DOC to Any Converter

How to append TIFF file to PDF file with standard paper size?

Dear Support Team,

We have a couple of challenges while converting documents to pdf with a command prompt. Looking for your expert assistance to resolve the below issues.

1. When a document is scanned to PDF at 300 dpi or 200 dpi the page dimensions are same with 612 X 792. But when you scan the same document into Tif at 300 dpi the page dimensions are 2500 X 3300 and 1700 X 2200 at 200 dpi.

We are trying to append a page(s) of a 300 dpi Tif file to an existing PDF using doc2any.exe in command prompt to convert the tif to pdf. The pages append without any issue but the pdf viewer displays the appended Tif pages larger than the remaining pages of the pdf document. Attached is an example with appended page on page 2 thus making the other pages look smaller on page width view.


We are expecting the tif page dimensions to downsize to 612 X 792 while converting to Pdf and retain their original scanned dpi.

2.We have a word document with tables and when we convert it to pdf using doc2any.exe the formatting is lost.

Can you suggest or provide a solution to the above if they are already addressed and please let me know if any questions.

>>1. We are expecting the tif page dimensions to downsize to 612 X 792 while converting to Pdf and retain their original scanned dpi.

Please add "-width 612 -height 792" to try again, e.g.,

doc2any.exe -append 2 -width 612 -height 792 D:\temp\123456.tif D:\temp\123456.pdf

>>2.We have a word document with tables and when we convert it to pdf using doc2any.exe the formatting is lost.

Please add "-useprinter" option to try again, e.g.,

doc2any.exe -useprinter D:\test.doc D:\out.pdf


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PDF Compressor

[VeryDOC Release Notes] VeryDOC Releases a new version of PDF Compressor SDK software today

VeryDOC PDF Compressor allows you to compress PDF files, reduce pdf file size easily and quickly. With this handy tool, you can shrink PDF files, reduce the size of PDF files noticeably without any quality loss. The application can process thousands of PDF files at one time. The user interface is intuitive and easy to use, no learning curve, no skill needed.

Industrial-strength PDF conversion, compression, OCR, & optimization for scanned pages, or any PDF

When your PDFs are the best they can be, everyone who uses your files saves time and you save money. For scanned documents, this means advanced image pre-processing, the best available OCR, and the latest image compression. VeryDOC PdfCompressor delivers robust high production 24/7 capability via an intuitive Windows application and a comprehensive command-line interface and API.

What is PdfCompressor?

PdfCompressor can make your documents fully searchable with VeryDOC's super-accurate OCR. Intelligent pre-processing makes our OCR far more accurate and 2-3 times faster than leading OCR products and in up to 117 languages! PdfCompressor combines superaccurate OCR, including support for multidirectional and low contrast text, with the addition of ICR, for handwritten text, and barcodes.

Using the latest in image compression technology and the new JBIG2 & JPEG2000 compression formats, PdfCompressor makes the most compact, Web-friendly PDF files available. PdfCompressor will compress typical black and white scans by a factor of 5-10x (compared to TIFF G4) and color scans by a factor of 10-100x (compared to JPEG.) Our unmatched text focused color scan processing ensures maximum data retention, even under high compression.

Uniquely, PdfCompressor combines image processing, OCR, advanced compression, PDF/A, Bates-stamping, PDF options settings, web-optimization, batch multithreading and encryption all in one step.



  • Email, transmit, and upload compressed documents quickly & easily
  • Reduce storage and transmission requirements by 10x-100x
  • Super accurate OCR for more accurate text searches
  • Batch processing for high volume scanning
  • Better-looking files at smaller file-sizes
  • Dramatically improved download & upload times
  • Automate processes with optional ICR (handwritten) & barcode recognition
  • Archive documents with PDF/A compliance
  • Full control via watched folder mode, command-line interface, and API
  • Integrates seamlessly with Kofax Capture and EMC Captiva
  • Proven results, billions of pages processed and 1000+ corporate clients

Key Features

  • Convert TIFF, PDF, JPEG, and many other file formats into PDF files
  • Compress scanned bitonal documents up to 10x smaller
  • Compress scanned color documents up to 100x smaller
  • Compress up to 15,000 bitonal or 3,600 color pages/hour
  • OCR to create text-searchable PDFs in up to 117 languages
  • Web-Optimize PDFs for fast Internet-based viewing
  • Watched Folder mode for automated workflow
  • Date Stamp, Bates Stamp and Watermark PDF files
  • Merge single or multi-page files to multi-page PDFs
  • Optional cover recognition module (CovR)
  • Optional conversion validation module (ICert)
  • Compress PDF and reduce PDF file size
  • Support batch mode. Easily compress thousands of PDF files
  • Support encrypted PDF document
  • Lossless compression, keep quality the same
  • Better compression mode with minor quality loss
  • Easy to use, no learning curve
  • Supports touch mode. Ready for touchable pad/Microsoft Surface

VB Script Example to compress PDF files,

strFolderDir = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
strInFile = strFolderDir & "\sample\test-color-image.pdf"
strOutFile = strFolderDir & "\sample\test-color-image_out.pdf"

strLicenseKey = "-$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

strCmd = "-ci jpx -cidown -cidownres 150 -gi jpx -gidown -gidownres 150 -mi jbig2 -midown -midownres 150 " & strLicenseKey & " """ & strInFile & """ """ & strOutFile & """"

set VeryPDFCom = CreateObject("VeryPDF.PDFCompressCom")
strReturn = VeryPDFCom.PDFCompressor(strCmd)
msgbox strReturn

C# Example to compress PDF files,

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
    string strPDFFile = appPath + "\\sample\\test-color-image.pdf";
    string strOutFile = appPath + "\\sample\\test-color-image_out.pdf";
    string strLicenseKey = "-$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX";

    string strCmd = "-ci jpx -cidown -cidownres 150 -gi jpx -gidown -gidownres 150 -mi jbig2 -midown -midownres 150 " + strLicenseKey + " \"" + strPDFFile + "\" \"" + strOutFile + "\"";

    System.Type VeryPDFType = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("VeryPDF.PDFCompressCom");
    VeryPDF.PDFCompressCom VeryPDFCom = (VeryPDF.PDFCompressCom)System.Activator.CreateInstance(VeryPDFType);
    string strReturn = VeryPDFCom.PDFCompressor(strCmd);

VB.NET Example to compress PDF files,

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim strFolderDir As String = Application.StartupPath()
    Dim strInFile As String = strFolderDir & "\sample\test-color-image.pdf"
    Dim strOutFile As String = strFolderDir & "\sample\test-color-image_out.pdf"
    Dim strLicenseKey As String = "-$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
    Dim strCmd As String = "-ci jpx -cidown -cidownres 150 -gi jpx -gidown -gidownres 150 -mi jbig2 -midown -midownres 150 " & strLicenseKey & " """ & strInFile & """ """ & strOutFile & """"

    Dim VeryPDFCom As Object = CreateObject("VeryPDF.PDFCompressCom")
    Dim strReturn As String = VeryPDFCom.PDFCompressor(strCmd)
End Sub

VeryDOC PdfCompressor is support Windows, Linux and Mac systems (Linux and Mac versions are available on request), if you have any question, please feel free contact us, we are glad to assist you asap,

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PCL, PS, PDF Page Counter

How to read from Windows Spool file to determine the page size, page count and if it is color / mono?


I am developing a software that requires me to read from Windows Spool file to determine the page size, page count and if it is color / mono. The printer can be in any PCL or PS format.

Can you advice which is the best license type & cost that i should consider as I will also be installing the software in various location.


Thanks for your message, you may download "Spool File Page Counter SDK" from following web page to try,

You can use "Spool File Page Counter SDK" to read paper size, page count, color/mono information from SPL, PCL, Postscript/PS formats easily.

If you will integrate "Spool File Page Counter SDK" into your product for redistribution, you will need to purchase Developer License which cost is USD$2499, you can purchase it from our website directly,


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PDF to PDF/A Converter

How to convert normal PDF file to PDF/A file and keep searchable ability in output PDF/A file?


I have a few questions regarding your PDF to PDF/A converter program, version 2.0. I have a few thousand PDFs I need to convert and before I buy this program I need to know that it can handle that volume. With the trial version installed, I can only convert 3 documents at a time. How many documents can you batch convert and what would you say is the pages per hour? Also, I noticed when converting searchable PDFs, certain words that were originally searchable are no longer searchable once I convert to PDF/A. Has this issue been brought to your attention, if so, what is a way to ensure this doesn't happen going forward.

Please respond at your earliest convenience.

Thank you,

Thanks for your message, if you wish convert lots of PDF files to PDF/A files, we suggest you may download "VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line product" from following web page to try,

You can use "-mode 2" parameter in "VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line product" to convert normal PDF files to PDF/A files quickly, "-mode 2" parameter will analyze all objects in PDF file, it will check and repair all objects in PDF file and arrange them to comply with the PDF/A compliance, this parameter is great to process various kinds of PDF files over the world, you can use this parameter like below,

pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample1.pdf" "_sample1-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample2.pdf" "_sample2-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample3.pdf" "_sample3-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample4.pdf" "_sample4-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample5.pdf" "_sample5-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample6.pdf" "_sample6-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample7.pdf" "_sample7-pdfa.pdf"

"-mode 2" parameter can also keep "searchable ability" in output PDF file, you may give it a try, if you encounter any problem, please send to us your sample PDF file in question, after we checked your PDF file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.


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DOC to Any Converter

Will doc2any support Microsoft Office 365 Cloud version?

Hi There,

We use doc2any for some conversions in our Scrivener product and are having repeated issues where at least two dozen users of Microsoft Office 365 have had import/export problems using the default Doc2Any via Microsoft Office converters.

My guess is that this is an issue with Office 365 being all or partially web-based, so it doesn't have the same libraries for Doc2Any to hook into--that or the libraries are just different and Doc2any can't use them effectively.

Many users use Win 8 and report that exporting from RTF to DOCX hangs on an "converting" screen, and converting to DOC opened as an empty file in Word. (Some of these users were also converting with English and Hebrew text, but not all, but I'm not sure that's relevant since I can do the same with Word 2013 in Win7 without getting those errors. Debugging the issue, I can see the problem resides with doc2any as the Scrivener process does not hang - only doc2any process hangs.

For import, the users simply got an empty document with the title of the file.

As an addendum to this, these users with the import problem are using 365 ProPlus, which they say is a desktop installation that runs locally. So maybe this is just an issue with changed libraries that Doc2Any isn't handling properly?

I'm not sure there's much I can do about this if it's all Doc2Any's end other than send you a report and ask if there's a new bug fix we can download, or if there is a way we can determine more specifically which version of Office is installed and not show the doc2any converter options if it's 365. I'm not even sure though if this is *all* flavors of 365 or just some, e.g. those without a local installation. I'm not entirely clear how 365 works.

Any guidance here would be much appreciated. We are using doc2any


Thanks for your message, Microsoft Office 365 is a Cloud Office, it doesn't support MS Office OLE Automation, so you need to install MS Office 2007 or 2010 or 2012 in order to convert office files to PDF files by Doc2Any Command Line application.

If you wish convert office files to PDF files on the cloud, we suggest you may use VeryPDF Cloud API Platform,

You can use VeryPDF Cloud API Platform to convert office files to PDF files and process PDF files easily, you needn't install anything to your local server, this may an alternative solution for you.


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