DOC to Any Converter

How to convert .DOC .DOCX .XLS, .XLSX to HTML and PDF without MS Office installed?

    In this article, I will share a method of converting all version MS Office to PDF and MS Office to HTML without MS Office installed. Normally speaking, when we have MS Office 2003 installed, we can save Doc, XLS file directly as HTML file. When we have MS Office 2007 or later version installed, we can save Docx file, XLSX file directly as HTML file. But we still can not do the conversion in batch. Meanwhile we can not convert those files to PDF.

   Based on the needs of customers’, VeryDOC has updated software VeryDOC Doc to Any Converter to Version 3.5. By the latest version, you can convert all version MS Office files like Docx, Doc, XLS, XLSX, to HTML and PDF in batch without MS Office or OpenOffice installed. And there are many versions of this software, you can either use it on computer or server. By this updating, we make Doc to Any Converter totally standalone, it does not depend on any third party application. Please check more information of this software on homepage, in the following part, I will show you how to use this software.

Step 1. Free download Version 3.5 and have a free trial.

  • Download Doc to Any Converter to Version 3.5. Please do not use the older version of this software to fulfill functions mentioned above. Those functions only could be done by the latest version 3.5.
  • Downloading finishes, get a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then you can call it normally like the older version.

Step 2. Covert Docx, Doc, XLS, XLSX, to HTML and PDF without MS Office installed.

  • When run the conversion, please refer to usage and example in readme.txt.
  • Here is the usage: doc2any [options] <in-file> [<out-file>]
  • Here is the parameter which plays great important role in the conversion:
    -nooffice                : Don't use MS Office and OpenOffice at all, use VeryPDF's Document analysis technologies
  • Here are some command line templates for your reference:
  • doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.doc" "C:\out.pdf"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.docx" "C:\out.pdf"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.xls" "C:\out.pdf"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.xlsx" "C:\out.pdf"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.ppt" "C:\out.pdf"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.pptx" "C:\out.pdf"
    By the above command line, we can convert MS Office to PDF without MS Office installed.
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.doc" "C:\out.html"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.docx" "C:\out.html"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.xls" "C:\out.html"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.xlsx" "C:\out.html"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.ppt" "C:\out.html"
      doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\test.pptx" "C:\out.html"
    By the above command line templates, we can convert MS Office to HTML without MS Office installed.

  • When you need to run the conversion in batch, you can ether use wild character * or using bat file. Here are some examples for your reference:
  • doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\*.doc" "C:\*.pdf"
    doc2any.exe -nooffice "C:\*.pptx" "C:\*.html"

By the latest version of Doc to Any Converter, we can convert Office to HTML, Office to PDF without MS Office installed. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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DOC to Any Converter

Convert Office to PDF without MS Office installed and add many watermarks on output

    Recently VeryDOC Doc to Any has been updated. By the latest version, there are mainly two new parameters added:parameter -OpenOfice and parameter -watermarkfile. Parameter -OpenOfice can help you takes full use of functions of OpenOffice application and by parameter -watermarkfile, you can add more watermark to output file in one go. This updating can help you convert Office to PDF without MS Office installed.

  When using the older version, we only can convert word to PDF without MS Office installed. By the latest version, all the conversion from Office to PDF could be done without the installation of MS Office. But you need to install Free OpenOffice. By this function, you can save lots of money to buy MS Office file for converting them to PDF. In another aspect, by the latest version, you can add watermark as many as you need through editing the .ini file. By this function, say you can specify logo as one watermark, add creating date as watermark and so on so forth. Please check more detail information on release news, here I show the updating information briefly:
[New feature] Only use OpenOfice to convert office documents to PDF files.
[New feature] When using OpenOffice, please install Java.
[New feature] The latest version can help you convert all MS Office file and OpenOffice file to PDF and image files.
[New feature] Be able to perform all functions performed by
[New feature] Option to rend HTML file to PDF or image without MS Office installed.
[New feature] Option to convert all the supported input file to HTML file.
[New feature] Support all the conversion from Microsoft Office to OpenDocument like converting Word to OpenDocument Text (odt); OpenDocument Text (odt) to Word, Excel to OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods); OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods) to Excel,PowerPoint to OpenDocument Presentation (odp); OpenDocument Presentation (odp) to PowerPoint.
[New feature] Convert OpenDocument Presentation (odp) to Flash; PowerPoint to Flash.  [New feature] Support to convert RTF to OpenDocument; WordPerfect to OpenDocument.
[New feature] Support to convert any format to HTML (with limitations).
[New feature] Support for 1.0 and old StarOffice formats.
[New feature] Improve the function for -watermarkfile parameter, you can add more watermarks to PDF file by a .ini file.


  • Same with before, this software is still command line version. You need to download the zip file and then extract it to some folder then you can call it normally from MS Dos Windows.
  • Here is the new downloading link of the latest version.
  • The command line usage is still same as before, if you use the older version and now you need to use the latest function, you can free update it within free updating period.

During using the latest version, if you encounter any problem, please contact us as soon as possible.

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DOC to Any Converter

VeryDOC has Released DOC to Any Converter Command Line v3.0 today

VeryDOC has Released DOC to Any Converter Command Line v3.0 today, DOC to Any Converter Command Line v3.0 has following new features,

1. Add -useopenoffice parameter to use OpenOffice only, it will ignore MS Office even if MS Office is installed in your system,

-useopenoffice           : Only use OpenOfice to convert office documents to PDF files

Command Line Examples:

Convert documents to PDF and other formats using OpenOffice ONLY (ignore MS Office):
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.doc" "C:\out.pdf"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.docx" "C:\out.pdf"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.xls" "C:\out.pdf"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.xlsx" "C:\out.pdf"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.ppt" "C:\out.pdf"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.pptx" "C:\out.pdf"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.doc" "C:\out.html"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.docx" "C:\out.html"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.xls" "C:\out.html"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.xlsx" "C:\out.html"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.ppt" "C:\out.html"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.pptx" "C:\out.html"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.docx" "C:\out.doc"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.odt" "C:\out.pdf"
   doc2any.exe -useopenoffice "C:\test.odt" "C:\out.html"

太阳 Note:

  1. You need install OpenOffice in order to use -useopenoffice parameter,
  2. You need install Java in order to use -useopenoffice parameter,
  3. With -useopenoffice parameter, you will able to obtain following powerful features,

doc2any automates conversions that are actually performed by This means that if you can convert from format ABC to format XYZ from (by opening ABC and saving/exporting to XYZ) then you can do the same with doc2any. You just have to discover the magic string used by as the export filter name. A useful list can be found in the Wiki.

That said, doc2any maintains a registry of the most common formats, their associated file extensions, mime types, and filter names to simplify your life. These predefined conversions are shown in the following table:

From (any of) To (any of)
Text Formats
OpenDocument Text (*.odt) 1.0 Text (*.sxw)
Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
Microsoft Word (*.doc)
WordPerfect (*.wpd)
Plain Text (*.txt)
HTML1 (*.html)
Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
OpenDocument Text (*.odt) 1.0 Text (*.sxw)
Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
Microsoft Word (*.doc)
Plain Text (*.txt)
HTML2 (*.html)
MediaWiki wikitext (*.wiki)
Spreadsheet Formats
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods) 1.0 Spreadsheet (*.sxc)
Microsoft Excel (*.xls)
Comma-Separated Values (*.csv)
Tab-Separated Values (*.tsv)
Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods) 1.0 Spreadsheet (*.sxc)
Microsoft Excel (*.xls)
Comma-Separated Values (*.csv)
Tab-Separated Values (*.tsv)
HTML2 (*.html)
Presentation Formats
OpenDocument Presentation (*.odp) 1.0 Presentation (*.sxi)
Microsoft PowerPoint (*.ppt)
Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
Macromedia Flash (*.swf)
OpenDocument Presentation (*.odp) 1.0 Presentation (*.sxi)
Microsoft PowerPoint (*.ppt)
HTML2 (*.html)
Drawing Formats
OpenDocument Drawing (*.odg) Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)
Macromedia Flash (*.swf)

1 HTML can be used as an input format but you should not expect to properly render complex web pages as Firefox or IE7 do. Works reasonably well for simple and "printer friendly" web pages only.

HTML can be used as an output format but while all other formats always generate a single output file, HTML can produce multiple files. In addition to the HTML file in fact, any images contained in the input document will also be saved in the same directory. This requires extra care in your code, especially in a web environment.

Overview of -useopenoffice parameter:

-useopenoffice parameter in doc2any converts documents between different office formats. It leverages, which provides arguably the best import/export filters for OpenDocument and Microsoft Office formats available today.

doc2any automates all conversions supported by, including

  • Microsoft Office to OpenDocument, and viceversa
    • Word to OpenDocument Text (odt); OpenDocument Text (odt) to Word
    • Excel to OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods); OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods) to Excel
    • PowerPoint to OpenDocument Presentation (odp); OpenDocument Presentation (odp) to PowerPoint
  • Any format to PDF
    • OpenDocument (Text, Spreadsheet, Presentation) to PDF
    • Word to PDF; Excel to PDF; PowerPoint to PDF
    • RTF to PDF; WordPerfect to PDF; ...
  • And more
    • OpenDocument Presentation (odp) to Flash; PowerPoint to Flash
    • RTF to OpenDocument; WordPerfect to OpenDocument
    • Any format to HTML (with limitations)
    • Support for 1.0 and old StarOffice formats
    • ...

doc2any can be used in many different ways

  • As a command line tool, possibly invoked from your own scripts
  • As a simple web application: upload your input document, select the desired format and download the converted version
  • As a web service, invoked from your own application written in your favorite language (.NET, PHP, Python, Ruby, ...)

2. Improve the function for -watermarkfile parameter, this parameter does allow you to add more watermarks to PDF file by a .ini file,

  -watermarkfile <string>  : a .ini file which contain information for multiple watermarks


doc2any.exe -watermarkfile "C:\test\watermark.ini" "C:\test\example.doc" "C:\test\_watermark.pdf"

The following is an example of watermark.ini file,

; 0 : normal text watermark, rotate 45 angle on the page center
; 1 : text watermark on header
; 2 : text watermark on footer
; 3: image watermark

; The angle option is not supported for image stamping in the current version,
; we will support it in the next minor update version

; First page and last page, if you set them to zero, stamp will apply for all pages


text=Demo watermark 3
fontname=Times New Roman

text=Demo watermark 4
fontname=Times New Roman

text=Demo watermark 5
fontname=Times New Roman

3. VeryDOC will include following features in the next version of doc2any software

  • Convert DOC, DOCX, RTF to PDF, HTML files without MS Office and OpenOffice installed. (This function is already be done in the current version of doc2any software)
  • Convert XLS, XLSX to PDF, HTML files without MS Office and OpenOffice installed.
  • Convert PPT, PPTX to PDF, HTML files without MS Office and OpenOffice installed.
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DWG to Image Converter

Is there an API or library for converting DWG to any standard image format?

Question: I am building a back-end management application for an architect company, and they work with DWG files. I am looking for a library that can convert DWG into any image format, preferably in PHP, but I am open to finding a work around in another language and connecting to what I've built so far. Is there any solution on VeryDOC?

Answer: Now on VeryDOC there is command line software which can help you convert DWG to image in any standard image format without any third party installed. However, now there is no API or library which can help you do that. If you need, please tell us then we can customize one API to library quite fast. By the command line version software, you can also run the conversion from the PHP code. In the following part, I will take the command line version for example to show you how it works. If you feel it is good then we will make the API or library for you.

  The software I refer to is named as VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter by which you can convert DWG and DXF files to Raster BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF formats. This converter can help you create output file for each view, one output file per view. It supports all version DWG files and allows you to run the conversion in batch.

Step 1. Free download DWG to Image Converter Command Line

  • When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then you can call it from MS Dos Windows.
  • When you run the conversion, please refer to the usage and example.
  • Please note this is Window version application, for now it only can work under Window system.

Step 2. Convert DWG to image.

  • Usage: dwg2img [options] <dwg-file> [<out-file>]
  • For converting DWG to image, please refer to the following command line template and parameters:
  • fontdir <string>  : a folder contain .ctb, .shx, etc. files
      -dpi <int>         : set DPI to output file
      -width <int>       : set width, unit is point
      -height <int>      : set height, unit is point
      -linewidth <string>: set line width, unit in mm
      -colormode <int>   : set color mode, 0 is color and 1 is black and white
      -bgcolor <int>     : set background color, same as AutoCAD color index
      -zoomtype <int>    : set zoom type, 1 is 'Zoom All' and 2 is 'Zoom Extend'
      -$ <string>        : input registration key
    dwg2img.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.bmp
    dwg2img.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.jpg
    dwg2img.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.gif
    dwg2img.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.png
    dwg2img.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.tif
    dwg2img.exe C:\*.dwg C:\*.png

  • When you call it from PHP code, please refer to the following code template:
  • <?php
        $exeshell =new COM("") or die("Can't start exeshell");
        $exeshell->RunCommandLine("UserName", "Password", ' "C:\dwg2img.exe" "C:\test.dwg" "C:\out.tif" ');
        $exeshell = null;

During the using, if you have new idea or problem, please contact us as soon as possible.

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PCL, PS, PDF Page Counter

How to embed PCL file into website by iframe?

    In this article, I will show you one method of embedding PCL file to website, blog or other places through iframe code. The software I use is VeryDOC Tiff Toolkit by which you can also view PCL file without PCL reader installed. It can help you view PCL file within browser.

This PCL viewer is cloud based, so no matter what kind of your computer system is, you can use it without any problem. And in the future, we will publish the COM version, by which enable developers to access the toolkit via any programming or scripting languages, such as Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc. Using the COM object (or DLL Library, or Command Line), file printing can be done consecutively or simultaneously. Please check more information of this software on homepage. In the following part, I will show you how to embed PCL file into website then you can view PCL file without PCL reader installed.

Step 1. Please go to website of PCL Toolkit

  • When you go to its website then you will see website like the following snapshot. Here you can upload PCL file to website.

website of PCL Toolkit

  • By this online converter, you can either upload local PCL file and online PCL file. Click button browse to add local PCL file to website. Enter the URL of online PCL file then you can embed online PCL file.
  • If you have API code, please input. Or else the embedded code only available in 7 days.
  • Then click button view online then you will enter another tab where you can get the embedded code.

Step 2. Embed PCL

  • After clicking View Online then you will enter another tab where you can get the embedded code by which you can embed PCL file to any website.
  • The following information is from the newly tab, please have a check:

    [iframe Embed Code] <iframe src="" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>

  • By the view URL, you can check the uploaded PCL at any place. Actually this API has converted PCL to PDF and then produce the PDF URL.
  • By the iframe embedded code, you can embed PCL file to any website. Now I will embed it to this blog, you can have a check.

    By this online API, we can embed PCL file to any website. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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