PDF to DWG Converter

Convert PDF to DWG by command line in batch

It is extremely easy when you need to convert DWG file to PDF, however it may be hard to find a suit of good software which can be used to convert PDF to DWG by command line in batch. VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter is such tool which can be used to back DWG information saved in PDF file format from script. In the following part, I will show you how to use this software.

Step 1. Download PDF to DWG Converter

  • This software is command line version so once downloading finishes, there will be zip file in the downloaded folder. Please extract it to some folder then you can check elements in it.
  • Please check more in the readme.txt file and then you can know more functions of this software. And this software is command line Windows application, if you need the GUI version, please download on VeryPDF website.
  • When you try to buy this software for single user use, there is only sever version available for you. By the server version, you can use it under the whole sever. However, you can also use it like single command line version software.

Step 2. Convert PDF to DWG

  • Please do the conversion according to the usage and be in compliance with the examples.
    Usage:pdf2dwg [options] <pdf-file> [<out-file>]
  • When you just need to convert singly PDF to DWG, please refer to the following command line template.

    pdf2dwg.exe C:\input.pdf C:\output.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe C:\input.pdf C:\output.dwg

  • When you need to do the conversion in batch, you can either use the wild character * or write some bat file.

    pdf2dwg.exe C:\*.pdf C:\*.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe C:\*.pdf C:\*.dwg

Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. In the output CAD file, all the details in the input PDF can be restored including all the fonts, text color and style. By this way, you can reedit DWG file easily which has been converted to PDF file. When you need to do the conversion together with other applications like VB, VC and others, there is also developer version for you. 

output DWG file and input PDF

There are more parameters and functions available of this software, but I can not list all of here. Please check more in the readme.txt file. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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DWG to Vector Converter

Convert DWG to Tiff and Specify Width and Height

VeryDOC DWG to Tif Command Line Converter can be used to convert DWG file to tiff and specify the width and height. This function will be good for those who need view DWG file without CAD reader installed or need to upload tiff file with DWG file content to website for clients checking easily. If you have such needs, please do the conversion following this article. Please note this is command line operation, if you arWe not familiar with command line, please refer to the GUI version user guide.

Step 1. Download DWG to Tiff Converter

  • Once downloading finishes, there will be an zip file in the downloaded folder. Please extract it to some folder then you can check the elements in it.
  • Please do the conversion according to the usage and example. Note this software is Windows application which can work under both 32-bit and 64-bit. Meanwhile this software has been updated and now it supports all versions of DWG file.

Step 2. Convert DWG to Tiff

Usage: dwg2pdf [options] <dwg-file> [<out-file>]
When convert single DWG file to tiff, please refer to the following command line.
dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.tif
When you need to do the batch conversion, you can write bat file or use wild characters like the following command line.
dwg2vec.exe C:\*.dwg C:\*.tif

  • When you need to specify the width and height of the output tif file, please refer to the following command line.

    dwg2vec.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\test.dwg C:\out.tif
    width: please specify the value of width after this parameter. Parameter –height is a pair of –width, please use this parameter the same as –width.

Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. After conversion, all the color and fonts will be saved in the output tiff file. Then you can use he tiff file with the content of DWG file casually.

input CAD and output tif 

You can convert DWG file to any common vector image file formats like EMF, WMF, PDF and others by the same method. And when you set the width and height, please note that the unit of this software is point.

Note:when you use the trial version, you can use it totally free at least 200 times but there will be watermark on the output PDF file. If you want to use this software with any limitation, please pay for it then you can use it the whole life. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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HTML to Image Converter

Convert HTML to Image and Specify Resolution in X and Y directions

    VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter can be used to convert HTML or website to image file and allows you to specify the resolution in X and Y directions. It supports most of the common image file formats like wmf, jpg, png, emf and so on so forth. During the conversion, you can convert website online directly to image when there is internet. Or you can convert local files to image in batch without internet connection. In the following part, I will show you how to use this software.

Step 1. Download HTML to Image Converter

  • This software is command line Windows application, which can work both under 32-bit and 64-bit. Please make sure that you download the right version.
  • Please do the conversion following the examples and be in compliance with the usage. Before using, you’d better read the readme.txt then you can know more about this software.

Step 2. Convert HTML file to Image

  • When you need to convert single HTML file to image, please refer to the following command line template.
    html2image -url=https://www.verydoc.com/ -out=C:\verydoc.png
  • If  you need to convert local files to image, please refer to the following command line.
  • html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png
    html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.png
    html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.jpg -quality=70
    This software allows you to set output image quality using parameter –quality. The more higher quality is, the bigger size of the output will be.
    During inputting the command line, please pay more attention to the syntax. Please use –url at the beginning of the input file, which can be used to specify the online URL or input file path. Please use -out= at the beginning of the output file, which can be used to specify the target file. 
    -url=<url>        The URL to capture (http:...|file:...|...)     
    -out=<path>       The target file (.png|bmp|jpeg|emf|...)

  • When you need to specify the output image file resolution, please refer to the following command line.
    html2image -url=https://www.verydoc.com -out=C:\out.png -width=100 -height=200 -dpi=200
  • -xdpi=<int>:this parameter is an order to specify X resolution of the output image (default: auto)
    -ydpi=<int>: Y resolution of the output image (default: auto)
    -dpi=<int>  :     Both X and Y resolution of the output image (default: auto)
    -bwidth=<int> :this parameter is for the  browser width (default: 800)
    -bheight=<int>    Browser height (default: automatically determined)
    -quality=<int>    JPEG quality (compression) percent (default: 90)

Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. During the using, if you have any question, please contact our support team as soon as possible. We will solve for it at the first time.

    output image from website

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Image to PDF OCR Converter

How to convert scan file to PDF and set password for them directly?

VeryDOC Image to PDF Converter allows you to connect it with scanner directly and it allows you to set monitored folders. By this way, you can set monitored folders which contain all the scanned files. Then you can scan files and convert them to PDF file directly. In the following part, I will show you how to run the conversion automatically.

Step 1. Install Image to PDF Converter

  • This software is Window GUI application, so you need to install it by double  clicking the exe file and follow installation message.
  • When installation finishes, please launch this software by click the icon produced on the desktop.

Step 2. Connect software with scanner

  • Please connect the software with scanner like I showed in the following snapshot. Please click option File then go to Set scanner option. Then you will see the menu option tab like showed in the little snapshot, where you can compress scanned images with best display quality, good quality and small size or smallest file with a little bad quality. If you are not satisfied with those options, please click option Custom, then you can specify your own custom compression settings.

software interface of Image to PDF

Step 3. Set Monitored folders

  • Please click option File to then go to Monitor a Special Directory option like I showed in the following snapshot.

dropdown list menu option

  • When you click that option then you will see the following menu tab. Please click the button Add then you can see the small dialogue box named setting. Click button Browse then you can specified monitored input folder. By the same way, please specify the output folder. And there is no limit about how many folders can be input here. When you finish setting, simply click button OK then you can back to the main interface.

monitor folders

  • If you have set monitored folders, you do not need to add files to software interface. Once you add files to the monitored folders, they will be converted to PDF file at once.

When you need to set password for the converted PDF file, please click button Setting and go to the Encrypt Option menu tab. Here you can set either owner password and open password for the output PDF file. And when you set owner password singly, this software also allows you to disable options like printing, copying, changing and so on so forth. When you finish setting part, please back the main interface.

  • As you have specified output folder, now you do not need to click button Make PDF then the conversion will be done automatically.

Note:when you need to set conversion options, please do the setting part like encryption before setting monitored folders. Or sometimes, the conversion will be done without setting options.

By this method, converting scanned file to PDF can be done totally automatically. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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Image to PDF Converter

Convert image to PDF and set bookmark by page number

VeryDOC Image to PDF Converter can be used to convert image to PDF in batch by easy software interface. Meanwhile it allows you to use page number as bookmark. There are others options like use filename as bookmark and etc. When the conversion finishes, if you need to set open password and owner password to protect the output PDF, this software also can make it. If you are in need of converting image to PDF, please follow my steps to run conversion.

Step 1. Download Image to PDF Converter

  • This software is Window application so if you are Mac user, please download the Mac version, it can work both on 32-bit and 64-bit. Once the downloading finishes, please install it by double clicking the exe file and follow installation message.
  • When installation finishes, please double click the short-cut icon to launch this software.
  • This software is standalone, so during the conversion, you do not need to install any other third part software like Adobe.

Step 2. Convert image to PDF and set option of bookmark

  • The following snapshot is from the software interface. Please add image files by clicking button Add Files or you can drag files from its containing folder to software interface. All the detail information will be shown on the software interface. Simply click one of them, then it will be shown on the preview Window.

software interface of image to PDF converter

  • Please click Setting button to set bookmark by page number. The following snapshot is from setting menu option. As there are five menu options, please go to Bookmarks option, which look likes the following snapshot. Please click option Use Bookmarks then the options below it will go to fresh. Please choose the proper one according to your need. If you need to use page number as bookmarks, please choose the first one.

bookmark setting 

  • If you need to set password for the output PDF file, please go to Encrypt Option tab. Here you can set owner password, open password in two levels: 48 or 128-bit.
  • When you need to set other options, please go to corresponding tabs.
  • When you finish setting, please click button OK to back to the main interface. Click button Start to run the conversion. A few seconds later, the converted PDF file will show up in the specified output folder.

Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

output PDF with bookmark

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