Image to Flash Converter

How to convert quality-adjustable JPEG of image to flash

If you want to convert single-page JPEG of image to flash with single-frame, welcome to use VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter, which never fail you. 🙂

VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter is a GUI application designed based on Windows systems, which helps you convert various images to flash file easily and flexibly, especially when flash properties are required to set, e.g., flash frame rate, flash scale, flash quality, etc.. And of course, for animated GIF file, this utility still support related conversion with great quality! Right now, why not try VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter following steps below by yourself?

Step1. Run software and add JPEG image

After you open GUI interface of this software, please click Add Images > select right JPEG image in pop dialog box > click Open, and then, it could be added into processing table as shown in following snapshot, and to easily add image in this step, just drag and drop image file into processing form directly:

Add JPEG image during converting image to flash with GUI

Step2. Set JPEG quality for later process to flash

After complete adding, you need to click Options on GUI interface to set JPEG quality through this way:

Click tab JPEG Images Setting > select proper JPEG quality with up and down arrow-buttons in edit-box Quality, then you can choose integer value between 1 and 100, e.g., 96, and you need to know that, the bigger value you select, the higher quality of JPEG is. And optionally, to compress flash file, you can click check-box Use Flash M H.263 compression; to fit images to movie size, please click check-box Fit images to movie size, and the following snapshot reveals more info for you:

Set JPEG quality during converting image to flash with GUI

To make setting work on later process, please click Ok. 🙂

Step3. Convert specific-quality JPEG of image file to flash file

Along with one click on OK on Setting panel, this panel also disappears. Then, you can be back on GUI interface again, and then, you need to click Convert to set targeting folder in pop dialog box, and after click on Save, VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter adds specific quality flash file, based on adjusted-quality JPEG image, into destination folder you select just now. 🙂

Basically, there is no question or problem I encountered during my conversion from image file to flash file with specific quality. However, if you meet some questions in your own process, do not hesitate to share them with comments left here. And if you want to enhance this tool, feel free to tell us, too. At last, for full version application for eternal use, please buy VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter.

Image to Flash Converter

How to convert PNG of image to flash and set flash scale and quality

If you need to use GUI software to convert PNG of image to flash and set flash scale and quality, please use VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter.

To proceed your conversion, firstly, you need to download trial version of VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter. Then, follow steps below to fulfill process with specific setting:

1. Run software and add source image file

Double-click shortcut, then, GUI interface pops on screen, where you can add source image file with this way:

Click Add Images on GUI interface > select right image file in pop dialog box > click Open, and finally, you can get image directory shown in processing form as below, which indicates successful adding of source image file:

Add image during converting image to flash with GUI

2. Set flash scale and flash quality

After adding, cick Options on GUI interface so that targeting flash scale and flash quality could be set with this way:

Click tab PNG Images Setting > select proper values separately in edit-boxes Scale and Quality, for instance, between 0 and 1 to 100, which are specified in both regulation of edit-boxes, 96 and 86 could be respectively set for flash scale and flash quality, etc., finally, to make setting effective in later process, click Ok, and here is relevant snapshot below:

Set flash scale and flash quality during converting image to flash with GUI

3. Convert PNG of image file to flash with set flash scale and flash quality

After being on GUI interface again, please click Convert there, then, you can easily set destination folder in pop dialog box, and after that, just click save there and finally, flash file in specific scale and quality can be found at destination folder. 🙂

In the end, want to use VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter for good when converting image file to flash file? Then, do not hesitate to use full version of VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter. And thank you for reading this article, and I wish it can be helpful!

Image to Flash Converter

How to convert image to flash and set flash size

This article could show you how to use VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter to convert image to flash and set flash size with GUI interface on Windows platforms.

First of all, please refer to following snapshot, which is about produced flash file in specific flash size with trial version of VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter:

Preview of flash file with specific size

Based on snapshot above, you need to know that there are dozens of frames in this produced flash file, and specifically, you need to know, that, only animated GIF file could be processed to several-frame flash file, other than single-page image. And then, if you have interest in how to use this tool to convert image file to flash file in specific flash size – animated GIF to flash, please refer to the followings:

Step1. Run application and add source image

Double-click shortcut of this trial software > click Add Images on GUI interface so that you can do the followings to add source image file (animated GIF is better):

Select image file in pop dialog box, then, click Open directly, and finally, along with successful adding of image directory, it is complete to add source image, which is as shown below:

Add image file with GUI interface of VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter

Step2. Set targeting flash size – flash width and height flexibly

After adding, click Options to set flash size:

Click tab Basic Setting on Setting panel, then, select one of prepared values on dropdown list Width and Height, e.g., 640x480, which signals you need to set flash width as 640, and set flash height as 480, and to make setting work later, click OK directly.

And here is related snapshot about how to set flash size – flash width and height flexibly:

Set flash width and height - flash size during converting image to flash with GUI interface

Step3. Convert image file to flash in specific flash size

After basic setting as above, please click Convert on GUI interface, after you go back on it, and then, select destination folder and click ok in pop dialog box, and then, after processing bar disappears again, you can get targeting flash in destination folder.

Is it smooth for you to use VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter to convert image file to flash file with specific flash size? If you encounter any questions, welcome to leave your comments here. 🙂 If you want to use this tool for good, please purchase VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter.

Image to Flash Converter

How to convert image to specific frame rate flash

Please read this article to know how to use VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter to convert image to flash of specific frame rate on Windows platforms.

Step1. Download and Install

If you do not have this tool yet, please download installer of VeryPDF Image to Flash Converter, and then, double-click shortcut to install trial version in your computer for later process.

Step2. Open software to add image – animated GIF, for example

After installation, please double-click shortcut to open GUI interface, then, click Add Images on GUI interface > select right image file, especially animated GIF file(for one page image does not need to be set in frame rate on the condition of producing one frame only), in pop dialog box, and then, click Open directly so that selected image could be shown as image path in processing form as shown in following snapshot:

GUI interface of VeryPDF Image to Flash Converter with added image file and preview Then, click this path, so, you could get image preview on preview panel. 🙂

Step3. Select specific frame rate for flash

Then, please click Options on GUI interface > select tab Basic Setting > type frame rate in edit-box Frame rate directly to edit frame rate, or, you could select one frame rate on pop list Frame rate as shown in following snapshot:

Set flash frame rate during converting image to flash with GUI interfaceFinally, click Ok so that setting here can be saved and this panel could be closed. 🙂

Step4. Convert image file to flash file

After prepared work as illustrated above is done, to get destination folder set and start conversion, please click Convert on GUI interface, and then, after you select right folder as targeting folder and click Ok in pop dialog box, software starts conversion from image file to flash file with specific frame rate directly, and then, after processing bar disappears, this conversion is complete as you wish, and how about your flash file with specific frame rate? Here is snapshot about my flash file from animated GIF file below:

Flash preview after converting image to flash After you know how to use VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter to convert image file to flash file in specific frame rate, welcome to use full version of VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter for unlimited-time usage.

Image to Flash Converter

How to convert image(JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF) to flash

In this article, VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter enables you to convert image of JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF, etc. to flash on Windows platforms.

First of all, please do not hesitate to download trial version of VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter so that later process could be fulfilled with following method:

Step1. Run software and add source image file

After installation in your computer, please double-click shortcut to open GUI interface on screen, and then, follow steps below to add image files:

Click Add Images on GUI interface > select right image files, e.g., animated GIF, JPG, TIFF, BMP, etc. in pop dialog box > click Open, then, image directories appear in processing form, which signals successful adding:

Add image to conversion from image to flash with GUI interface of VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter

And you need to know that, single-page image files only could be converted to single-frame flash file, and animated GIF files could be processed to multi-frame flash file. 🙂

Step2. Optionally set flash properties

After adding source image files, optionally, you could click Options on GUI interface to do the followings:

  • Click tab Basic Setting so that you could set frame rate, flash width, flash height, loop time, flash compression
  • Based on added PNG images, click tab PNG Images Setting, then, scale and quality of flash could be edited
  • Based on added JPEG images, click tab JPEG Images Setting, then, flash quality and compression can be set, etc.

And more info could be partly presented in the following snapshot:

Set flash properties optionally during converting image to flash with GUI

To save setting here, please click Ok directly. 🙂

Step3. Convert image of JPG/TIF/animated GIF/EMF,etc. to flash

After basic preparation, please click Convert on GUI interface, then, after you select destination folder and click ok in pop dialog box, software starts to convert image files to flash one by one, and finally, you can get targeting flash files from each image file in destination folder directly.

At the end of this article, please do not hesitate to choose full version of VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter to end limited usage on trial version right now! And thank you for reading this article of converting image(JPG/GIF/EMF/TIF,etc.) to flash file on Windows platforms. 🙂