PDF to Image Converter

How to extract image from PDF and save it as color JPG

When handling PDF file, if you just need the image part of PDF, the following article will be quite helpful for you. In this article, I will show you how to remove text from PDF and only keep the image part of PDF. The software I use is VeryDOC PDF to TIFF Extractor, by which you can save all the color images as JPG files with high quality. The output JPG files can perfectly retain the original color.  Please check more information on software homepage, in the following part, I will show you how to use this software.

Step 1. Install PDF to TIFF Extractor

  • This software is Window version, now it can not be used under Mac and Linux version. When downloading finishes, there will be an exe file in downloading package.
  • Please install this software by double clicking the exe and following installation message. When installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop. Simply click the icon then you can launch this software. The following snapshot is from the software interface, please have a check.

software interface of PDF to TIFF Extractor

Step 2. Extract image from PDF and save it as color JPG.

  • When you open software, please click Menu option then you will see the dropdown list. Please choose Option Setting then you can set setting menu option. The following snapshot is from the setting menu option, please have a check.

setting menu option

  • Here you can Set Image Resolutions from Horizontal and Vertical and the unit is DPI.  You can also choose the conversion page range. In the Extract Image Option part, please make sure choose the option of Export color images as JPG files. This option can help you output image as JPG file. As to other options, you can choose them according to your needs.
  • In the image processing part, you can auto detect and rotate landscape pictures. If you need to invert color for white & black pictures, this software also can help you. And this software also can help you flip image from vertical and horizontal direction. 
  • In the bottom part, you can choose name templates.
  • When you finish setting part, please click button OK to back to the main interface.
  • Simply add PDF file to software interface then it will remind you to choose output folder.
  • Then output image file will be shown in output folder at once.

So by this software and this method, we can extract image form PDF and save it as color JPG file. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

PostScript to Image Converter

VeryDOC releases a new version of Postscript to Image Converter Command Line today

VeryDOC has released a new version of Postscript to Image Converter Command Line product today, please download new version from following URL,


after you download and unzip it to a folder, you can run following command line to convert your PS file to TIFF file at high quality, e.g., 25000 dpi,

ps2image.exe -r 25000 -b 1 D:\Gray.eps D:\Gray.tif

the new version of EXE is ps2image.exe, but not the ps2img.exe, please notice their difference. The new version of ps2image.exe is support following parameters,

VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter Command Line v2.0
Web: https://www.verydoc.com
Email: support@verypdf.com
Build: Jul 24 2013
Key features in PS to Image Converter:
   Convert postscript files to various image formats.
   Use disk cache to render postscript to image files at any resolution.
   Various compression arithmetic for output TIFF files.
Usage: ps2image.exe [options] [Options] <PS Files>
  -f <int>        : first page to print, from 1 to max page
  -l <int>        : last page to print, from 1 to max page
  -r <int>        : set resolution when render ps to image files
  -c <string>     : set compression method to generated TIFF files
    -c none          : Create TIFF file without compression
    -c lzw           : Compress TIFF using LZW arithmetic
    -c packbits      : Compress TIFF using packbits arithmetic
    -c g3            : Compress TIFF using CCITT G3 arithmetic
    -c g4            : Compress TIFF using CCITT G4 arithmetic
  -b <int>        : set bitcount when render ps to image files
  -debug          : print debug message
  -silent         : print debug message
  -$ <string>     : input registration key
   ps2image.exe C:\input.ps C:\output.tif
   ps2image.exe -c none C:\input.ps C:\output.tif
   ps2image.exe -c g3 C:\input.ps C:\output.tif
   ps2image.exe -c g4 C:\input.ps C:\output.tif
   ps2image.exe -c lzw C:\input.ps C:\output.tif
   ps2image.exe -c packbits C:\input.ps C:\output.tif
   ps2image.exe C:\input.ps C:\output.jpg
   ps2image.exe C:\input.ps C:\output.bmp
   ps2image.exe C:\input.ps C:\output.pcx
   ps2image.exe C:\input.ps C:\output.png
   ps2image.exe C:\test\*.ps C:\test\*.jpg
   ps2image.exe C:\filelist.txt

The new version of ps2image.exe does use disk file to cache the temporary image data, so in theory, it can render PS file to image file at any high DPI resolution, e.g., up to 50,000 DPI, the output TIFF file may up to 200MB or more, image file’s width and height may become 12,0000x12,0000 pixel or more.

The following command lines can be used to convert ps and eps files to image files easily,

ps2image.exe multi-page-test.ps _multi-page-test.tif
ps2image.exe multi-page-test.ps _multi-page-test_%d.tif
ps2image.exe multi-page-test.ps _multi-page-test_%d.png
ps2image.exe multi-page-test.ps _multi-page-test_%d.jpg
ps2image.exe multi-page-test.ps _multi-page-test_%d.pcx

ps2image.exe test.ps _test.ps.tif
ps2image.exe test.ps _test.ps.png
ps2image.exe test.ps _test.ps.jpg
ps2image.exe test.ps _test.ps.pcx
ps2image.exe test.ps _test.ps.bmp

ps2image.exe test.eps _test.eps.tif
ps2image.exe test.eps _test.eps.png
ps2image.exe test.eps _test.eps.jpg
ps2image.exe test.eps _test.eps.pcx
ps2image.exe test.eps _test.eps.bmp

the new package is contain the old version of ps2img.exe too, please refer to parameters of ps2img.exe at below,

PS To Image Converter Copyright (C) 2000-2013 verypdf.com Inc.
Convert PS (Postscript) and EPS to TIF, TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, WMF, EMF, PCX, TGA, etc. formats
Web: https://www.verydoc.com
Email: support@verypdf.com
Release Date: Jun 11 2013
Usage: ps2img [options] <-i PS File> [-o Output]
-i [input PS file]   : Input PS filename
-o [output TIF file] : Output TIFF filename
-g                   : Convert to 8-bit grayscale image file, this option
                       is only available while bitcount equal 8 (-b 8 )
-m                   : Set output to multi-page TIFF file, the
                       default is output to single page TIFF files
-r [resolution]      : Set resolution in generated image files
    -r 300           : Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 300 DPI
    -r 200x300       : Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 200x300 DPI
    -r 204x98        : Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 204x98 DPI
-f [first Page]      : First page to convert
-l [last Page]       : Last page to convert
-c [compress]        : Set compression method in generated image files(for tif only)
    -c none          : Create TIFF file without compression
    -c lzw           : Compress TIFF using LZW arithmetic
    -c jpeg          : Compress TIFF using JPEG arithmetic
    -c packbits      : Compress TIFF using packbits arithmetic
    -c g3            : Compress TIFF using CCITT G3 arithmetic
    -c g4            : Compress TIFF using CCITT G4 arithmetic
    -c ClassF        : Compress TIFF into Fax compatible ClassF 204x98 format
    -c ClassF196     : Compress TIFF into Fax compatible ClassF 204x196 format
-q [quality]         : Set quality in created image files(for jpeg image only)
-t                   : Enable transparent background
-b [bit count]       : Set bit count in generated image files
-e                   : Append suffix to single page image file (out0001.jpg)
-#                   : Set your License Key
-?                   : Help
    ps2img -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif
    ps2img -i C:\input.eps -o C:\output.tif
    ps2img -m -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif
    ps2img -c lzw -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif
    ps2img -q 80 -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.jpg
    ps2img -b 4 -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif
    ps2img -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif -b 1 -c ClassF -r 204x98 -m
    ps2img -f 1 -l 9 C:\input.ps -o C:\output.jpg
    ps2img -i C:\*.ps -o C:\*.pcx
    ps2img "-#" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
    ps2img "-#" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.tif

ps2img.exe is the old version, it is render PS file in memory completely, it can render PS file to PNG file with transparent background, it can also convert PS file to faxable TIFF files.

ps2image.exe is the latest version, it does use disk file to cache image data, so it can render the PS file to image file without insufficient memory limitation, it can render ps and eps files to image file at very high quality, e.g., up to 50,000 dpi and more.

PDF Compressor

PDF Compressor Command Line is crash on Windows 2008 system

Dear Sir or Madam,

We recently purchased your product "PDF Compressor Command Line 1 Server License" for $399.

We downloaded the latest version v2.0 from your purchase site:


We successfully registered and brought PDF Compressor productive as a part of our server based solution.

But then, after some days, we experienced problems with certain PDFs.

One of them you find attached ("Zeugnisse.pdf").

PDF Compressor's behavior with this PDF is as follows:

1. System:
- Windows Server 2008, SP1
- MS SQL Server 2008 R2

2. Contents in folder C:\PDFCompressorTest BEFORE command line execution is:

23.07.2013 14:58 .
25.06.2013 14:46 ..
24.04.2011 23:35 10'294'272 pdfcompressor.exe
17.04.2011 21:44  1'224'704 cximagecrt.dll
01.07.2013 15:56  1'779'115 Zeugnisse.pdf
3 Datei(en), 13'298'091 Bytes
2 Verzeichnis(se), 140'865'122'304 Bytes frei

3. Command line called from a stored procedure by MS SQL Server:

C:\PDFCompressorTest>pdfcompressor.exe Zeugnisse.pdf result.pdf

4. pdfcompressor.exe crashes (screenshot):

Complete reported details for the pdfcompressor crash are:

Problemereignisname: BEX
Anwendungsname: pdfcompressor.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 4db442e2
Fehlermodulname: StackHash_e8ad
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 00000000
Ausnahmeoffset: 043e5f8e
Ausnahmecode: c0000409
Ausnahmedaten: 00000000
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID: 2055
Zusatzinformation 1: e8ad
Zusatzinformation 2: e8adce1c2b9e7be834b4063ac3c53863
Zusatzinformation 3: e8ad
Zusatzinformation 4: e8adce1c2b9e7be834b4063ac3c53863

5. Contents in folder C:\PDFCompressorTest AFTER the crash is:

23.07.2013 15:00 .
25.06.2013 14:46 ..
24.04.2011 23:35 10'294'272 pdfcompressor.exe
17.04.2011 21:44  1'224'704 cximagecrt.dll
01.07.2013 15:56  1'779'115 Zeugnisse.pdf
23.07.2013 15:00 0 result.pdf
4 Datei(en), 13'298'091 Bytes
2 Verzeichnis(se), 140'862'541'824 Bytes frei

>>> Before crashing, pdfcompressor created a result file of size 0 Bytes.

You may reproduce this problem with the attached "Zeugnisse.pdf".

You don't need to involve an MS SQL Server.

The crash happens as well when manually executing in a command shell window.

We have two questions :

1. Is there a fixed version available for pdfcompressor.exe?

2. If not so: Is there a workaround to avoid this program crash of pdfcompressor.exe?

With kind regards
I have tried following command line, it does compress your PDF file properly,

C:\>E:\pdfcompressor.exe -ci jpg -cidown -cidownres 80 -gi jpg -gidown -gidownres 80 -mi fax -midown -midownres 80 D:\downloads\Zeugnisse.pdf D:\downloads\_Zeugnisse.pdf
You have 296 time to evaluate this product, you may purchase a full version from http://www.verypdf.com.
D:\downloads\Zeugnisse.pdf ==> D:\downloads\_Zeugnisse.pdf
Input File = "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\pdfB64B.tmp.pdf"
Output File = "D:\downloads\_Zeugnisse.pdf"
Original PDF file size = 1.78MB (1779.96KB, 1779957 Bytes)
Compressed PDF file size = 0.51MB (509.67KB, 509668 Bytes)
Compression Ratio = 71.37%

I guess your problem maybe caused by DEP on Windows 2008 system, please turn off DEP for pdfcompressor.exe to try again. Please refer to following steps about how to turn off DEP in your system,

1. Click "Start"
2. Select "Control Panel"
3. Select "System"
4. Click the "Advanced" tab
5. In the "Performance" region select "Settings"
6. Click the "Data Execute" tab in the dialog box that opens
7. Select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except for those I select"
8. Click "Add"
9. The open dialog box will open. Browse and select "pdfcompressor.exe" application in your computer,
10. Click "Open"
11. Click "Apply"
12. Click "Ok"
13. Reboot

OK, you should no problem to run "pdfcompressor.exe" now, please give it a try.


PDF Compressor

How to compress PDF in a whole?

Question: I'm working on a tool that will be writing PDF and am trying to find a way to compress the objects and streams in the PDF. A number of the PDF that I'm generating are fairly large, but can be substantially reduced by compressing the objects (or most of the PDF structure) into a flat stream. I swear I've seen this done before, but none of the PDF that I've looked at seem to do it. I also tried using Acrobat X to compress it with "entire file compression", but it seems to only compress the streams. I've tried using ObjStm, but it doesn't have a lot of support from other file readers. I hope I can find solution on VeryDOC.

Answer:In PDF you can have 2 types of compression:

  1. stream compression - the data is compressed using various methods, but the PDF file structure is not compressed.
  2. object compression - you also compress the file structure, mainly the objects that do not include streams.

These are the only supported compression scenarios in PDF. Selecting the right compression method depends much on the data you want to compress: for page content streams usually Flate compression is used, 1bpp images use CCITT G4 or better JBIG2, color images are better compressed with JPEG2000, etc. 

And there is one software on VeryDOC, maybe you can have a try: VeryDOC PDF Compressor. By this software, you can reduce PDF file size up to 40-95% by optimization technology for PDF file compression. It optimizes PDF structures and compresses pictures, graphics and objects within a PDF file while preserving the original file format and quality.  This software will compress stream and objects automatically.

Meanwhile, there is also command line version, server version and SDK version for you to choose.By the SDK version, you can   custom applications (majority of programming languages are supported: C#, C++, Delphi, Visual BASIC, VB.net, etc)

Now let us check some of parameters of this software, maybe you can feel some compress method this software uses.
-mi <string> : Set Monochrome Image Compression, values: jbig2, jbig2l, fax, zip, rle
-midown : Downsample Monochrome images
-midownres <int> : Set Monochrome Image Resolution
-midowntype <int>: Downsample type for Monochrome images:
    -midowntype 0: default
    -midowntype 1: Subsample
    -midowntype 2: Average
    -midowntype 3: Bicubic
-owner <string>: Owner password to use for encrypting output PDF file
-user <string> : User password to use for encrypting output PDF file
-perms <int>   : PDF security permissions to use for encrypting output file
-keylen <int>  : Defines the length (in bits) of the encryption key.
-winfont       : Use Windows fonts to replace Base14 fonts
-embedallfonts : Embed all fonts
-subsetfonts   : Subset fonts
-compressfonts : Compress fonts
-pwdinpdf <string> : Open password for input PDF file
-pdfa          : Create PDF/A file
-nobookmarks   : Don't generate bookmarks in output PDF file
-jbig2 : Compress monochrome image streams with JBIG2 arithmetic
-jpx   : Compress color and grayscale image streams with JPEG2000 arithmetic
-jpxquality <string> : Set Quality for JPX Compression, from 0.0 to 100.0, default is 0.5

If you need to know more about this software, please go to software homepage. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

PDF Viewer OCX Control

How to display PDF in browsers without Acrobat plug-in installed?

Question: Our intranet site has links to a lot of PDF files. But most of our users don't have PDF plug-in installed. So they couldn't see any of these files.Installing PDF plug-in for the browsers in their machines has been ruled out. we don't know why, but it might be some security reasons. We have been asked to convert the entire list of PDF to look-alike html files.

Now I am looking for these options.

  1. Find a software that perfectly mimics the PDF to the corresponding html files.(all kinds of PDF are there, like user manuals,product catalogs, statistical reports etc).
  2. Somewhat write a code to display PDF inside a browser. May be like scribed. I think scribed is using flash. I don't think Our intranet users allowed to install flash plug-in either. If this can be done in .NET, it is much preferred.
  3. Manually convert all those PDF (around 200 files,they will be adding more) to HTML files.

Answer: According to your needs, maybe you can have a free trial of this software: VeryDOC PDF Viewer OCX Control, by which you can build a customer interface for viewing PDF documents from .NET Visual Basic, VC, Delphi, C#, HTML (Internet Explorer) or any other programming languages without Adobe Reader installed.   By this software, you can also optimize PDF for fast web viewing.

1. This software can help you display PDF of all kinds of versions but it can not be used to convert PDF to HTML or other files.
2. When you use this software, you do not need to install any kinds of flash plug-in. Meanwhile you can call it from .NET.
3. When you need to convert PDF to HTML, please have a free trial of this software: VeryDOC PDF to HTML Converter

This software provides the following methods to display PDF.

1. BOOL OpenPDF(LPCTSTR lpszPDFFile, ...)    
2. ClosePDF()     14. void ZoomActualPage()
Description: Open and close PDF Viewer window.
      16. void Zoom(float nZoom)
3. void SetFindText(LPCTSTR lpszFindText)    
4. void FindNextText()     18. void ZoomOut()
5. void FindPreviousText()     Description: Zoom PDF pages.
Description: Search text string in PDF pages.    
      19. void ViewModeSinglePage()
6. void RotateViewLeft()    
7. void RotateViewRight()    
Description: Rotate PDF pages.    
      23. void SetViewMode(long nViewMode)
8. void ViewNextPage()     Description: View PDF pages in different modes.
9. void ViewPreviousPage()    
10. void ViewFirstPage()    
11. void ViewLastPage()    
12. void ViewPage()
13. void ZoomFitPage()
14. void ZoomActualPage()
15. void ZoomFitWidth()

Here are just a part of its methods, please check more usage on the homepage. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.