DOC to Any Converter

Convert text files to Faxable TIFF files


We’re evaluating your product “doc2any_cmd”.

We already test all cases for compression
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,32773,32809,88880,88881,88882,88883,88884) and we have the
following message:

4/16 15:40:05.562 1788 L=001 x_DeliverFax - From fax board SendFax Error
261 Incorrect TIFF/F tag value

4/16 15:40:05.671 1012 L=001 x_play - *** ERROR - Failed to send Fax file
c:\doc2any_cmd\fax8840001.tif status=-2

We’ve a Dialogic D4PCIUF board.

Could you help us ?


You can select compression from 88880 to 88884 to try again, these compression methods will convert documents to faxable TIFF files,

-compression 88880 : 204x98 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compression 88881 : 204x196 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compression 88882 : 204x98 G3 ClassF TIFF
-compression 88883 : 204x196 G3 ClassF TIFF
-compression 88884 : CCITT Group 3 fax encoding (2d)

for example,

doc2any.exe -useprinter -compression 88880 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif
doc2any.exe -useprinter -compression 88881 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif
doc2any.exe -useprinter -compression 88883 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif
doc2any.exe -multipagetif -useprinter -compression 88880 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif

after you get the TIFF file, you can fax it by your fax machine. If you failed to send it to fax machine, please feel free send to us the sample TIFF file in question, after we checked the TIFF file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.

See Also:


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HTML to Image Converter

Concern to HTML to Image Convert SDK/COM for developer


Our company is an image solutions company in Korea.

One of our customers asked the solution to convert HTML document into image file.
Then we downloaded your sample program(html2image.exe) for HTML to Image Converter(Command Line) and tested.

We think your product is of good.

We are interested in and concerned about your product HTML to Image Converter(SDK/COM) for developer.

We want to test that HTML to Image Converter SDK/COM is available via an easily integrated COM object(DLL library),  enabling developers to access the converter via programming languages, such as Visual Basic, C/C++.

Then we are going to purchase your product.

Is it possible to get the example program and API document needed to develop?

Let me know via sending mail address as soon as possible.

Thank you.


Thanks for your message, please download HTML to Image Converter SDK from following URL,

This HTML to Image Converter SDK is include VC++, C#, VB, etc. sample source code, you can call HTML to Image Converter SDK from your code to convert HTML and web pages to image files easily.


Convert web pages to image files by VC++ source code,

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int WINAPI HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd(const char *lpszCmdLine);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(argc == 1)
printf("Usage: [options] ...\n");
return 0;
char szCmdBuf[2048] = {0};
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
strcat(szCmdBuf, "\"");
strcat(szCmdBuf, argv[i]);
strcat(szCmdBuf, "\" ");
int nRet = HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd(szCmdBuf);
printf("nRet = %d\n",nRet);
return nRet;

Convert web pages to image files by VB source code,

Private Declare Function HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd Lib "pdfshell.dll" (ByVal strCommandLine As String) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim nRet As Long
Dim strCmd As String

strCmd = strCmd & " -url="
strCmd = strCmd & " -out=D:\temp\test.png"

nRet = HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd(strCmd)
MsgBox (Str(nRet))
End Sub

Convert web pages to image files by C# source code,

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

[DllImport(@"pdfshell.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string strCmdLine);

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strCmd;
strCmd = "-$=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -url= -out=D:\\temp\\test.png";
uint nRet = HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd(strCmd);

The following is the complete options which supported by HTML to Image Converter SDK product,

HTML to Image Converter, Copyright(c), All rights reserved.
Do you want us to customize this tool for you?
Do you want to suggest new feature for the future version?
Did you find any bug in our product?

Feel free to contact us:

Convert HTML files to image files, it has following key features:
Generate thumbnail previews of web pages.
Create full length screenshots of website pages.
Convert MHTML and HTML pages to images in batch.
Supports JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF, EMF, WMF image formats.
Supports JPEG quality (compression) percent.
Supports capturing sites with flash content.
Supports timeout seconds of web page to load.
Supports delayed snapshots of web page.
Convert HTML files to image files in background.
Supports multi-threaded mode, able to capture multiple websites at a time.
Switches to disable java, activex, scripts on the web page.
Command Line parameters:
-url=<url>        The URL to capture (http:...|file:...|...)
-out=<path>       The target file (.png|bmp|jpeg|emf|...)
-width=<int>      Width of the output image (default: auto)
-height=<int>     Height of the output image (default: auto)
-xdpi=<int>       X resolution of the output image (default: auto)
-ydpi=<int>       Y resolution of the output image (default: auto)
-dpi=<int>        Both X and Y resolution of the output image (default: auto)
-bwidth=<int>     Browser width (default: 800)
-bheight=<int>    Browser height (default: automatically determined)
-quality=<int>    JPEG quality (compression) percent (default: 90)
-timeout=<ms>     Timeout in milliseconds (default: 120000, 0 is no timeout)
-delay=<ms>       Wait after loading (e.g. for Flash; default: 0)
-highquality      Create high quality image files
-silent           Whether to surpress some dialogs
-help             Print this help page and exit
-$                Input your license key to remove demo watermark
html2image -url= -out=C:\verydoc.png
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.png
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.jpg -quality=70
html2image -url= -out=C:\out.png -width=100 -height=200 -dpi=200
html2image -$=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
html2image -$=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -url= -out=C:\test.png
html2image -url= -out=C:\test.png -bwidth=200 -bheight=200
html2image -url= -out=C:\test.png -timeout=120000
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.wmf
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.emf
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.tif
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png -highquality -height=2000
html2image -url= -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000 -height=4000
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000 -dpi=300
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000 -xdpi=200 -ydpi=300
html2image -url= -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000 -height=4000 -xdpi=300 -ydpi=300

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PowerPoint Converter

PowerPoint Converter is failed to convert a PPT document

Hi VeryDoc.

We've purchased an unlimited use license for pptconv (v3.1) -- reference number is XXXXXXX. We've got an issue with pptconv returning -2 when trying to convert the attached PowerPoint deck. We're running Office 2007 on Windows XP.

Could you take a look at this issue please?

Kind regards,


We suggest you may by following steps to try again,

1. Please open this damaged PPT file in MS PowerPoint application,
2. Press CTRL+A to select all slides, and press CTRL+C to copy all slides to clipboard,
3. Create a new blank PowerPoint document,
4. Press CTRL+V to paste all slides into new blank PowerPoint document,
5. Save new PowerPoint document to a new PPT file,
6. Run PowerPoint Converter to convert new PPT file to PDF or other formats again,

We hoping above steps will solve this problem to you, please to try.


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PDF to DWG Converter

Convert PDF to DXF R21 file and map color to layers

    When you need to convert PDF to DXF R21 and map color to layers, maybe you can have a free trial of software VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter, which also can be used to convert PDF to all the common CAD file formats like DWG R16, R18 and so on so forth. And this software is command line version, which can be called together with other applications like VB, VC and others. If you need to use the GUI version, please download on VeryPDF website. In the following part, I will show you how to use this software.

Step 1. Install PDF to DWG Converter

  • This software is command line application, once downloading finishes, there will be a zip file in the downloaded folder. Please extract the zip file to local folder then you can check the elements in it.
  • Please note this is Window application and it can not work under Mac or Linux.

Step 2. Convert PDF to DXF from script

  • Please do the conversion according the usage and examples. Or else the conversion may fail. Meanwhile this software supports all versions of PDF files.
    Usage: pdf2dwg [options] <pdf-file> [<out-file>]
  • When you need to convert single PDF file to DXF R21, you need to convert PDF DWG file first then convert DWG file to DXF R21.
  • pdf2dwg.exe C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe -ver 1 C:\test.dwg C:\test.dxf
    -ver <int> : this parameter can help you set output format for DXF and DWG files, it can be selected from following values:
    1: dxf R21 file format (*.dxf)
    2: dxf R18 file format (*.dxf)
    3: dxf R15 file format (*.dxf)
    4: dxf R14 file format (*.dxf)
      5: dxf R13 file format (*.dxf)
      6: dxf R12 file format (*.dxf)
      7: dxf R10 file format (*.dxf)
      8: dxf R9 file format (*.dxf)
      9: binary dxf R21 file format (*.dxf)
    So when we need to convert PDF to DXF R21, please use parameter -ver 1. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot.

    output DXF and input PDF

  • When you need to map colors of layers, please use parameter -ctl  which is a professional option for mapping colors to layers. And when you use it, please refer to the following command line template.
    pdf2dwg.exe  -ctl C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf
  • When you need to do batch conversion, please write bat file or use wild characters like the following snapshot.
  • pdf2dwg.exe C:\*.pdf C:\*.dxf
    pdf2dwg.exe C:\*.pdf C:\*.dwg

By this method and under the help of this software, you can convert PDF to DXF and map colors. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.


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PDF to Text Converter

Convert table PDF to text remaining layout

VeryDOC PDF to Text Converter can be used to convert PDF to text and remain layout. When converting table PDF file to text, it also can keep the layout and format even if there is no table around the text. This software supports most of the common languages like English, French, German, Italian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, etc. But if there is something wrong in the setting part, the conversion may fail. In the following part, I will show you how to use this software.

Step 1. Install PDF to Text Converter

  • This software either can be used as command line version or GUI version, but you need to install the GUI version then you can use the executable file in the installation folder.
  • The installation is quite simply, once the downloading finishes, please double click the exe file and follow installation message. Once the installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop. Simply click the icon then you can launch this software.

Step 2. Launch software and do the setting part

  • The following snapshot is from the software interface, which will be helpful to understand the usage of this software. Please click Menu option then you will see the dropdown menu list like I showed in the following snapshot.

software interface of PDF to text

  • Please choose Set More Option in the dropdown list then you will see menu option like I showed in the following snapshot. Please make sure choose the options:insert page breakers and output text file in unicode format. And then click button OK to back to the main interface. When converting password protected PDF to text, please input the password in Password Setting part. And when you need to specify the conversion page range, please specify in Page Range part.

menu options

  • There are many options listed in the dropdown list, please choose them according to your needs. And once you choose that option, there will one cross before it.
  • When you finish setting part, simply drag PDF files needed converting to software interface then there will be dialogue box reminding you to save the output text file. Finish this step then the output text file will be showed in the specified output folder. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. Judging from the following snapshot,we can tell that the layout and format can be kept well in the output text file.

input PDF and output text

By this software, you can convert PDF to text easily and accurately. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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