PDF to PDF/A Converter

Convert PDF to PDF/A using CMYK ICC profile

There are some constraints in output PDF/A file formats and one of constraints is that colors paces specified in a device-independent manner. And just this character makes PDF/A device independence – Electronic information can be rendered without regard to software or hardware platforms for long time archiving. So when converting PDF to PDF/A, this important character can not be omitted. In the following part, I will show you how to convert PDF to PDF/A using CMYK ICC profile.

Step 1. Download PDF to PDF/A Converter

  • This software is Window command line application, which can work both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms. Once downloading finishes, there will be a zip file in downloading folder. Please extract it to some folder then you can check the elements in it.
  • And you also use this software together with ASP/PHP/C#/.NET/... etc. server side applications.

Step 2. Convert PDF to PDF/A Using CMYK ICC profile

  • The CMYK color model (process color, four color) is a subtractive color model, used in color printing, and is also used to describe the printing process itself. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black).(quoted from wiki)
  • For enhancing printing quality and screen showing effect, the color is set at different angles which depend on how many colors are used and the preference of the press operator, typical CMYK process printing uses any of the following screen angles. And VeryDOC converter strictly obey this rule when we deign this software. 

                                                        screen angles

  • When you need to convert PDF to PDF/A using CMYK ICC profile, please refer to the following command line template.
  • pdf2pdfa.exe -cl 1 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
    This software allows you to convert PDF to PDF/A and choose color space. And there are three options for you: RGB , CMYK  and GRCY. Value 2 stands for CMYK ICC profile.

    -cl <int> : set color space, 0 is RGB, 1 is CMYK, 2 is grayscale
          -cl 0 : use RGB  ICC profile for device-specific color spaces
          -cl 1 : use CMYK ICC profile for device-specific color spaces
          -cl 2 : use GRAY ICC profile for device-specific color spaces

CMYK or process color printing is contrasted with spot color printing, in which specific colored inks are used to produce the colors appearing on paper. So this function will help you a lot when you need to save colorful PDF file to PDF/A. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot.

input PDF and output PDFA 

During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible. And If you want to own one, please pay for it then the code will be sent to your email box at once.

PostScript to PDF Converter

Some Questions for Postscript to PDF Converter SDK

I am a VB6 developer and want to have this functionality engine. Can you explain the difference between the command line license and the sdk license. I require ALL the stated command line functionality but in a DLL.

I also want to know if the PDF can handle (from configuration)

** multiple page lengths
** page orientation like portrait and Landscape
** large page sizes definable by width x height in cms or inches.
** Is there one or two months initial support with the purchase/ any royalty free restrictions?
** Is your brand name kept "silent" so my product identity is in the forefront?

Thanks for your early reply.


>>I am a VB6 developer and want to have this functionality engine. Can you explain the difference between the command line license and the sdk license. I require ALL the stated command line functionality but in a DLL.

Command Line is a standalone application, Command Line can be called by CreateProcess() or Shell() or script or other functions, you can also run it in CMD window by manual.
SDK is can only be called from 3rd source code, e.g., you can call it from VB, VC++, Delphi, C#, VB.NET, Java, etc. program languages.

Command Line can be used easier than SDK version.

>>I also want to know if the PDF can handle (from configuration)
** multiple page lengths
** page orientation like portrait and Landscape
** large page sizes definable by width x height in cms or inches.

Yes, our PS to PDF Converter has above functions.

>>** Is there one or two months initial support with the purchase/ any royalty free restrictions?

Please refer to our support options from following web page,


>>** Is your brand name kept "silent" so my product identity is in the forefront?

Sorry, we don't understand your meaning, what is your meaning for the "brand name be kept silent"?



Thank you very much for your email response. I would like to confirm I am very interested in your DLL SDK unlimited Royalty solution or PS to PDF. It is a lot of money to risk if on purchasing I find issues that cannot be resolved by you. So I would like to ask additional questions around my various concern. I trust this is OK by you?

1. I downloaded the zip file for both the command line and the SDK and found the SDK did not have ANY test DLL nor example PDF nor documentation. The VB code is extremely basic. Are you able to provide a 30 Trial DLL? If I can't try it I would never be interested in purchasing as I purchased the ADULT PDF PS to PDF for $1000 and it is bug ridden and the people refuse to respond to my email even though I sent emails written in Chinese and English - so I hope you understand my concern - I want to test this and make sure it suits my needs before I purchase.

2. I previously asked :::** Is your brand name kept "silent" so my product identity is in the forefront? I meant- is your VeryPDF logo displayed at all anywhere or when producing the PDF so the clients will know it is VERYPDF? I want to keep this “silent” even on the DLL properties.

3. When the PDF DLL is called is the a way to show a progress meter or a display that shows the pages being built so the User will know something is happening on-screen?

4. I would like to see example of how you are calling the DLL and EVERY parameter you are passing to it. There is only example of your command line on the web but nothing about the DLL on the web or in the ZIP under doc folder.

5. In the command line, there is NO example of how you can force the PDF creation to have say a different page length Like “letter”, “a4”, “legal”, “a5” and “a3” – are the ones I would use only.

6. I would like example of how you can pass to DLL a specific page width x Height for the PDF and the page orientation of portrait /Landscape in case we want to change the default in the PS.

7. How can I control the embedded image compression and the text DPI so that the PDF size is made smaller – this is called JPEG Compression a vale of between 60 – 85 % (85% higher compression – poorer quality Jpg or image), and TEXT DPI expressed as 100, 150,300,600

8. Is it possible to insert a watermark (Background image) using the DLL.

9. What is the maximum size of the PDF using say 1 GB free RAM? Are there any restrictions ?

10. How long does it take to produce (estimated time) a 2500 page PDF?

11. What PDF version is the PDF produced in – 1.4 , 1.5 ,1.6, or 1.7?

12. How can I embed Non Type 1 PS fonts in the PDF – like specialised Windows fonts – so when the PDF opens it will not give an error if the font does not exist on the User PC. Is there some configuration for the PDF?

13. How often do you issues updates? What is the version of the current DLL? What is your update policy in regards to same version – minor upgrade or new major version.
Please advise me if you can do a trial DLL.


>>1. I downloaded the zip file for both the command line and the SDK and found the SDK did not have ANY test DLL nor example PDF nor documentation. The VB code is extremely basic. Are you able to provide a 30 Trial DLL? If I can't try it I would never be interested in purchasing as I purchased the ADULT PDF PS to PDF for $1000 and it is bug ridden and the people refuse to respond to my email even though I sent emails written in Chinese and English - so I hope you understand my concern - I want to test this and make sure it suits my needs before I purchase.

Thanks for your message, you can download the trial version from our website directly, the trial version hasn't a time limitation, you can evaluate it easily,


>>2. I previously asked :::** Is your brand name kept "silent" so my product identity is in the forefront? I meant- is your VeryPDF logo displayed at all anywhere or when producing the PDF so the clients will know it is VERYPDF? I want to keep this “silent” even on the DLL properties.

No, VeryPDF logo is not displayed in created PDF file and during conversion, you can evaluate our PS to PDF Converter carefully for this "silent" issue.

>>3. When the PDF DLL is called is the a way to show a progress meter or a display that shows the pages being built so the User will know something is happening on-screen?

The current version of PS to PDF Converter SDK doesn't show a progress on screen in the current version.

>>4. I would like to see example of how you are calling the DLL and EVERY parameter you are passing to it. There is only example of your command line on the web but nothing about the DLL on the web or in the ZIP under doc folder.

PS to PDF Converter SDK is support all command options which included in Command Line version, such as,

VeryDOC PS to PDF Converter v2.1
Web: https://www.verydoc.com
Email: support@verypdf.com
Build: Mar 24 2009
Key features in ps2pdf.exe:
  Convert postscript files to Acrobat PDF files.
  Merge PDF files into one PDF file.
  Convert PDF files to postscript files.
  Burst PDF file to single page PDF files.
  Set document summary to output PDF files.
  Set encryption options to output PDF files.
  Remove empty pages from PDF file automatically.
  Rotate PDF pages during conversion.
Usage: ps2pdf.exe [options] [Options] <PS file> [PDF file]
  -mode <int>         : set mode for PS to PDF conversion,
       -mode 0: convert Postscript to PDF file quickly, default
       -mode 1: convert Postscript to PDF file by second method
       -mode 2: convert Postscript to EMF and merge EMF files into PDF file
  -firstpage <int>    : First page to print, from 1 to max page
  -lastpage <int>     : Last page to print, from 1 to max page
  -producer <string>  : Set 'producer' to PDF file
  -creator <string>   : Set 'creator' to PDF file
  -subject <string>   : Set 'subject' to PDF file
  -title <string>     : Set 'title' to PDF file
  -author <string>    : Set 'author' to PDF file
  -keywords <string>  : Set 'keywords' to PDF file
  -openpwd <string>   : Set 'open password' to PDF file
  -ownerpwd <string>  : Set 'owner password' to PDF file
  -keylen <int>       : Key length (40 or 128 bit)
        -keylen 0:  40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
        -keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
        -keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
  -encryption <int>   : Restrictions
        -encryption    0: Encrypt the file only
        -encryption 3900: Deny anything
        -encryption    4: Deny printing
        -encryption    8: Deny modification of contents
        -encryption   16: Deny copying of contents
        -encryption   32: No commenting
        ===128 bit encryption only -> ignored if 40 bit encryption is used
        -encryption  256: Deny FillInFormFields
        -encryption  512: Deny ExtractObj
        -encryption 1024: Deny Assemble
        -encryption 2048: Disable high res. printing
        -encryption 4096: Do not encrypt metadata
  -rotate <int>       : Rotate pages, 90, 180, 270
  -noempty            : Delete empty pages from PDF file
  -mergepdf <string>  : Merge two PDF files into one PDF file
        -mergepdf <file1|file2|file3|...>: Merge several PDF files into one
  -burstpdf <string>  : Burst PDF file into single page PDF files
  -pdf2ps <string>    : Convert PDF to PS directly
  -$ <string>         : Input registration key
   ps2pdf.exe C:\input.ps
   ps2pdf.exe C:\input.ps C:\output.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -firstpage 1 -lastpage 20 C:\input.ps C:\output.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -subject "subject" C:\in.ps C:\out.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -producer "producer" C:\in.ps C:\out.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -creator "creator" C:\in.ps C:\out.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -ownerpwd owner -keylen 2 -encryption 3900 C:\in.ps C:\out.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -mergepdf "C:\1.pdf|C:\2.pdf|C:\3.pdf" C:\out.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -burstpdf C:\input.pdf C:\output.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -rotate 90 C:\input.ps C:\output.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -mode 1 C:\input.ps C:\output.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -mode 2 C:\input.ps C:\output.pdf
   ps2pdf.exe -pdf2ps C:\input.pdf C:\output.ps
   ps2pdf.exe -noempty C:\input.ps C:\output.pdf

You can call these command lines by VeryPDF_PSToPDF() function, for example,

nRet = VeryPDF_PSToPDF("ps2pdf -mode 2 -$ XXXXXXXXXX C:\input.ps C:\output.pdf");
nRet = VeryPDF_PSToPDF("ps2pdf -pdf2ps -$ XXXXXXXXXX C:\input.pdf C:\output.ps");
nRet = VeryPDF_PSToPDF("ps2pdf -mergepdf \"C:\1.pdf|C:\2.pdf|C:\3.pdf\" C:\out.pdf");
nRet = VeryPDF_PSToPDF("ps2pdf -mode 1 C:\input.ps C:\output.pdf");
nRet = VeryPDF_PSToPDF("ps2pdf -noempty C:\input.ps C:\output.pdf");

and so on...

VeryPDF_PSToPDF() function is included in "ps2pdfsdk.dll" library, "ps2pdfsdk.dll" is a Win32 DLL Library, it is not necessary to register it by regsvr32.exe application, you can call "ps2pdfsdk.dll" from your code directly.

This is a VB example to call the VeryPDF_PSToPDF() function,


Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PSToPDF Lib "ps2pdfsdk.dll" (ByVal strCommandLine As String) As Long

Private Sub ps2pdf_Click()
    Dim nRet As Long
    Dim strCmd As String
    strCmd = "ps2pdf" & " -$" & " XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
    strCmd = strCmd & " C:\test.ps"
    strCmd = strCmd & " C:\test.pdf"
    nRet = VeryPDF_PSToPDF(strCmd)
    MsgBox (Str(nRet))
End Sub


>>5. In the command line, there is NO example of how you can force the PDF creation to have say a different page length Like “letter”, “a4”, “legal”, “a5” and “a3” – are the ones I would use only.

The paper size has been set in original PS file, so VeryDOC PS to PDF Converter SDK is not allow to change the paper size, the output PDF file's paper size will same as input PS file's paper size.

>>6. I would like example of how you can pass to DLL a specific page width x Height for the PDF and the page orientation of portrait /Landscape in case we want to change the default in the PS.

Sorry, VeryDOC PS to PDF Converter SDK do not provide an option to change the page width, height, orientation during PS to PDF conversion, because this will damaged the layout of original page contents.

However, if you still need to change the page width, height, orientation to output PDF file, we suggest you may download Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product from following web page to try,


You can use Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product to resize PDF paper size, change page orientation easily.

>>7. How can I control the embedded image compression and the text DPI so that the PDF size is made smaller – this is called JPEG Compression a vale of between 60 – 85 % (85% higher compression – poorer quality Jpg or image), and TEXT DPI expressed as 100, 150,300,600
>>8. Is it possible to insert a watermark (Background image) using the DLL

VeryDOC PS to PDF Converter SDK does not support image compression adjustment and background image options yet, if you need these functions, we can provide a custom-build version to you at additional cost, please feel free to let us know if you are interest in.

>>9. What is the maximum size of the PDF using say 1 GB free RAM? Are there any restrictions ?

Our PS to PDF Converter SDK is using disk cache to store the temporary data, so it can create a PDF file over 1GB without any problem.

Therefore, we can say that our PS to PDF Converter SDK hasn't maximum number of PDF file size limited.

>>10. How long does it take to produce (estimated time) a 2500 page PDF?

The conversion time is depend on the complexity of degree of the Postscript pages, if your Postscript document pages are contain lots of complex graphics, our PS to PDF Converter SDK will take long time to do the conversion.

In general, our PS to PDF Converter SDK can convert a 10M PS file to PDF file less than 10~20 seconds, you can download the trial version and evaluate the speed carefully.

>>11. What PDF version is the PDF produced in – 1.4 , 1.5 ,1.6, or 1.7?

It will create PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5.0) files.

>>12. How can I embed Non Type 1 PS fonts in the PDF – like specialised Windows fonts – so when the PDF opens it will not give an error if the font does not exist on the User PC. Is there some configuration for the PDF?

PS to PDF Converter SDK will look for the fonts which installed in Windows system, if a font does not installed in Windows system, PS to PDF Converter SDK will look for a similar font automatically. It doesn't provide configuration option for font embedding, everything can be done automatically.

>>13. How often do you issues updates? What is the version of the current DLL? What is your update policy in regards to same version – minor upgrade or new major version.

In general, we do update our products every 3~6 months.

We are provide One Year Free Support and One Month Gold Support, please refer to our support options from following web page,


If you have any question for our products, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

PDF to PDF/A Converter

How to convert PDF to PDF/A for Archiving?

What is a PDF/A?

PDF/A is an ISO standard established for long-term preservation of documents and files. Unlike basic PDF files, PDF/A profiles embed font and color information in the document in order to insure that the document can be reproduced exactly as created in the future. The PDF/A standard was created to address problems created by storing information in an electronic format. ISO 19005-1 is an initial attempt to meet user’s electronic document long-term storage needs.

PDF/A's goal is preserve appearance of file over time and also will support future access and future migration needs by providing frameworks for embedding metadata about the file, and defining the logical structure and semantic properties of file. PDF/A-1 files will be self-contained, self-describing files.

The PDF/A standards attempt to maximize:

  • Device independence
  • Self-containment
  • Self-documentation

The constraints include:

  • Audio and video content are forbidden
  • Javascript and executable file launches are prohibited
  • All fonts must be embedded and also must be legally embeddable for unlimited, universal rendering
  • Colorspaces specified in a device-independent manner
  • Encryption is disallowed
  • Use of standards-based metadata is mandated

The PDF/A-1 standard defines two levels of conformance: conformance level A satisfies all requirements in the specification; level B is a lower level of conformance, "encompassing the requirements of this part of ISO 19005 regarding the visual appearance of electronic documents, but not their structural or semantic properties."

How is PDF/A able to meet long-term preservation needs?

  • Device Independence – Electronic information can be rendered without regard to software or hardware platforms.
  • Self-contained – All information necessary to render a PDF/A is contained within the file itself.
  • Self-documenting – It allows for different types of metadata to be embedded within the PDF/A file.
  • Unfettered – Prohibits encryption. Access control must be done outside file format.
  • Available – PDF/A is based on an authoritative specification for electronic documents and files, which is also publicly available.
  • Adoption – PDF’s have widespread use, which may allow for long-term preservation.

What is the difference between PDF and PDF/A?

PDF, though very useful, does not necessarily meet long-term storage needs. Some of the features like fonts that are used by a PDF file are not embedded into the files, which can mean that as time passes it will be less likely that a PDF will be able to be read. PDF files can be created using many different software applications, and there is a lack of standards for PDF files across the different applications. It is likely that different “PDF” files could be corrupted or otherwise unreadable by a PDF reader. PDF/A, with the ISO standards, should not have the long-term storage problems that a PDF file can have.

When should PDF/A be used?

The PDF/A file format could be used any time the long-term storage of a digital document is necessary. It is unnecessary to convert all your work files to the PDF/A file format. Drafts of reports, documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, which are being updated on a regular basis, would be a case where it would not make sense to convert the file to PDF/A.

What fonts should be used when creating a PDF/A document?

Most popular fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica) can be embedded into a PDF/A formatted file. Other fonts cannot be embedded; therefore precaution should be taken when selecting a font.

When a PDF/A file is created, the application (Adobe Professional, etc.) ensures that all fonts are embedded into the file. If the fonts are not embedded, a PDF/A file cannot be created. Adobe Professional and Reader can verify whether fonts are embedded into the file by checking under the “Properties” of the file.

VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line Functions:

  • Convert PDF documents to PDF/A-1b documents
  • Validate incoming documents automatically
  • Embed color profiles into output PDF/A files automatically
  • Embed fonts into output PDF/A files automatically
  • Embed subset fonts to keep the file size small
  • Create metadata automatically
  • Linearization for fast web view
  • Flatten annotation and comments into PDF contents automatically

How to convert PDF to PDF/A for Archiving?

PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line v2.0
Email: support@verydoc.com
Release Date: Apr 21 2013
Usage: pdftools [options] <pdf-file> [<out-pdf>]
  -cl <int>           : set color space, 0 is RGB, 1 is CMYK, 2 is grayscale
      -cl 0 : use RGB  ICC profile for device-specific color spaces
      -cl 1 : use CMYK ICC profile for device-specific color spaces
      -cl 2 : use GRAY ICC profile for device-specific color spaces
  -quick              : convert PDF to PDF/A by quick mode, same as "-mode 1"
  -mode <int>         : convert PDF to PDF/A by various modes, e.g, 0, 1, 2
  -skip               : don't overwrite an output file if it already exists
  -producer <string>  : Set 'producer' to PDF file
  -creator <string>   : Set 'creator' to PDF file
  -subject <string>   : Set 'subject' to PDF file
  -title <string>     : Set 'title' to PDF file
  -author <string>    : Set 'author' to PDF file
  -keywords <string>  : Set 'keywords' to PDF file
  -startpage <int>    : Set the current page when open the file
  -openaction <string>: Set OpenAction to PDF file
      OpenAction includes "FitBH", "FitH", "Fit", etc., for example:
      -openaction "FitBH" or -openaction "50"
      -openaction "50" means display pages with magnification=50%.
  -reset              : Reset all PDF/A configuration files
  -repair             : Repair damaged PDF file automatically
  -$ <string>         : input registration key
   pdf2pdfa.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
   pdf2pdfa.exe C:\in\*.pdf C:\out\*.pdf
   pdf2pdfa.exe -producer myproducer -creator mycreator C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
   pdf2pdfa.exe -startpage 2 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
   pdf2pdfa.exe -startpage 2 -openaction 100 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
   pdf2pdfa.exe -reset C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
   pdf2pdfa.exe -quick C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

For example, you can run following command line to convert a normal PDF file to PDF/A file,

pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 sample5.pdf sample5-pdfa.pdf

How to convert PDF to PDF/A for Archiving?

This is original PDF file, the original PDF file is contain annotations, PDF to PDF/A Converter will convert these annotations to static contents in output PDF/A file,

How to convert PDF to PDF/A for Archiving?

This is output PDF file, as you see, a message of “You are viewing this document in PDF/A mode” at top of window, it is indicate this is a PDF/a file,

How to convert PDF to PDF/A for Archiving?

We can verify the PDF/A-1 format by “Advanced”=>“Preflight” menu in “Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended” product,

How to convert PDF to PDF/A for Archiving?

How to convert PDF to PDF/A for Archiving?

“No problems found” in PDF/A-1b file, it is indicate this PDF file is 100% compliance with the PDF/A-1b standard,

How to convert PDF to PDF/A for Archiving?

VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line can be download and purchased from following web page,


PDF to PDF/A Converter

VeryDOC releases new version of PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line product today

星星 PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line web page,


The new version of PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line has following features,

1. add “-reset” parameter, this parameter will reset all PDF/A configuration files, sometimes, when you run pdf2pdfa.exe to convert a PDF file to PDF/A file, the resultant PDF file is just contain one blank page, this is because some configuration files are damaged in your system, you can add “-reset” parameter to reset PDF/A configuration files, for example,

pdf2pdfa.exe -reset "sample1.pdf" "_sample1-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -reset "sample2.pdf" "_sample2-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -reset "sample3.pdf" "_sample3-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -reset "sample4.pdf" "_sample4-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -reset "sample5.pdf" "_sample5-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -reset "sample6.pdf" "_sample6-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -reset "sample7.pdf" "_sample7-pdfa.pdf"

2. add “-mode 2” parameter, this parameter will analyze all objects in PDF file, it will check and repair all objects in PDF file and arrange them to comply with the PDF/A compliance, this parameter is great to process various kinds of PDF files over the world, you can use this parameter like below,

pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample1.pdf" "_sample1-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample2.pdf" "_sample2-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample3.pdf" "_sample3-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample4.pdf" "_sample4-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample5.pdf" "_sample5-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample6.pdf" "_sample6-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample7.pdf" "_sample7-pdfa.pdf"

3. add “-mode 1” parameter, this parameter is useful to repair damaged PDF/A files, this parameter is can also convert scanned PDF files to PDF/A files quickly. Because this parameter hasn’t font embedding function, it can not embed the system fonts into PDF file, so this parameter can not be used to convert non-PDF/A files to PDF/A files, you should better use it for repair existing PDF/a files.

After you convert a PDF file to PDF/A file, you can check the compliance of this PDF file with the PDF/A-1b specification in “Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended”, please open this PDF file in “Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended” first, click “Advanced” => “Preflight” menus,

VeryDOC releases new version of PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line product today

Select “Verify compliance with PDF/A-1b” option and click “Analyze” button to analyze the PDF file,

VeryDOC releases new version of PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line product today

If this PDF file is comply with PDF/A-1b specification, you will see “No problems found” message, see below screenshot,

VeryDOC releases new version of PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line product today

If you encounter any problem with VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line product, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

男孩 http://support.verypdf.com

PDF to PDF/A Converter

Repair damaged PDF and convert PDF to PDF/A

   When converting PDF to PDF/A in batch, you may meet some which can not be converted properly. And when try to open those files, they even can not be opened properly then you can tell that this kind of PDF files have been damaged in some degree.  Now by software VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter, you can repair damaged PDF file and then convert it to PDF/A. In the following part, I will show you how to process it.

Step 1. Know more about PDF to PDF/A Converter

  • PDF to PDF/A Converter is a Window command line application, which can work under all the Window system. It can be used to convert your existing PDF documents (normal or scanned) into ISO 19005-1 PDF/A-compliant archivable documents even if some documents have been damaged.
  • Download it  and then you will find zip file in downloading folder. Please extract zip file to some folder then you can check the elements in it. Find executable file and then call it from MS Dos Windows.

Step 2. Repair PDF and Convert Damaged PDF to PDF/A

  • Please run the conversion according to the usage and be in compliance with the examples.

Usage:pdftools [options] <pdf-file> [<out-pdf>]
When you need to repair damaged PDF and convert it to PDF, please refer to the following command line templates.
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 1 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdf2pdfa.exe –repair C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
Related parameters:
-mode <int> : this parameter gives you three options to convert PDF to PDF/A by various modes, e.g, 0, 1,
-mode 0:default mode, by this value, it does the conversion according to all default settings.
-mode 1: this mode is quick conversion mode, which can be used to repair the existing PDF/A files, it can also convert scanned PDF files to PDF/A files quickly, but this mode can't embed the font data into PDF file, so it can't convert a PDF file which contain system fonts to PDF/A files properly.
-mode 2: full conversion mode, this mode does analyze everything in PDF file and process everything in PDF file to comply with PDF/A format carefully, if "-mode 0" fails, you can use "-mode 2" method to try again.
-repair : Repair damaged PDF file automatically

When you do batch conversion, you can add parameter either –mode 1 or -repair, then this software will repair damaged PDF automatically and convert them to PDF/A directly. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

input PDF and result PDFA