Flash to Image Converter

How to batch convert flash to image of GIF/TIF/PCX/BMP/JPG/TGA/MNG

Want to use smart tool to batch convert flash to image of GIF/TIF/PCX/BMP/JPG/TGA/MNG with command line? Then, do not hesitate to read this article here! 🙂

In this article, VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line is our main processing tool, which is a professional command line tool for Windows users to convert flash file to image files of JPG, TIF, GIF, PCX, BMP, JPG, TGA, MNG, etc.. Besides, this tool supports editing image attributes, e.g., image size, etc.. After basic illustration about this tool, why not have a glance on following picture albums from batch conversion with this tool?



So, if you want to know more info about this tool and how to batch convert flash files to image files, the following paragraphs would like to tell you more:

First, please feel free to download package of VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line, and then, extract its content, including executive file “swf2img.exe” into your computer so that you can use it for later process directly. 🙂

Then, open a notepad file on screen, and save this notepad file as targeting BAT format file, and then, input command lines one by one, and for more info, you can refer to following snapshot:

Batch convert flash to image files with command line of VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line

As marked in snapshot above, in pink and green rectangles, there are one command line example respectively, and to know more of example, here is info:

  • …swf2img.exe is an executive file for running software
  • ….swf is to add source flash file for process
  • ….bmp/jpg is to specify output image file of BMP or JPG, and also file extension can be replaced by other supported image formats, e.g, TIF, PCX, TGA, MNG, GIF, etc.
  • -width 650 is to set image width as 650 in order to set image size, and this value is adjustable
  • -height 480 is to set image height as 480 in order to set image size, and this value is adjustable

After you type command lines as above, please save them and close your BAT file, and finally, double-click on icon of BAT file can bring you targeting image files of GIF/JPG/PCX/TIF/BMP/TGA/MNG, etc. after pop windows where process from flash file to image files is shown to you as below.

pop window during batch converting flash to image files with command line

pop window during batch converting flash to image files with command line

By now, if you have questions on this tool or batch conversion from flash file to image files of GIF/TIF/PCX/BMP/JPG/TGA/MNG, etc., please do not hesitate to leave comments here. And for no-watermark image files, please purchase VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line. 🙂

Flash to Image Converter

How to convert flash to image in specific image size

If you need to convert flash to image in specific image size, welcome to read this article based on VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line.

Firstly, if you need to know info of this tool, please read here:

VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line supports converting flash file to image files of various formats, e.g., JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, GIF, MNG, etc. on Windows platforms. It also allow users to edit image properties, e.g., width and height – image size, etc.  And here is snapshot about produced JPG file with specific image size:

Want to know how to realize conversion from flash file to specific image size? Please do not hesitate to read the following paragraphs:

Step1. Open command prompt window

After you get trial version of VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line, hotkey Windows + R helps you pop a dialog box, then, please type cmd and click ok in this dialog box, and finally, you can get running environment of command line – command prompt window on your screen. 🙂

Step2. Convert flash file to image files in specific image size

After opening command prompt window, you can refer to the following example to set specific image size and input command line:

Convert flash to image with VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line

However, if you need more details for quicker understanding, please read the following tips:

  • D:\swftoimage_cmd\swf2img.exe: call executive file “swf2img.exe”
  • -in "D:\webpages\Capricorn Horoscope _ Overview _ Daily 20130107 - Yahoo! Shine_files\st_data_002\
    50441bb54d2ff86d9d3077d2436af82a.swf": specify source flash file
  • -out D:\jpg.jpg: specify targeting image file of JPG, also file extension can be another supported image format, e.g, TIF, PNG, etc.
  • -width 650: set image width as 650
  • -height 480: set image height as 480

After prepared work as above is finished, please click enter in command prompt window and finally, you can get specific size image files in destination folder. 🙂

At the end of this article, if you have any questions on converting flash file to image files in specific image size, please share your problems here with comments. And if you are interested in full version application, please buy VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line. 🙂

Flash to Image Converter

How to convert flash to image with command line

It is easy to use VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line to convert flash to image with command line on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line can run in MS-DOS interface to convert frames of flash video to images. It supports various image formats, and also it supports flexible size of converted image files, etc.. If you like to experience this tool right now, just download package of VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter Command Line, then extract its content to your computer so that executive file can be used later. 🙂

And in the following paragraphs, you will know how to realize conversion from flash file to image file with command line:

Step1. Open command prompt window

Maybe you need to know why we should open command prompt window, here is the reason: command prompt window is operating environment of commands in Windows systems, so we need to open it with this way:

Click hotkey windows + r > input cmd.exe and click ok, and finally, command prompt window could pop on screen directly. And then, you can use it for later action.

Step2. Convert flash file to image files with commands and parameters

In opened command prompt window, you can refer to following examples to accomplish your process based on various image formats:

swf2img.exe -in "D:\temp\test.swf" -out "D:\out\test.gif"

swf2img.exe -in "D:\temp\test.swf" -out "D:\out\test.tif"

swf2img.exe -in "D:\temp\test.swf" -out "D:\out\test.pcx"

swf2img.exe -in "D:\temp\test.swf" -out "D:\out\test.bmp"

As you can tell, this command line application supports converting flash file to GIF, TIF, PCX, BMP, however, it also support other image formats files production, e.g., JPG, TGA, MNG, PNG, etc. And if you are beginner in commands, need to know more explanations, please read the followings:

  • swf2img.exe: call executive file “swf2img.exe” to run software itself
  • -in "D:\temp\test.swf": specify input flash file of SWF file
  • -out "D:\out\test.gif": specify output image file of GIF, and other formats image files can be added into conversion through this way, too

Then, suppose you need single-flash process with this tool, it is simple to refer to examples separately above to type command lines, and finally, click enter in command prompt window so that targeting image files could be generated one by one. 🙂

However, given batch conversion, you can type all of command lines as above into a BAT file, then, save them there and close this BAT file. Finally. to make all typed command lines here effective one time, please double-click BAT file icon so that a few seconds only, which depends on how many command lines you write in BAT file, targeting image files, such as TIF, PCX, BMP, etc., can come out along with end of processing. 🙂

Want to check my produced image files of BMP? Here are some of them for you to refer to:

If you want to produce image files from your own flash files, just use VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter to convert flash file to image files by yourself! And for no-watermark image files from this tool, please purchase VeryDOC Flash to Image Converter. 🙂

PDF to Vector Converter

How to convert PDF to PCL in batch by command line?

  In this article, I will show you how to convert PDF to PCL by command line in batch. I use software VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter which can also be used to convert PDF files to other scalable vector graphics formats, such as EMF, WMF, SVG, Postscript (PS), EPS, SWF (Flash), XPS, HPGL, PCL etc. The software can be run using the handy interface or in batch mode to convert large volumes of PDF files in real-time. This software also has COM(or DLL Library, or Command Line) version which allows users to call it from Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc. Now let us begin the conversion.

First, download PDF to Vector Converter.

  • This software is command line version, so after downloading, it is a zip file.
  • Please unzip it and check the elements in it.

Second, run the conversion from PDF to PCL.

Usage: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>
Example: pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.pcl
By this command, we can convert PDF to PCL by command line.
Example: for %%F in ("%CD%\*.pdf") do pdf2vec.exe -color 2 "%%F" "%%~dpnF.pcl"
By the above command line, you can convert PDF to PCL in the form of bat file in batch automatically.

And here are some parameters related to PCL conversion.

-firstpage  & -lastpage <int>   : first page and last page to print. 
-color <int>  : specify color or monochrome to printer,
    1 : monochrome
    2 : color
-scale <int> : specify the factor by which the printed output is to be scaled, The apparent page size is scaled from the physical page size by a factor of scale/100.

Some examples for your reference.
pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.pcl
pdf2vec.exe -scale 50 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pcl
pdf2vec.exe -color 1 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pcl

Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot.

input PDF and output PCL file

Here I will show one example about how to convert password protected PDF to PCL from C# by the PDF to Vector Converter SDK version?

Please by following steps to call pdf2vec.exe inside a special user account,
1. Please download and install EXEShell COM Library (freeware) from following URL first,
2. Please use following C# code to run the conversion inside a special user account,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using EXESHELLLib;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
EXESHELLLib.shell EXEShell = new EXESHELLLib.shellClass();
EXEShell.RunCommandLine("UserName", "Password", @"C:\pdf2vec.exe ""C:\test.pdf"" ""C:\out.pcl""");
EXEShell = null;
You may encounter Error 1314 in some Windows systems when you switch between user accounts, this is caused by permission setting, please refer to the steps in #2 to solve the 1314 Error.

During the using, if you have any question, please contact us by the ways supported on our contact us website.

Flash to GIF Animation Converter

How to convert flash to animated GIF of specific interval/frame rate/replay time

VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter helps Windows users convert flash to animated GIF of specific interval/frame rate/replay time flexibly.

Want to check targeting generated animated GIF file right now? Here are snapshots about different fragments of animated GIF file:

Animated GIF after converting flash to animated GIF with GUIAnimated GIF after converting flash to animated GIF with GUI

To use trial version of VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter to convert flash file to animated GIF, please read the followings:

Step1. Run software and add flash file

Double-click software shortcut, then, on opened GUI interface, please click Add SWF File(s) on GUI interface > select flash file in pop dialog box > click Open directly, and then, selected flash file could be added into processing form as flash path, and here is related snapshot below:

Add flash file during converting flash to animated GIF with GUI interface

Step2. Set specific interval/frame rate/replay time for animated GIF

Click Options on GUI interface so that you can do the followings to get specific interval/frame rate/replay time for animated GIF:

  • Click up/down arrow buttons in edit-box Interval to adjust value there so that you can successfully change interval
  • Click up/down arrow buttons in edit-box Frame Rate so that you can adjust frame rate, e.g., 48, between 0.01 and 100, etc.
  • Click up/down arrow buttons in edit-box GIF Replay Times so that replay time could be set as infinite, 1, etc. on drop down list there

And optionally, please click check-box Show Process Status Dialog if you need to monitor processing bar during conversion from flash file to animated GIF:

Set animated GIF interval/frame rate/replay time during converting flash to animated GIF with GUI

After basic setting mentioned above, one click on Ok helps you save your setting and close this panel. 🙂

Step3. Convert flash file to animated GIF of specific interval/frame rate/replay time

After basic prepared work, please click Convert on GUI interface, then, select right folder as targeting folder and click ok so that after disappearing of pop window where process message is shown as below, please check destination folder, and then, you will find targeting animated GIF file located there. 🙂

Pop window for converting flash to animated GIF with GUIPop window for converting flash to animated GIF with GUI

In the end, if you need to produce animated GIF files without watermarks, please do not hesitate to use full version of VeryDOC Flash to GIF Animation Converter to convert flash file to animated GIF of specific interval/frame rate/replay time with GUI on Windows platforms. 🙂