Video to GIF Converter

How to convert video to image/animated GIF and flexibly set interval for process

If you need to convert video to image or video to animated GIF and flexibly set interval for process with GUI interface, welcome to use VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter.

However, what is animated GIF?

Animated GIF file allows various images (frames) in the file to be painted with time delays, which comprises a number of frames that are displayed in succession, each introduced by its own GCE, which gives the time delay to wait after the frame is drawn.  Within each frame the LZW-coded image data is arranged in sub-blocks of up to 255 bytes; the size of each sub-block is declared by the byte that precedes it. By default, however, an animation displays the sequence of frames only once, stopping when the last frame is displayed.

And VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter is a GUI tool that allows you to convert various videos, e.g., WMV, AVI, FLV, etc. to multiple images, including animated GIF files. And the following snapshot shows you more details about animated GIF quality:

Produced animated GIF after converting video to animated GIF with GUI interface

If you need to know how to use this tool to convert video to image, animated GIF, and set interval for animated GIF, please see the following steps:

Step1. Add source video file

Double-click shortcut of video files to open GUI interface, and then, click Add Video File(s) on GUI interface, and then, select right video file, e.g., WMV, AVI, etc. in pop dialog box, and one click on Open helps you added selected video into conversion, and here is snapshot about related operation:

Add video file for conversion from video to animated GIF with GUI interface

Step2. Set flexible interval for process

After video adding, please click Options on GUI interface > select GIF Animation (*.gif) on pop list File Format in order to set targeting format as animated GIF, of course, to set targeting file type as static image format, please select another format on pop list. Then, you need to click one of values between 0.01 and 100 in edit-box Interval by click on arrow buttons there so that you can set targeting interval for animated GIF file, finally, to enable setting, please click OK to close this panel. Here is snapshot about related operations in this step:

Set interval for process from video to animated GIF with GUI interface

Step3. Convert video file to image or animated GIF

After all basic work as above, click Convert on GUI interface, then, select destination folder in pop dialog box > click Ok, and finally, targeting image files, including animated GIF file with specific interval, could be produced into destination folder. 🙂

If you have any questions on how to convert video file to image or video file to animated GIF and flexibly set interval for process, please do not hesitate to leave your comments here. And for full version software to entirely process added video, please choose full version of VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter.

Video to GIF Converter

How to convert video to GIF/JPG/BMP/PNG/TGA/PCX

Want to use GUI interface to convert video to GIF/JPG/BMP/PNG/TGA/PCX on Windows platforms? Then, application VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter.

Firstly, the following snapshots show you one of fragments in converted video file, if you need to refer to image quality from this tool, which also imply this application not only enables production of animated GIF files, but also static image files, e.g., JPG, GIF, etc.:

Produced JPG after converting video to JPG with GUI interface

Produced JPG after converting video to GIF with GUI interface

NOTE: trial software only enables production of image files from previous fragment of added video

After preview of snapshot based on produced image files, to know more info about how to use trial version of VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter to convert video file to GIF/JPG/BMP/PNG/TGA/PCX with GUI interface, here are more details below:

Step1. Add original video files

Double-click on shortcut of software results in running of application, and then, on opened GUI interface, you need to click Add Video File(s) there > select video files you need to process later in pop dialog box > click Open directly, and finally, you can see selected video paths popping into processing table, which indicates successful adding of source video files:

Add video file into GUI interface of VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter

Step2. Set targeting file type and optional properties of images

After adding video files, click on Options on GUI interface enables you to do followings:

  • To set targeting format as JPG/static GIF/BMP/PNG/PCX/TGA, etc., click one of their file extensions on drop down list File Format, e.g., Static GIF (*.gif), JPEG Image (*.jpg)
  • Optionally, to set start fragment and end fragment for conversion, please type integers in edit-box Start and End, also you can set image size in edit-boxes Size, e.g., 680x450, etc.; to set image quality, please select one of values in edit-box Quality with up-and-down arrow buttons separately, etc.

When you finish all setting here, one click on OK here help you save these setting and program brings you back to GUI interface again. 🙂 And here is related snapshot for you to refer to:

Set targeting format and optional image properties

Step3. Set destination folder and convert video to JPG/GIF/BMP/PNG/TGA/PCX, etc.

When you are on GUI interface again after finishing steps above, please click Convert on GUI interface > select right folder as targeting folder of saving targeting image files in pop dialog box, then, one click on OK in pop dialog box helps you start conversion from video file to GIF/JPG/PNG/BMP/TGA/PCX, etc., and then, perfect-quality image files are added into destination folder directly. 🙂

Here is the end of how to convert video file to JPG/BMP/static GIF/PNG/PCX/TGA, etc. with trial version application. If you need to process entire added video files, do not hesitate to use full version of VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter. 🙂

Video to GIF Converter

How to convert video to animated GIF and set GIF frame rate

Please do not hesitate to use VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter to convert video file to animated GIF and set GIF frame rate on Windows platforms. The following paragraphs tells you more details about this process.

Firstly, here is snapshot about converting video file to animated GIF with specific frame rate:

Produced animated GIF file after converting video to animated GIF with GUI

Then, if you would like to know more info about this process, just keep reading this article:

Step1. Download and install

If you want to experience this tool, please firstly download installer of VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter, and then, follow setup wizard after double-click on installer to install trial version software in your computer.

Step2. Add video file

After installation, just run this application on screen, and then, to add source video files, please click Add Video File(s) on GUI interface > select right video files in pop dialog box > click Open there, and in the end, you can get selected video files added as paths in processing form as below:

Add video for conversion of video to animated GIF with GUI

Moreover, to add video files more conveniently, please drag and drop selected video files, e.g., AVI, WMV, FLV, etc. into processing table directly, which leads to the same result. 🙂

Step3. Set targeting format and edit animated GIF frame rate in advance

After adding video files as above, you need to click Options on GUI interface in order to set targeting file type and edit frame rate for animated GIF file:

  1. Please click GIF Animation (*.gif) on pop list File Format so that targeting file type is animated GIF format
  2. To set frame rate, please input integer between 0.01 to 100 in edit-box GIF Frame Rate, e.g., 1, so, software knows you need to set frame rate as 1, etc.

Here is related snapshot about what were mentioned in this step:

Set animated GIF frame rate during converting video to animated GIF with GUI interface

To make setting saved here, only click on OK helps you with that. 🙂

Step4. Convert video file to animated GIF with specific GIF frame rate

If you follow steps to be here, it means you need to click Convert on GUI interface to set targeting folder in pop dialog box, and then, to make this setting effective and start conversion from video file to animated GIF, please click OK in pop dialog box, and finally, you can get animated GIF file with great quality in destination folder you set just now!

However, you need to know one thing, which is that trial version software only help you with previous fragment of each video, so, if you need to process entire video, please purchase VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter. 🙂

Video to GIF Converter

How to convert video to animated GIF in specific size

If you need to convert video to animated GIF in specific size, please use VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter in Windows systems.

Here is one of snapshots from produced animated GIF file from added video file:

Produced animated GIF file after converting video to animated GIF with GUI interface

So, want to know more details about how to convert video file to animated GIF with specific size, the following steps can give you answer:

Step1. Installation

Please download installer of VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter, and then, double-click installer to follow setup wizard to install trial version software in your computer, and then, you can continue to fulfill conversion.

Step2. Add video

After you open GUI interface of software, please select one of ways to add video files:

  • Click Add Video File(s) on GUI interface > select right video files in pop dialog box > click Open
  • Drag and drop video files, e.g., AVI, FLV, WMV, etc. into processing form directly

Finally, you can get successful adding of selected video files with paths shown in processing form as shown below:

Add video to conversion of video to animated GIF with GUI interface

Step3. Set targeting format and specify size of animated GIF

Once finishing adding, click Options on GUI interface, and then, click GIF Animation (*.gif) on pop list File Format in order to set targeting file type as animated GIF, though apparently this tool supports other targeting formats, e.g., JPG, BMP, TGA, PNG, etc.. Then, to set size of animated GIF, please type integer values between 1 and 6000 in edit-boxes Size, e.g, 680x450, etc., and then, to save setting here, click OK on this panel directly.

Set specific size of animated GIF and seelct format as animated GIF during conversion from video to animated GIF

Step4. Convert video file to specific size animated GIF

After one click on OK, program bring you back to GUI interface, and then, you should click Convert there > select right folder as targeting folder > click Ok in pop dialog box, and finally, you can get targeting specific size animated GIF files after converting video files to animated GIF with GUI interface.

In the end, to convert entire video file to animated GIF file, please choose full version of VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter.

Video to GIF Converter

How to convert video to animated GIF and set specific quality of animated GIF

VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter easily convert video to animated GIF and set specific quality of animated GIF on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter allows you to convert various formats of video files to animated GIF files, e.g., AVI to animated GIF, MP4 to animated GIF, WMV to animated GIF, etc.. Of course, this smart GUI tool supports editing quality, size of animated GIF, etc.. To know how to use this tool to convert videos to animated GIF, please read the following paragraphs:

Step1. Download and install

If your computer system is Windows system, you can firstly download installer of VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter, and then, double-click on installer helps you install trial version software in your computer step by step so that you can use this tool to process later conversion.

Step2. Add video files

After installation, just double-click shortcut so that GUI interface of trial version application pops on screen, and then, you can do the followings to add source video files:

Click Add Video File(s) on GUI interface > select right video files in pop dialog box > click Open there, and you can get selected video paths in processing table like shown below:

Add source video to convert video to animated GIF with GUI interface

By now, it is successful to add source video files through GUI interface, and if you need more convenient adding, just drag and drop source video files into processing table directly, and the result is the same as the one with Add Video File(s).

Step3. Set specific quality of animated GIF and set targeting format

After adding video files, click Options so that you can set quality for animated GIF:

On Option panel, to set quality, you need to click edit-box Quality (0.01 to 255) > input value between 0.01 and 255, e.g., 15 in order to set quality of animated GIF as 15. Then, one click on GIF Animation (*.gif) on pop list File Format indicates your targeting format can be animated GIF format, and here is snapshot about how to fulfill this step:

Set specific quality of animated GIF during converting video to animated GIF with GUI interface

Finally, to save setting here and close this panel, please click OK.

Step4. Convert video file to animated GIF

After steps above are all finished, one click on Convert on GUI interface can bring you a dialog box, where you can set targeting folder, and then, please click OK so that this utility starts conversion from video file to animated GIF directly, and finally, you can get animated GIF files as shown in following snapshot:

Produced animated GIF after converting video to animated GIF with specific quality through GUI interface

At last, if you encounter problems during converting video files to animated GIF files, please share them with us through comments left here. And there is one thing you need to know that trial version software only help you with previous fragments of video, so for full-length video conversion, welcome to use full version of VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter.