Advanced PDF Editor

How to insert text and add hyperlinks on PDF file?

    We often meet the situation that PDF files have been made but we forget to add website logo or homepage link.  This problem grew output of inadequacy but we can not avoid.  PDF can not be edited casually with Adobe software installed. So then we need a tool which can be used to insert text or logo and add hyperlinks. VeryDOC Advanced PDF Editor has such functions. In the following part, I will show you how to make it.

Step 1. Download Advanced PDF Editor

  • This software is GUI version and has user friendly software interface, so you need to install it.
  • The installation method is simply. Once downloading finishes, there will be an exe file in the download folder. Double click it then the installation will bounce.
  • Please follow the installation message then you can install it. Once the installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop. Simply double click it then you can launch this software. The following snapshot is from the software interface.

software interface

Step 2. Insert text to PDF

  • Please click button Open to add PDF file to software interface. Now you can use this software as PDF reader.
  • Please click option Edit Content, then you will find some option buttons go black from grey. Then click T icon like I showed in the following snap.

insert text

  • Then you will find the mouse turns to cross. Please draw at the area where you need to insert text on the PDF. By this method, you will draw a rectangle on the PDF document. Actually, you can drag it to any place in the PDF. Please click the rectangle  till it turns to text box. Right click it, the dropdown list will show up. Please go to Properties.

Go to Properties

  • In the Properties tab, you can edit the following content:the border color, fill color, font size, text color, font style and opacity. When you finish setting, please click button Close to back to the main interface.


Step 3. add hyperlinks to the text

  • Please click the option Edit Links then draw a rectangle on the text like I showed in the following snapshot.

add links

  • By the same like before, please choose it and right click it for going to the Edit Links Properties option.
  • In the Edit Links Properties, you can add homepage links for the text.

By this method, you can insert text and add hyperlinks for them. This way will help those who need to add hyperlinks to PDF file. But I need to note there that this software can not be used to add hyperlinks for PDF in batch. Now let us check the editing effect from the following snapshot. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

input and output PDF

PDF to Vector Converter

VeryDOC PDF to SVG Command Line Converter

VeryDOC PDF to SVG Command Line Converter can be used to convert PDF to SVG by command line in batch. It it known to all SVG is a platform for two-dimensional graphics. It has two parts: an XML-based file format and a programming API for graphical applications. Key features include shapes, text and embedded raster graphics, with many different painting styles. It supports scripting through languages such as ECMAScript and has comprehensive support for animation. So if we can convert PDF to SVG file, then we can have more resource to take use of the SVG file format.

System requirements:Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003 / Vista / Server 2008 / 7 of both 32-bit and 64-bit

How to Use

Fist, download and install.

  • Please download PDF to SVG Converter. Once downloading finishes, there will be an zip file.
  • Please extract it to some folder and then check the elements in it.
  • Do the conversion following examples in compliance with the software usage.

Second, run the conversion from PDF to SVG

  • Usage:pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>
  • When converting single PDF files to SVG, please refer to the following command line.
    pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.svg
  • When converting specified page or pages to  SVG files, please refer to following command line. Parameter –P is an order for specifying the page range.
    pdf2vec.exe -p 2,4,6-8 C:\in.pdf C:\out.svg
    -p <range>: Convert only pages in range with range   e.g. 1-20 or 1,4,6,9-11 or 3-5,10-12
    However, if you simply want to specify the start page and end page, please use those two parameters:
    -firstpage <int>         : first page to print, from 1 to max page
    -lastpage <int>          : last page to print, from 1 to max page
  • When you need to merge the image into the background, please add parameter “-enablepv2r”, which enable merge vector graphics into background. But when you need to merge the text into the background, please add parameter “-pv2rmergetext”.
  • When you need to offset the content in PDF file in X and Y directions, please add parameters “-pv2rxres” and “-pv2ryres”.
    -pv2rxres <int>          : set Y resolution for background, default is 150 DPI
    -pv2ryres <int>          : set Y resolution for background, default is 150 DPI
  • This software also can convert password protected PDF to SVG but you need to know the password. As to the usage, you can refer to the following command line template.  xxx stands for the password. However, the user password can be ignored in some circumstances.
    pdf2vec.exe  -pv2ropw xxxx –pv2rupw xxxx C:\in.pdf C:\out.svg
    -pv2ropw <string>        : owner password (for encrypted files)
    -pv2rupw <string>        : user password (for encrypted files)
  • Parameter “-pv2rvaa”  enables or disable vector anti-aliasing, yes/no,default is 'yes'. So if you do want to disable vector anti-aliasing, please add this parameter.
  • When you need to remove clipping from SVG output, please add parameter “svgnoclip”.

All I stated above is just a slice functions of this software, if you need to know more, please download this software and find more in the readme.txt. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. During the conversion of PDF to SVG, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.
input PDF and output SVG

PDF to Vector Converter

VeryDOC PDF to EMF Command Line Converter

   VeryDOC PDF to EMF Command Line Converter was developed to help those who need to convert PDF to EMF from script in batch. And we update now and then to fit the needs responded from customers. This step reflects not only the process of our developing technology since ten years ago, but also the considerable body of experience that we have accumulated in the field of software developing, particularly those of file formats conversion. 

What is EMF?

EMF(Windows Metafile) is 16-bit vector image format , it saves image data in an RGB format and does not support CMYK data, which often used for Microsoft Office applications such as Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher. The EMF format is device-independent, so the dimensions of a graphic are maintained on the printed copy regardless of the resolution in dots per inch of the printer.

As to what it is used for, when a print job is sent to the printer, if it is already printing another file, the computer reads the new file and stores it, usually on the hard disk or in memory, for printing at a later time. EMF files may be created and reside in memory or disk space when windows caches them while waiting on another printing job. Spooling allows multiple print jobs to be given to the printer at one time.Sometime for printing reason, we need to convert PDF to EMF.

How to convert?

Usage: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

  • When converting multipage PDF to EMF and you need to specify page range, please use the following command line. It means that only convert pages of 2,4,6-8 to EMF file.
    pdf2vec.exe  -p 2,4,6-8 C:\in.pdf C:\out.emf
    Convert only pages in range with range
  • When you need to specify the start page and end page, please use the following command line.
    pdf2vec.exe –firstpage 5  -lastpage 20 C:\in.pdf C:\out.emf
  • -firstpage <int>         : first page to print, from 1 to max page
    -lastpage <int>          : last page to print, from 1 to max page
  • When you need to convert password protected PDF file to EMF, please refer to the following command line.
    pdf2vec.exe  -pv2ropw xxx  -pv2rupw xxx C:\in.pdf C:\out.emf
    -pv2ropw <string>        : owner password (for encrypted files)
    -pv2rupw <string>        : user password (for encrypted files)
  • When you need all the hidden text shown in the output EMF file, please use the following command line.
    pdf2vec.exe -pv2rshowalltext C:\in.pdf C:\out.emf
    pv2rshowalltext         : show covered/hidden text on PDF page
  • This software also can be used to convert PDF to other vector image formats, like EMF, WMF, SVG, Postscript (PS), EPS, SWF (Flash), XPS, HPGL, PCL etc.

As the functions of this software is powerful, they are too numerous to be detailed here. If you need to know more, please check them in readme.txt file which is saved in the extracted package. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot.

input PDF and output emf

PDF to Vector Converter

VeryDOC PDF to Flash Command Line Converter

   Sometime we need to convert PDF to Flash for showing PDF file on the website more vividly. If there is some application which can convert PDF to Flash by command line, then you do the conversion together with  the website designing through PHP and other applications. Base on this need, VeryDOC developed software named PDF to Flash Converter, which can be used to convert PDF to flash by command line in batch.

First, download PDF to Flash Converter.

  • This software is command line version and after downloading you will find it is an exe file. So after downloading, please extract it to some folder and then check elements in it.
  • As Chinese old going says that more preparation may quicken the speed in doing work. So please do not hurry to run the conversion, read the readme.txt and the website carefully. Then you can master the basic method of running this software.

Second, convert PDF to Flash.

Usage: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

  • When converting single PDF file to flash, please refer to the following template.
    pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.swf
  • When need to convert multipage PDF file to single page flash, please refer to the following template. If you need to convert PDF to swf in a fast speed, please use parameter “-swfburst2”.
    pdf2vec.exe -swfburst C:\in.pdf C:\out.swf
    swfburst2 : burst PDF file to single page SWF files, optimized for speed
    -swfburst : burst PDF file to single page SWF files
  • When you need to compress output flash file, please use the following command line.
    pdf2vec.exe -swfopt "-z" C:\in.pdf C:\out.swf
    -swfopt <string>         : set SWF options
    -z : Use Flash 6 (MX) zlib compression.
  • When you need to specify the conversion page range, please refer to the following command line.
    pdf2vec.exe -swfopt "-p 2,4,6-8 -z -i -j 50 -t" C:\in.pdf C:\out.swf
  • -p <range>: Convert only pages in range with range
      e.g. 1-20 or 1,4,6,9-11 or 3-5,10-12
    -t : Insert a stop() command in each page. The resulting SWF file will not turn pages automatically.

  • When you need to specify the flash background color, please refer to the following command line.
  • pdf2vec.exe -swfopt "-s background=0xFFFFFF" C:\in.pdf C:\out.swf
    pdf2vec.exe -swfopt "-s background=FF" C:\in.pdf C:\out.swf
    -s background=color : Set background color (default is transparent background)

    There are more functions of this software, I can not list all of them here. If you need to know more parameters and function, please download it and check them in the readme.txt file. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

     input PDF and output flash




PDF to Vector Converter

VeryDOC PDF to WMF Command Line Converter

  By VeryDOC PDF to WMF Command Line Converter, you can convert your PDF files to popular WMF image file in batches by command line. And it can preserve original layout, text, images, vector drawings of your PDF file.It is a standalone program which does not need Adobe Acrobat software support.

Feature List

  • It allows to choose page range when converting PDF to WMF, say you can choose page 10 to 20 to be converted.
  • Option to specify color or monochrome to printer:monochrome or color WMF.
  • It allows you to merge vector graphics into background.
  • Option to merge text into background picture.
  • It can convert password protected PDF to WMF.
  • Option to delete all invisible graphics.
  • It can work in all the Windows system both 32-bit and 64-bit.
  • Support all the versions PDF as input.
  • It also can convert PDF to EMF, WMF, SVG, Postscript (PS), EPS, SWF (Flash), XPS, HPGL, PCL etc.

How to Use

  • Download PDF to WMF Converter to your computer.
  • As its name shows, this software is command line version. After downloading, you will find it is an zip file. Please extract it to some folder and check elements in it.

Convert PDF to WMF following usage and examples.

Usage: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

  • When converting single PDF to single file, please use the following command line.
    pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.wmf
  • When you need to set the page range of input PDF file, please use the following command line. Parameter –firstpage can be used to specify the starting page and corresponding –lastpage is an command for last page.
    pdf2vec.exe  -firstpage 10 –lastpage 20 C:\in.pdf C:\out.wmf
  • When you need to scale WMF file in X and Y direction, please use the following command line.
    pdf2vec.exe –scalex 0 –scaley 0 C:\in.pdf C:\out.wmf
  • -scalex <int>  : X axis scale factors, default is 100
        100 : do not scale PDF page
          0 : scale the width of PDF page to fit the printer's paper size
         -1 : keep the minimum constant scaling in both paper width and height
    -scaley <int>  : Y axis scale factors, default is 100
        100 : do not scale PDF page
          0 : scale the height of PDF page to fit the printer's paper size
         -1 : keep the minimum constant scaling in both paper width and height.

  • When you need to convert password protected PDF file to WMF, please use the following template. xxx stand for the password of the PDF. If you do not know the owner password, simply input the open password here.
    pdf2vec.exe –pv2ropw xxxx  -pv2rupw xxx C:\in.pdf C:\out.wmf

As there are many functions of this software, I can not list them all here. If you need to know more, please visit its website. And now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

input PDF and output wmf