PDF Scissors-make nice PDF e-book

crop PDFWanna crop PDF document and make nice PDF e-book for iPad? PDF Crop for iPad will be a convenient tool for you to crop PDF files.

If you use your iPad to read PDF, you may frequently be annoyed by big margins, especially when PDF readers on your iPad don’t feature fine-grained zooming or smooth scrolling. To hide the margins in order to maximize the reading area and enjoy better reading experience, why not try this useful PDF scissor-PDF Crop for iPad to crop PDF files?

PDF Crop for iPad is a professional and convenient tool to crop PDF files. With its user-friendly interface, PDF Crop for iPad is able to remove excess margins of PDF pages and select the page range based on the crop box easily. It can crop PDF files professionally to contribute to your PDF reading experience on small screen devices such as iPad, iPhone, and other portable media devices with smaller screens.

What can PDF Crop for iPad do?

  • Crop PDF for iPad, iPhone,Android, etc.

PDF Crop for iPad is able to crop PDF files for a lot of small screen devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android, and other portable media devices with smaller screens.

  • Remove white margins from PDF

From the perspective of dimension, PDF files are very big, which cause some inconvenience when they are read on some portable devices with smaller screens. PDF Crop for iPad can crop PDF files and remove the white margins of each page so that it is more convenient to read PDF files on iPad, iPhone, Android and other portable media devices with smaller screens. In other words, it can shrink PDF margin automatically.

  • Adjust the size of PDF pages to fit the screen of iPad, iPhone, Android phones

With the help of PDF Crop for iPad, you can adjust the page size of the PDF files to fit the screen of your iPad, iPhone, and Android phones. It also supports to adjust the crop box with different tool buttons.

  • Set the cropped page range

PDF Crop for iPad provides you with three different cropped page range options- all pages, the even pages and the odd pages. You can choose one of them according to your need.

  • Batch crop PDF files

PDF Crop for iPad can crop batch crop PDF files down to their finished size.

Besides the above, PDF Crop for iPad can do more than what has been said above. To know more about the software itself or how to crop PDF files for iPad with PDF Crop for iPad, please enter its homepage and you can also leave your messages below or contact the support team of VeryDOC

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