Flash to GIF Animation Converter

How to convert flash to animated GIF and set animated GIF size

VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation ConverterΒ converts flash to animated GIF and set animated GIF size on Windows platforms.

As animated GIF indicates, it enables animation in GIF file from flash file automatically – automatic playing content of flash frame by frame without any handle operation with mouse. So, animated GIF file brings us more convenience in checking animation than flash file. And here is snapshot about produced animated GIF file after converting flash file to animated GIF with GUI interface:

produced animated GIF file after converting flash file to animated GIF with GUI interface

After snapshot above, if you would like to know how to use this tool to convert flash file to animated GIF file and set animated GIF size with GUI interface, please check the followings:

Step1. Add source flash file as big as you could

Double-click shortcut of trial version of VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter, and then, click Add SWF File(s) on GUI interface > select right flash file in pop dialog box > click Open directly, and finally, flash path appearing in processing form indicates successful adding of selected flash file, then, you can click this path to preview flash file in preview panel, and here is snapshot about GUI interface with added flash file:

Add flash file with GUI interface of VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter

Step2. Set animated GIF size flexibly

After adding flash, it’s time to click Options on GUI interface to set animated GIF size with this way:

Click radio Custom Size on pop Options panel, then, type integer values in edit-boxes Width and Height, e.g., 640, 480, etc., which means customized GIF size will be 640x480. And optionally, if you need to retain original size in animated GIF, please click radio Original Size. And the following snapshot reveals more related info about this step:

Set animated GIF size during converting flash to animated GIF with GUI

Optionally, to monitor process later, just click check-box Show Process Status Dialog. πŸ™‚

Step3. Convert flash file to animated GIF with specific animated GIF

After one click on Ok on Option panel to make setting effective, please click Convert on GUI interface, firstly, you need to set targeting folder in pop dialog box, and then, please click OK in pop dialog box so that program starts to process conversion from flash file to animated GIF file directly (in pop window as below if you choose to show process on option panel) , and in the end, you can get animated GIF file shown as in the beginning. And here is snapshot about pop window where process is proceeding:

Pop window of converting flash to animated GIF during converting flash to animated GIF

If you have any questions about how to use VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter to convert flash file to animated GIF file, please share them with us through comments left here. If you prefer no-watermark animated GIFs, welcome to purchase VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter.

Flash to GIF Animation Converter

How to batch convert flash to animated GIF

Want to know how to batch convert flash to animated GIF files with GUI interface in Windows systems? Then, join me in the following paragraphs. πŸ™‚

VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter, which is GUI tool for Windows users, enables you to singly or batch convert flash files to animated GIF files and set animated GIF properties, e.g., GIF size, etc.. And here is snapshot about animated GIFs after batch conversion from flash files to animated GIF files:

Animated GIF after batch converting flash to animated GIFAnimated GIF after batch converting flash to animated GIF

And then, if snapshots above raise your interest to know how to batch convert flash files to animated GIFs, here are steps with GUI interface:

Step1. Download and install

Please get installer of VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter, and then, double-click installer and follow setup wizard to install software in PC, and this software is trial one, which produces animated GIF files with watermarks as shown in snapshot above. πŸ™‚

Step2. Add flash files of SWF

After installation, open GUI interface > click Add SWF File(s) on GUI interface > select some flash files of SWF(only SWF flash is supported by software) in pop dialog box > click Open, then, added path into processing form indicates successful adding of source flash files of SWF, and the following snapshot shows you more details:

Add flash files into batch conversion from flash to animated GIF with GUI of VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter

Step3. Optionally set animated GIF properties

Once adding is complete, just click Options on GUI interface, which is not essential to operate, then, you could set animated GIF size and showing of process status dialog, and even, frame rate for later animated GIFs, this panel can help you, too. However, what I described above is not total, and the following snapshot shows you more operations this tool supports:

Options panel for setting animated GIF properties during batch converting flash to animated GIF with GUI

Finally, one click on Ok enables saving of setting above. πŸ™‚

Step4. Batch convert flash files to animated GIFs

After setting as above, please click Convert on GUI interface > select folder as destination folder in pop dialog box > click OK there, and then if you select mode of showing processing bar during process, program can show you a window on screen to let you monitor process of batch converting flash files to animated GIFs, which is as displayed in following snapshot:

Processing window during batch converting flash to animated GIFProcessing window during batch converting flash to animated GIF

And after this window is closed, you can find targeting animated GIFs displayed in destination folder. πŸ™‚

As you can notice, there are watermarks in produced animated GIF files, which are shown in the beginning. Want to remove watermarks for good? Full version of VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter would be your best solution!

Video to Flash Converter

How to convert video to flash and remove audio/video

Please do not hesitate to use VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter to convert video to flash and remove audio/video on Windows platforms.

And in this article, you will know how to use this tool to convert AVI of video file to SWF file of flash through GUI interface, and of course, it is fair for you to know that this application also support other video formats files to convert, e.g., WMV, MOV, etc.. And here are steps to convert video file to flash file without removed audio/video:

Step1. Download and install

Here is installer of VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter, after you download it into your computer, please install trial version software in your computer through double-click on installer and following setup wizard step by step till it is successful to install it. πŸ™‚

Step2. Add video file, select targeting format and set removing mode

Then, you need to double-click software shortcut, then, on popping GUI interface, click Add Video File(s) > select right video file and click Open in pop dialog box, and finally, selected video can be displayed in processing form as shown below:

Add video file during converting video to flash with GUI

Then, you need to click Options on GUI interface to do the followings to set targeting format and remove audio or video from added video in advance:

  • Click .swf or .flv on pop list so that targeting file type could be SWF or FLV
  • Click radio Remove Audio or Remove Video so that signal of remove audio or video elements from video file could be processed later

Finally, to save your settings here and close this panel, just click Ok on Option panel. And here is related snapshot about how to set targeting format and removing audio or video:

Set removing mode during converting video to flash with GUI

Step3. Set targeting folder and convert video file to flash without audio/video

When all basic work is finished, just click Convert on GUI interface, and then, you can select one folder in pop dialog box as targeting folder of saving flash file, and then, one click on ok starts converting video file to flash file with GUI interface. And here is snapshot about example flash file for you to refer to:

Generated flash file after converting video to flash with GUI

If you have any questions on both software and how to use VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter to convert video file to flash file and remove audio/video from flash, please share your questions with comments left here. And to use this tool eternally, welcome to buy VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter, Thank you for your support!

Video to Flash Converter

How to convert video to flash and set flash resolution and flash quality

To convert video to flash and set flash resolution and flash quality, please use VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter.

VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter supports many video formats to convert to flash of SWF or FLV, e.g., MP4 to FLV, AVI to SWF, WMV to SWF, etc. on Windows platforms. Also, it enables you to edit flash resolution, flash quality and flash frame quantity, etc.. Then, the following snapshot is about produced flash file after converting video files to flash files:

Flash preview after conversion from video to flash with GUI interface

So, want to use trial version of VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter to convert video files to flash file and set flash resolution and quality? Please refer to following description:

Step1. Run software and add video file

Double-click shortcut so that GUI interface pops on screen, then, you need to click Add Video File(s) on GUI interface > select right video file and click Open in pop dialog box, and then, you can get GUI interface with added video path as shown in following snapshot:

Add video file for converting video to flash with GUI interface

Step2. Select flash format and set flash resolution and quality

After adding, you need to click Options on GUI interface, then, select .swf or .flv on pop list Convert to under Other Setting so that targeting format setting is successful; then, please type resolutions in edit-boxes Resolution, e.g., 600, 400, etc., so, targeting resolution could be 600x400; to set flash quality, just type integer in edit-box Quality, e.g., 25, etc., and the following snapshot could show you more details:

Set flash resolution and quality during converting video to flash with GUI

In the end, click Ok so that your setting could be saved and this panel can be closed. πŸ™‚

Step3. Convert video file to flash file in specific resolution and quality

In this final step, one click on Convert helps you select destination folder in pop dialog box, and then, one click on Ok in pop dialog box, helps you realize this setting and start conversion from video file to flash file, and finally, you can find flash file in destination folder.

However, if you encounter questions during conversion, welcome to add comments here, or if you want to use this tool for good, please purchase VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter, for it is really valuable! πŸ™‚

Video to Flash Converter

How to batch convert video to flash with GUI

This article aims to show you how to batch convert video to flash with VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter in Windows systems.

VeryDOCΒ  Video to Flash Converter is a professional GUI tool for Windows users to singly or batch convert video files to flash, such as AVI to flash, MP4 to FLV, etc. Most important, VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter supports setting the resolution, the frame, and the quality of video for the output flash. And in the following paragraphs, you will know how to use this tool to batch convert video files to flash files with GUI interface:

Step1. Download and install

Please firstly download installer of VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter, and then, please double-click installer to follow setup wizard to install trial version software in your computer. πŸ™‚

Step2. Add video files

Then, please run software and click Add Video File(s) on GUI interface > select supported video files in pop dialog box > click Open, and finally, video directories appear in processing form as shown in following snapshot to signal successful adding:

Add video in conversion from video to flash with GUI interface

Moreover, to add video files more conveniently, just directly drag and drop video files into processing table. πŸ™‚

Step3. Set flash properties optionally and set targeting format directly

Then, click Options on GUI interface, and then, optionally, flash properties could be set, e.g., flash resolution, frames, flash quality setting through adjustment on video resolution, flash frame and video quality, etc. Then, you need to select SWF/FLV on pop list Convert to in Other Setting, and after format setting is done, please click OK to close this panel and save setting here.

Here is snapshot about targeting format setting and what software can do in flash properties:

Option panel for setting flash format and properties in conversion from video to flash with GUI

Step4. Batch convert video files to flash files

After basic work is finished, click Convert on GUI interface > select a folder as targeting folder in pop dialog box > click Ok, which is as shown in following snapshot, and later on, you can get targeting flash file in destination folder.

Save flash file during converting video to flash with GUI interface

And here is a snapshot about produced flash file after batch conversion from video file to flash file:

 flash file after batch conversion from video file to flash file

Finally, to make fine things finer, if you need to use this tool for good, just purchase VeryDOC Video to Flash Converter directly.