How to convert PDF to image and modify PDF in various programming languages
In this article, you will know how to use SDK to convert PDF to image and modify PDF in support programming languages. If interested, please keep reading it here.
Here, tool we use is VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK. It supports converting PDF file to image files, e.g., PDF to PNG, PDF to JPG, PDF to BMP, PDF to JP2, etc.. Moreover, it enables you to modify PDF files in text content, edit image resolution/color depth, process password protected PDF files, extract text from source PDF files, etc.. Most import, this tool could be used as a component to design your own tools by integrating supported functions to those tools flexibly, which could be processed in various programming languages, such as VB, VC++, Delphi, ASP, VB.NET, C#, etc..
Want to know more about this tool and this related topic? The following examples unveil more info after you get trial version VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK:
VB.NET example to show you how to convert PDF file to image file and modify PDF file by text:
Private Sub DiskFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TestSDK.Click
Dim nRet As Integer
Dim strOptions As String
Dim strInPDFFile As String
Dim strOutFile As String
Dim strLogMsg As String
Dim nDPI As Integer = 300
'Render PDF pages to PNG image files first
strInPDFFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\example1.pdf"
strOutFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\out.png"
strOptions = "-r " & CStr(nDPI) & " -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
nRet = VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK(strInPDFFile, strOutFile, strOptions)
strLogMsg = strInPDFFile & vbCrLf & strOutFile & vbCrLf & strOptions & vbCrLf & "nRet = " & Str(nRet)
'default DPI is 72DPI in PDF file, so you need calculate position by 72DPI,
'you can read the text contents and position from output HTML file
Dim x, y, w, h, hPDF, bRet, nPage As Integer
Dim strOldText, strNewText As String
x = 1333 * 72.0 / nDPI
y = 237 * 72.0 / nDPI
w = 151 * 72.0 / nDPI
h = 27 * 72.0 / nDPI
nPage = 1
strOldText = "September"
strNewText = "VeryDOC"
strOutFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\modified.pdf"
hPDF = VeryDOC_ModifyPDF_OpenFile(strInPDFFile, strOutFile)
bRet = VeryDOC_ModifyPDF_ModifyText(hPDF, nPage, x, y, w, h, strOldText, strNewText)
MsgBox("Process completed." & vbCrLf & "VeryDOC_ModifyPDF_ModifyText() return: " & CStr(bRet))
End Sub
VC++ example to illustrate how to modify PDF with text:
int Test_PDFParserSDK_ModifyPDF()
char szPDFFile[_MAX_PATH];
GetModulePath(szPDFFile, "example1.pdf");
char szOutPDFFile[_MAX_PATH];
GetModulePath(szOutPDFFile, "_modified.pdf");
HANDLE hPDF = VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_OpenFile(szPDFFile, szOutPDFFile);
if(hPDF == NULL)
return 0;
int nPage = 1;
//The default DPI for these values is 72DPI
int dpi = 72;
int x = 319*72/dpi;
int y = 56*72/dpi;
int nWidth = 37*72/dpi;
int nHeight = 7*72/dpi;
char *lpOldText = "October";
char *lpNewText = "VeryDOC.COM";
BOOL bRet = VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_ModifyText(hPDF, nPage, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, lpOldText, lpNewText);
return 1;
In the end, if you have any questions, please share them with us through comments left here. Welcome to try or buy VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK. And for all functions are encapsulated in DLL Library, it is of need to purchase developer license if you need to apply all functions for design of new tools.