Raster to Vector Converter

Convert raster to vector image by command line?

          In this article, I will show you one command line converter for converting raster image to vector. Raster graphics, dot matrix data structure representing a generally rectangular grid of pixels, or points of color, viewable via a monitor, paper, or other display medium. Raster images are stored in image files with varying formats. Vector image, could be points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical expressions, to represent images in computer graphics. "Vector", in this context, implies more than a straight line toward align.

    For reediting reason, some time, we need to convert raster to vector by command line. Based on this need, software VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line was developed. By this software, you can  convert all raster image like jpg, bitmap, bmp, png, tiff and others to vector image. Please check more information of this software on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to use this software.

Step 1. Free download Raster to Vector Converter Command Line

  • All the VeryDOC software are free downloading and free trial, so you can rest assured to download it to your computer and then experience it.
  • When downloading finishes, it is a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then you can find executable file, help document and other files.

Step 2. Convert raster to vector by command line.

  • When use this software, please refer to the usage and examples. Here is the usage for your reference:
    RasterToVector [options] <in-file> [<out-file>]
  • When converting raster image to vector image, please refer to the following examples.
  • Raster2Vector.exe C:\*.tif C:\*.pdf
    By this command line, we can convert raster tiff to vector PDF in batch by wild character.
    Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.eps
    By this command line, we can convert tiff tile to EPS image file.
    Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.png C:\out.pdf
    You can also use it as image to PDF command line conversion.
    Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.ps
    Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.svg
    Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.pgm
    Raster2Vector.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.dxf
    Raster2Vector.exe -method2 C:\in.tif C:\out.emf
    By this software, you can convert single page tiff file and multipage tiff file to various image file formats.

  • Changing image formats is the basic function of this software. By it you can also set various limitations to output vector files. Here are some parameters for your reference:
  • -pagesize <string>     : set page size (default is letter)
      -width <string>      : width of output file, unit: in/cm/pt
      -height <string>     : height of output file, unit: in/cm/pt
      -res <string>        : resolution (in dpi)
      -rotate <string>     : rotate counterclockwise by angle
      -margin <string>     : set margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
      -lmargin <string>    : set left margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
      -rmargin <string>    : set right margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
      -tmargin <string>    : set top margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
      -bmargin <string>    : set bottom margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
      -tight               : remove whitespace around the input image

If you need to know more parameters and functions, please go to homepage. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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PDF to Image Converter

PDF to image conversion under Linux system

VeryDOC developed software named VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter Linux version. By this software, you can convert PDF to image under Linux system like Window version converter. By it, you can convert PDF to TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, TGA, PBM, PGM, and PPM and  set output image resolution, size, and color depth. When output is JPEG file format,you can control image quality for storage. For TIFF output, it supports multipage TIFF image and many kinds of compression methods. Please check more detail information of this software on homepage, in the following part, let us check what this software can do for you in details.

Now this software does not provide downloading link, if you need, please contact us then we will give you the trial version link.  Main Feathers of this software:

  • This software supports output image formats of TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, TGA, PBM, PGM, and PPM.
  • It allows you to choose page range to convert selected PDF pages.
  • This software can help you convert open (user) password and permission (owner) password protected PDF.
  • It allows you to set image resolution, size, color depth of created image,dither image.
  • It allows you to compress tiff and support various compression methods for TIFF image. Meanwhile it allows you to output multipage PDF to multipage TIFF image.

Now let us check some of the parameters of this software.
-opw <string>: when convert password protected PDF, please input owner password for encrypted PDF.
-upw <string>:same with above parameter, please input user password for encrypted PDF when converting password protected PDF.
-r <int>: this parameter can help you set image resolution, in DPI.
-xres <int>: this parameter can help you set x resolution, in DPI.
-yres <int>: this parameter can help you set y resolution, in DPI.
-w <int>: when you need to set image width, in the unit of pixel, please add this parameter.
-h <int>: when you need to set image height, in the unit of pixel, please add this parameter.
-mono: when you need to generate monochrome images, please add this parameter.
-gray: when you need to generate grayscale images, please add this parameter.

If you need to know more information of this software, please contact us. And if you are Linux user, we have various file formats conversion under Linux platform.

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PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF containing images,text to PostScript

Question:This may be an oft-repeated question but I have searched and found no convincing answer. Is there any way or tool or library that converts a PDF containing images,text, etc to PS(PostScript) ? Any help on VeryDOC would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: According to your needs, maybe you can have a free trial of this software VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, by which we can convert PDF containing images,text, etc to PS(PostScript) easily. And there are command line version, SDK version which containing library for you choose. No matter which version you choose, they can help you convert PDF to postscript easily. By this software, you can also convert PDF files to other scalable vector graphics formats, such as EMF, WMF, SVG, Postscript (PS), EPS, SWF (Flash), XPS, HPGL, PCL etc. Please check more information of this software on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to use this software.

Step 1.  Free download PDF to Vector Converter SDK Developer License

  • If you need to use library, please download the SDK version. When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. You need to unzip it to folder then you can use it normally.
  • This software is licensed by per Developer, Royalty Free Runtime Desktop Distribution, can be run on any number of servers/computers.

Step 2. Convert PDF to postscript

  • When converting PDF to postscript, you may use the following parameters:
  • -psmode <int> : convert PDF file to vector Postscript file
    -psmode 0: convert PDF to Postscript via printer driver
    -psmode 1: convert PDF to Postscript via local interpreter 1
    -psmode 2: convert PDF to Postscript via local interpreter 2
       default is "-psmode 0"

  • Here is an code example of calling this software from VB.NET code directly.
  • Dim startInfo As System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
    Dim pStart As New System.Diagnostics.Process
    startInfo = New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("C:\pdf2vec.exe")
    startInfo.Arguments = "C:\test.pdf C:\out.ps"
    pStart.StartInfo = startInfo
    pStart.WaitForExit() 'Your code will wait at here until pdf2vec.exe exit

  • Please call pdf2vec.dll from C# code to convert PDF files to PS following the following code example:
  • using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.IO;
    namespace VeryDocTestApp
        public class SWFConverter
            public SWFConverter()
            [DllImport("pdf2vec.dll", EntryPoint = "VeryPDF_PDF2Vector", SetLastError = true,
            CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention =
            public static extern int VeryPDF_PDF2Vector(string strCommandLine);
            public int ConvertPdfToPS()
                int nRet = VeryPDF_PDF2Vector("pdf2vec -psmode C:\test.pdf C:\out.ps");

All those methods are available to all the PDF file no matter it contains image, text or others. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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PDF Compressor

Tips for making PDF smaller

Question:I'm generating PDF from HTML from C# and the files are coming out a reasonable size. However, I'm interested in any tips anyone has for making the PDF as small as possible.The HTML being rendered is really basic, just a table of names and dates etc - doesn't have to be too pretty.  Is there any solution on VeryDOC?

Answer: According to your needs, maybe you can have a free trial of software VeryDOC PDF Compressor, by which you can reduce PDF file size up to 40-95% using format optimization technology for PDF file compression. According to your description, most of your PDF files belongs to text based PDF file converted from HTML file, so you can compress PDF using compressing font method. And this software command line version, if you need to call it together from C#, it is also available. Please check more related information of this software on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to use this software.

Step 1. Free trial of PDF Compressor Command Line

  • Please download PDF Compressor Command Line to your computer and then you can free trial of it more than tens of times. All the VeryDOC software are free trial.
  • When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. Please extract it to some folder and check help documents, executable file and other files. If you need to use the SDK version, now it is not available. Please contact us then we will make it for you at once.

Step 2. Compress PDF for making PDF smaller

  • When you use this software, please refer to the usage and example. Here is the usage for your reference:
    pdfcompressor [options] <pdf-file> [<out-pdf>]
  • When compressing text based PDF, please refer to the following command line templates.
  • pdfcompressor.exe -embedallfonts -subsetfonts -compressfonts C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
    By this command line, we can embed PDF all fonts and subset fonts to achieve aims of compressing PDF.
    pdfcompressor.exe -winfont -embedallfonts -subsetfonts -compressfonts C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
    By this command line we can replace PDF fonts by window fonts to compress PDF.
    pdfcompressor.exe -subsetfonts C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
    By this command line,we can subset font to compress PDF file.
    Please check related parameters:
    -winfont       : Use Windows fonts to replace Base14 fonts
    -embedallfonts : Embed all fonts
    -subsetfonts   : Subset fonts
    -compressfonts : Compress fonts

By above command line and parameters, we can compress PDF to make PDF much smaller. This method is extremely good for making PDF full of text smaller. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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DOC to Any Converter

How to convert background color and images within html to PDF?

In this article, I will show you a method of converting HTML to PDF and keeping background color and images in output PDF file. Meanwhile this method also can be used to convert HTML to PDF and disable background color and images. The software I use is named as VeryDOC Doc Converter COM, which is COM object for developers. By it you can develop software for file format conversion like converting files of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, JPG, PNG, GIF, HTML and others to PDF based on this software. Here I will take converting HTML to PDF and keeping background color and images for example to show you how to use this software.

Step 1. Free trial Doc Converter COM

  • As this is COM software, we have compressed it to zip file. When downloading finishes, please extract it to some folder then you can find executable file, dll and other code templates.
  • When install this software, please refer to the following steps.
  • 1.1. Please download and install PDFcamp Printer v2.3 or PDFcamp Printer Pro v2.3 from our website,
    1.2. Please download DocConverter COM from our website,
    1.3. Please unzip "doc2pdf_com_trial.zip" package to a folder, and run "install_as_exe.bat" file to install the DocConverter COM into your system,
    1.4. Then you can run HTML2PDF.exe from command line to try, HTML2PDF.exe is a Windows Command Line Tool, you can run it from command line window.

Step 2. Convert HTML to PDF and keeping background color and images.

  • When converting HTML to PDF together with other applications like Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc, please refer to following code template:
  • <%
                            set PdfCreator = server.createobject("PdfOut.PdfCreator")
                            PdfCreator.html2PDF= "http://www.google.com/"
                            PdfCreator.fileName = "C:/google.pdf"
                            result = PdfCreator.Doc2PDFViaSocket()
                            set PdfCreator = nothing

    And when converting HTML to PDF and keeping background color and image, please add the following command line templates:
    "html2pdf.exe" "http://www.verypdf.com/pdfcamp/pdfcamp.htm" "C:/output.pdf" "PrintHTMLBackground=yes"
    If you do not need to keep background color and image, please refer to the following one:
    "html2pdf.exe" "http://www.verypdf.com/pdfcamp/pdfcamp.htm" "C:/output.pdf" "PrintHTMLBackground=no"

When you use this software for HTML to PDF conversion, please make sure that you have PDFcamp and Windows Internet Explorer 5.0 or newer installed, or else the conversion can not be done successfully.

By this software, you can do lots of jobs for file formats conversion. You can print any kind of file which could be opened normally to PDF by this application.  Please check more information of this software on homepage, during the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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