Batch Photo Resizer

Do you want to batch resize/rename/rotate/sharp/stamp images

If you need a tool to batch resize images/rename/rotate/sharp/stamp images with GUI, this article will be your best guide ever!

What is processing tool?

VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizeris able to help Windows users resize/rename/rotate/sharp/stamp the images in batches. This smart GUI tool supports converting bmp to gif, gif to jpg, tif to png, etc., which also enables you to rotate images with 90 degree, -90 degree or 180 degree one time. Even for blur images, this software helps to sharp images automatically than you expect!

Here is snapshot about software GUI interface:

GUI interface of VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer

To experience this tool, welcome to download trial VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizerhere.

What does this GUI tool support?

  1. Supported system: All windows systems, include: Windows 2000 and later systems, both 32bit and 64bit systems
  2. Support multiple input image formats: BMP, PCX, GIF, PNG, TIF, JPG, ICO, J2K, etc; support various output images: BMP, PCX, GIF, PNG, TIF, JPG, ICO, J2K, TGA
  3. Support various image conversion, e.g.,  bmp to gif, bmp to jpg, bmp to png, bmp to tga, gif to jpg, gif to png, gif to tga, tif to gif, tif to jpg, tif to png, tif to tga, png to gif, png to jpg, png to png, png to tga, etc.
  4. Fix Image—the images will be resized according to the original proportion referring to the smaller value between width and height
  5. Restrict Width —the width value will be set by the user and the images will be resized retaining the original proportion; Restrict Height—the height value will be set by the user and the images will be resized retaining the original proportion
  6. Manually define the new width and height
  7. Rename images with prefix and continuous numbers in batches
  8. Sharpen blurred photos
  9. Rotate images by 90, –90 or 180
  10. Stamp images with text in specific font flexibly
After general introduction about recommended tool, to use it to resize files of image beyond limited times, as well as other supported operations, please purchase VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer.
Batch Photo Resizer

How to resize/rename/rotate/stamp images with GUI

You will know how to resize images, rename images and stamp images with GUI in this article, if you are interested in it, just read the followings.

The processing tool is VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer, which helps to resize/rotate/stamp/rename files of image, e.g., JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIF, TGA, etc.. Through this smaller GUI interface, it is simple and instant to achieve resizing, rotating, stamping, renaming images one time, no matter you add same-type images or various supported formats images. So, if you need this tool right now, and want to follow me to realize setting on your own images, just get trial version VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer here, and proceed to operate them:

1. Run software and add images

Double-click shortcut so that GUI interface pops out, where you can click Add Images File(s) > select images in pop dialog box > click Open directly to add image files, and then, you can find selected images could be displayed in processing table. For quicker adding, you can drag and drop images into processing form directly.

2. Set supported features on images and edit output format

Unlike other tools, this smaller GUI application provides convenient ways to realize supported features setting:

  • To resize files of image, click check-box Resize > click one of selectable types on pop list Type to regulate resizing type > set width and height accordingly by the way of typing values in edit-boxes Width and Height
  • To rename photos, click check-box Rename > input prefix in edit-box Prefix to set prefix of filename, then, to set beginning number, type number in edit-box Number from
  • For image rotation, please click one of radios 90, –90 and 180 to rotate files of image by 90, –90 or 180
  • To stamp photos, click check-box Stamp > type text as stamp in edit-box Text; to edit text font, just click Font beside this edit-box to edit it

Optionally, to sharp output images, please click check-box Sharper on GUI interface so that it could work as you want during processing. And then, it’s time to set output format of image files, one click on pop list Output Format enables you to set supported image format easily, e.g., BMP, JPG, TIFF, etc.. And for more info, here is snapshot about actions above:

GUI interface after resizing images, rotating images and stamping images

3. Achieve resizing, renaming, rotating and stamping

To get setting above work and set destination folder, one click on Convert helps to realize them: after you set targeting folder in pop dialog box with one click on OK, later on, targeting images with set properties mentioned above, can be added into destination folder.

By now, for any concerns, just leave comments here; for full version software resizing/renaming/rotating/stamping images for good, just buy VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer.

Batch Photo Resizer

VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer helps to resize photos

This article aims to introduce you a great GUI tool to help you batch resize photos anytime – VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer, which supports professionally resizing photos one time on Windows platforms.

For more information about this tool, welcome to visit homepage of VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer. And in the following paragraphs, you can get steps to batch resize photos with GUI in Windows systems as you expect, if you need:

Step1. Download and install

You need to download installer of VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer firstly, and then, double-click it to install trial version in your pc by the setup wizard step by step, and finally, trial version software will be located in your computer.

Step2. Run GUI and add photos

Double-click shortcut to open GUI interface, and then, based on your need, software offers you 2 ways to add source photos, which could be one of formats images in the following snapshot:

supported image formats list for batch resizing photos with GUI interface

  • Click Add Image File(s) on GUI interface > select supported photos in pop dialog box > click Open
  • Drag and drop photos into file list

Finally, photos paths, sizes, properties, etc. could be displayed in this file list on GUI interface.

Step3. Set resizing option

After adding photos, besides resizing photos, program provides other ways to edit photos, e.g., renaming, sharp, rotating photos, etc., and the followings tell you how to realize them one by one:

  • To rename photos, please click check-box Rename; to set prefix of filename, please input prefix in edit-box Prefix; to set beginning number, please type number in edit-box Number from
  • To resize photos, click check-box Resize firstly: click on one of selectable types on pop list Type helps to regulate resizing type, and more info could be found at Resizing types for resizing photos with GUI , then, you can set width and height accordingly in edit-boxes Width and Height
  • To make output photos sharper, please click check-box Sharper
  • To rotate images, please click one of radios 90, –90 and 180 to set rotation as 90, –90 or 180
  • To stamp photos, click check-box Stamp > type text as stamp in edit-box Text; to edit text font, just click Font beside this edit-box to edit it

After you operate them respectively, it could be finished to edit resizing options, and it is time to set output image format: click one of formats on pop list Output Format, e.g., JPG, BMP, PNG and other formats at image formats pop list during resizing photos with GUI , and the snapshot below reveals more details about my description above:


GUI interface with added photos and set options for resizing photos

In the end, to make setting effective, just click Convert on GUI interface, and then, after selecting destination folder of saving output photos in pop dialog box with one click on Ok, software starts to batch resize photos, and after a while, your photos could be resized as you expect, as well as other setting you just did.

Finally, to use this software for good within no limited times, please purchase VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer.


How to convert PDF to image and modify PDF in various programming languages

In this article, you will know how to use SDK to convert PDF to image and modify PDF in support programming languages. If interested, please keep reading it here.

Here, tool we use is VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK. It supports converting PDF file to image files, e.g., PDF to PNG, PDF to JPG, PDF to BMP, PDF to JP2, etc.. Moreover, it enables you to modify PDF files in text content, edit image resolution/color depth, process password protected PDF files, extract text from source PDF files, etc.. Most import, this tool could be used as a component to design your own tools by integrating supported functions to those tools flexibly, which could be processed in various programming languages, such as VB, VC++, Delphi, ASP, VB.NET, C#, etc..

Want to know more about this tool and this related topic? The following examples unveil more info after you get trial version VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK:

VB.NET example to show you how to convert PDF file to image file and modify PDF file by text:

Private Sub DiskFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TestSDK.Click

Dim nRet As Integer

Dim strOptions As String

Dim strInPDFFile As String

Dim strOutFile As String

Dim strLogMsg As String

Dim nDPI As Integer = 300

'Render PDF pages to PNG image files first

strInPDFFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\example1.pdf"

strOutFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\out.png"

strOptions = "-r " & CStr(nDPI) & " -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

nRet = VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK(strInPDFFile, strOutFile, strOptions)

strLogMsg = strInPDFFile & vbCrLf & strOutFile & vbCrLf & strOptions & vbCrLf & "nRet = " & Str(nRet)


'default DPI is 72DPI in PDF file, so you need calculate position by 72DPI,

'you can read the text contents and position from output HTML file

Dim x, y, w, h, hPDF, bRet, nPage As Integer

Dim strOldText, strNewText As String

x = 1333 * 72.0 / nDPI

y = 237 * 72.0 / nDPI

w = 151 * 72.0 / nDPI

h = 27 * 72.0 / nDPI

nPage = 1

strOldText = "September"

strNewText = "VeryDOC"

strOutFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\modified.pdf"

hPDF = VeryDOC_ModifyPDF_OpenFile(strInPDFFile, strOutFile)

bRet = VeryDOC_ModifyPDF_ModifyText(hPDF, nPage, x, y, w, h, strOldText, strNewText)


MsgBox("Process completed." & vbCrLf & "VeryDOC_ModifyPDF_ModifyText() return: " & CStr(bRet))

End Sub

VC++ example to illustrate how to modify PDF with text:

int Test_PDFParserSDK_ModifyPDF()


char szPDFFile[_MAX_PATH];

GetModulePath(szPDFFile, "example1.pdf");

char szOutPDFFile[_MAX_PATH];

GetModulePath(szOutPDFFile, "_modified.pdf");


HANDLE hPDF = VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_OpenFile(szPDFFile, szOutPDFFile);

if(hPDF == NULL)

return 0;

int nPage = 1;

//The default DPI for these values is 72DPI

int dpi = 72;

int x = 319*72/dpi;

int y = 56*72/dpi;

int nWidth = 37*72/dpi;

int nHeight = 7*72/dpi;

char *lpOldText = "October";

char *lpNewText = "VeryDOC.COM";

BOOL bRet = VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_ModifyText(hPDF, nPage, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, lpOldText, lpNewText);


return 1;


In the end, if you have any questions, please share them with us through comments left here. Welcome to try or buy VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK. And for all functions are encapsulated in DLL Library, it is of need to purchase developer license if you need to apply all functions for design of new tools.


How to convert PDF to HTML/image with SDK

Want to know how to use SDK to achieve basic operation of converting PDF to HTML or PDF to image? Please follow me in this article.

VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK is a great component for programmers to fulfill conversion from PDF files to HTML/various images and integrate related functions into utility programmers need to design. This component could be used in multiple programming languages, e.g., VB, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, Delphi, C/C++. And all the functions were encapsulated into DLL Library, which only could be obtained if you purchase developer license. For more info about this component, just directly visit homepage of VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK.

After you get free VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK, welcome to read the paragraphs below to know more details about converting PDF file to image/HTML from following examples:

VB example:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim nRet As Long

Dim strOptions As String

Dim strInPDFFile As String

Dim strOutFile As String

strInPDFFile = App.Path & "\example1.pdf"

strOutFile = App.Path & "\out.png"


nRet = VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK(strInPDFFile, strOutFile, strOptions)

MsgBox (Str(nRet))

End Sub

C# example:

private void DiskFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);

int nRet;

string strOptions;

string strInPDFFile;

string strOutFile;

string strLogMsg;

strInPDFFile = (appPath + "\\example1.pdf");

strOutFile = (appPath + "\\out.htm");


nRet = VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK(strInPDFFile, strOutFile, strOptions);

strLogMsg = (strInPDFFile + ("\r\n"

+ (strOutFile + ("\r\n"

+ (strOptions + ("\r\n" + ("nRet = " + (nRet.ToString()))))))));



Besides converting PDF file to image/HTML, VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK supports extracting image data or text data from input PDF files, such as, getting and analyzing text data from source PDF file, as well as supporting color depth setting, resolution setting, page range setting for image files and processing password protected PDF files, etc.. For more info, you can download or purchase VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK right now to check contained files there in each folder.

At last, thank you for reading this article, if you encounter any questions during using VeryDOC PDF Parser & Modify SDK, please leave comments here, or just email to to make us know immediately.