PDF/A format and edit PDF title, please use the command line application PDF to PDF/A Converter as your assistant. With the help of it, you can make the conversion more easily only by three steps. This article will act as a guide to show you all the details about the conversion.

The application PDF to PDF/A Converter allows you to convert your existing PDF documents (normal or scanned) into ISO 19005-1 PDF/A-compliant archivable documents. For PDF/A document doesn’t rely on external information when being opened or browsed, it is more suitable for long-term storage.

Please download the free trial version of the application at From the link you can see that it is a ZIP file. To smoothly use the application, you need to unzip it to some location of your computer and the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe in the package is the called program in this conversion.

If you want to use all functions of the command line application with no limitations, please buy the product at its homepage: and there are several kinds of licenses for different usages. You can choose any one of them according to your needs.

Then please see the conversion steps below.

1. Please open MS-DOS prompt window. You need to press “Window”+ “R” combination on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box. Then please click “OK” button. To open “Run” dialog box, you can also use the regular way by clicking “Start”—“Run”.

2. Then please input the command line in popup MS-DOS interface. The command line is a combination of called program, parameter for setting PDF title, source file and target file. If you cannot understand, please see the following example:

pdf2pdfa.exe –title “converter” D:\File-in.pdf D:\File-out.pdf


  • pdf2pdfa.exe is the called program. You need to use its path in the command line.
  • –title “converter” is for editing the PDF title as “converter” for output document.
  • D:\File-in.pdf  is the path of source file.
  • D:\File-out.pdf is the name of the target file.

3. For running the conversion from PDF to PDF/A, please hit the “Enter” button on the keyboard, which is the easiest step in this conversion. Then please find the target file in the specified location to whether it is perfect or not.

If you still have any questions about the conversion, you can leave a reply and we will resolve the problems for you as soon as possible.

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