DOC to Any Converter

Convert txt or doc to PDF using PHP

Question:Have anyone come across a PHP code that convert text or doc into PDF? It has to follow the same format as the original txt or doc file meaning the line feed as well as new paragraph.... I mean if the conversion could keep original format that would be much more better. Is there any solution on VeryDOC?

Answer: According to your needs, maybe you can have a free trial of software VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter,by which you can convert text and doc file to PDF using PHP easily. And by this software, you can convert all version word document files to PDF. And when converting doc to PDF, you do not need to install MS Office, which means the conversion from doc to PDF by this software is totally independent. Please check more related information of this software on homepage. In the following part, let us check how to use this software.

Step 1. Free download DOC to Any Converter SDK/COM Version 

  • There are many versions of this software like single command line version, GUI version and SDK version. Here I will take the SDK version for example as there are many code templates in it, by which you can call this software from PHP more easily.
  • When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then you can find code templates, executable file and other related elements.

Step 2. Convert text or doc to PDF using PHP without MS Office installed.

  • When you use this software, please refer to parameter list and usage.
  • When converting text or doc to PDF, you may use the following parameters:
  • -useoffice <int>: Use MS Office to render DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, PPT, PPTX, PPTS, PPTSX, XLS, XLSX formats
    -useoffice 0: Don't use MS Office to convert DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX formats
    -useoffice 1: Use MS Office to convert DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX formats
    -useprinter        : Convert DOC files to other formats via virtual printer
    -width <int>       : Set page width to PDF file
    -height <int>      : Set page height to PDF file
    -openpwd <string>  : Set 'open password' to PDF file
    -ownerpwd <string> : Set 'owner password' to PDF file

  • When converting text or doc to PDF using PHP code, please refer to the following code templates:
    For text to PDF using PHP code:
  • <?php
        $exeshell =new COM("") or die("Can't start exeshell");
        $exeshell->RunCommandLine("UserName", "Password", ' "C:\doc2any.exe" "C:\test.txt" "C:\out.pdf" ');
        $exeshell = null;

    For doc to PDF using PHP code:

        $exeshell =new COM("") or die("Can't start exeshell");
        $exeshell->RunCommandLine("UserName", "Password", ' "C:\doc2any.exe" "C:\test.doc" "C:\out.pdf" ');
        $exeshell = null;

Please check functions and parameters of this software on homepage. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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    DOC to Any Converter

    PDF convert utility takes a wide range of input

    Question:I want to create PDF with word, excel, text, html input. It does not have to be a true .Net PDF library as long as it works with .NET code. Is there anything can handle that available? Is there any solution on VeryDOC?

    Answer: According to your needs, maybe you can have a free trial of software VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter. This software really takes a wide range of input like DOC, DOCX, DOCM, RTF, TXT, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, OpenOffice ODT, HTML, MHTML files. And this software is not really .Net PDF library  but you can call it together with .NET code or other computer languages like Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc. If you choose the COM object (or DLL Library, or Command Line), file conversions can be done consecutively or simultaneously. Meanwhile creating PDF by this software is a slice of functions of this software. By it you can also create image files by this software. Please check more related information of this software on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to use this software.

    Step 1. Free download DOC to Any Converter SDK/COM Version

    • There are many license types for you to choose like by the End User License, you can apply this software under one computer. By the Server License, you can call this software under the whole server. And by the Developer License, you can develop software based on our software and then can be run on any number of servers/computers.
    • When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then you can check elements and call this software to create PDF from word, excel, text, html input.

    Step 2. create PDF with word, excel, text, html input from .Net.

    • When you use this software, please refer to the usage and code template in extracted folder.
    • Here are some command line templates for your reference:
    • doc2any.exe example.doc  out.pdf
      doc2any.exe example.docx out.pdf
      doc2any.exe example.rtf  out.pdf
      doc2any.exe example.txt  out.pdf
      doc2any.exe example.ppt  out.pdf
      doc2any.exe example.pptx out.pdf
      doc2any.exe example.xls  out.pdf
      doc2any.exe example.xlsx out.pdf
      During the conversion, you may use the following parameters:
      -useoffice <int>         : Use MS Office to render DOC,DOCX,RTF,TXT,PPT,PPTX,PPTS,PPTSX,XLS,XLSX formats
      -useoffice 0: Don't use MS Office to convert DOC,DOCX,RTF,TXT,PPT,PPTX,XLS,XLSX formats
      -useoffice 1: Use MS Office to convert DOC,DOCX,RTF,TXT,PPT,PPTX,XLS,XLSX formats
      -useprinter              : Convert DOC files to other formats via virtual printer
      -keywords <string>       : Set 'keywords' to PDF file
      -openpwd <string>        : Set 'open password' to PDF file
      -ownerpwd <string>       : Set 'owner password' to PDF file
      -keylen <int>            : Key length (40 or 128 bit)

    There are two many parameters and command line templates, I can not list them here, Please check more on readme.txt file. When call this software to create PDF from .Net, please refer to the following code template:
    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\doc2any.exe C:\test.doc C:\out.pdf")

    During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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    Flash to GIF Animation Converter

    How to extract animated gif image from video?

         When you need to extract image from video no matter static gif image,animated gif image or other image file formats, please refer to the following article. Here I will introduce one software which can be used to extract image from video, image could be the following formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TGA, PCX, etc. and the input video formats could be: AVI, FLV, MP4, MOV, WMV, MPG, MKV, etc. Please check more related information of this software on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to make this software work.

    Step 1. Free download Video to GIF Animation Converter

    • Here I will introduce the difference between Personal License and Commercial License. By the Personal License, you can not use it for commercial production. But by the Commercial License, you can use it for production.
    • This is GUI version software, when downloading finishes, there will be an exe file. Please install this software by double clicking the exe file and following installation message. When installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop. Simply click it then you can lunch this software. The following snapshot is from the software interface, please have a check.

    mpg to animated gif converter

    Step 2. Extract image from video

    • When launch this software, please drag video files from its containing folder to software interface. Then click Option, you can choose output image formats and set output limitations. The following snapshot is from the setting menu option, please have a check.

    choose output image formats 

    • Please click options next to File format then you will see dropdown option list. When you need to extract animated gif image from video, please choose the first one. As I showed in the above snapshot, this software also support static gif, jpeg, png, bmp. tga, pcx and others.
    • When output animated gif, you can set gif frame rate, set replay intervals, gif replay times, image file size and others.
    • When you finishes setting part, please click button OK to back to the main interface.
    • This software also can be used as video player, simply click Preview Video then you can view video.
    • Click button Convert, the conversion will be launched at once. Meanwhile you need to choose the output folder to save the output image file.
    • A few seconds later, you can check output image file in specified output folder.

    By this software, you can extract image from video in batch. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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    Flash to GIF Animation Converter

    How to extract static image from video file?

    In this article, I will show you how to extract image from video. For some reason, some time we need to extract some excellent static image from video, film or other studio entertainment files. Then we can insert the static image file to any other files like word documents, blog, website or other places. If you have such needs, the following article will be quite helpful for you. Here I will introduce software named VeryDOC Video to GIF Animation Converter, by which you can extract image from video in batch. Please check more related information on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to use this software.

    Step 1. Free download Video to GIF Animation Converter

    • This software has user friendly software interface, so you need to install its software interface when downloading finishes.
    • When downloading finishes, there will be an exe file. Please install this software by double clicking the exe file and following installation message.
    • When installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop. Simply click it then you can launch this software. The following snapshot is from the software interface, please have a check.

    software interface of Video to GIF Animation Converter

    Step 2. Extract image from video

    • Please launch this software then you will see software interface like the above snapshot.
    • Please click button Add Video Files to add video files to software interface. By this software, you can add as many as you need. There is no limitation.
    • Please click Option to set limitations for output image file and choose output image formats. The following snapshot is from the software interface, please have a check.

    menu options

    • Checking from the above snapshot, we can feel that by this menu option, you can specify start frame and end frame. Set output image size, quality, file format, replay mode, interval and others. By this software, you can also extract animated gif image file form video.
    • When you finish setting part, please click button OK to back to the main interface.
    • In the main interface, please click button Convert to run the conversion. Meanwhile, you will be reminded to choose the output folder.  A few seconds later, you can check the output image files from output folder.

    By this software, you can extract image from video in batch. And it supports image file formats like GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TGA, PCX, etc. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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    PDF to Vector Converter

    How to convert various languages PDF to image from C#?

            In this article, I will share a method of convert PDF in various languages to image from C#. The image here I refer to is vector image formats like EMF, WMF, SVG, Postscript (PS), EPS, XPS, HPGL, PCL etc. When converting PDF to raster image file, the following article can not help you make that. The software I use is VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, by which you can convert PDF in language of English, French, German, Italian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish,Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, etc. to vector image easily. There is no language limitation of this software.

       Meanwhile based on different customer needs, we developed different licenses type for you to choose. And there is also SDK version software,which is professionally developed for developers for developing software based on this software functions. Please check more related parameters of this software on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to convert PDF to image from C# and overcome language problem.

    Step 1. Free download PDF to Vector Converter Command Line 

    • As its name shows, this is command line version software. When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. You need to extract it to some folder then you can check related elements.
    • When you use this software, please refer to the usage and code templates.

    Step 2. Convert PDF to image from C# without language limitation.

    • Here is the usage for your reference:pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>
    • When converting different languages PDF file, you do not need to add special parameters as it can handle different language files automatically. Simply refer to the following command line templates:
    • pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.emf
      pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.wmf
      pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\
      pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.eps
      pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.svg

    • When calling this software to convert PDF to image from C#, please refer to the following code templates.
    • Make use of the PROCESS class available in SYSTEM.DIOGNOSTICS namaspace, use the following piece of code to execute the pdf2vec.exe file,
      using System;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using System.Linq;
      using System.Text;
      using System.Diagnostics;
      namespace ConsoleApplication1
          class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
      Process proc = new Process();
      proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\\pdf2vec.exe";
      string strArguments = "";
      strArguments += "—color 2";
      strArguments += " D:\\temp\\sample.pdf D:\\temp\\out.svg";
      proc.StartInfo.Arguments = @strArguments;

      Please check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. During the using, if you encounter any problem, please contact us as soon as possible. We will solve it for you at the first times.

      output XPS file in Germany
            This is output XPS file in Germany converted by this software.

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