PDF to Vector Converter

How to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file?

A kind of software called pdf to vector converter has to be used, if you want to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file. It is a converter which can convert PDF file to many scalable vector graphics formats.

At first, download it from the following websites:


Second, extract from this file and a file folder will be gotten. Open it and find the file “pdf2vec.exe” which is what you need.

Third, click on the tag run which will come out after you click on the button start on the taskbar. A dialogue box will be turned up on desktop. Type cmd and click on “OK”.


Fourth, after those steps, a window will be appeared. The first thing you need to do is to change the location using the dos command cd. Specific as follows:

For example, the pdf2vec.exe is located in the folder called pdf2vec_cmd which is on desktop. And now you need to type “cd desktop\pdf2vec_cmd”and press enter.

How to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file? 

And then, the window will show as follows:

How to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file?

Fifth, you need to use pdf2vec.exe to convert the pdf file into a windows emf file. The specific are:  type “pdf2vec.exe D:\test\test.pdf c:\test.emf”, which means to convert test.pdf in the folder test of disc d into a windows emf file. Among this, “c:” means that the object file is located in the disc c and “test.emf” is the filename. The details are:

How to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file?

After those are done, you can go to disc c to check it.


How to convert a PDF file to Word document?

Method 1

Step 1: Click the button Add PDF File as marked by the red rectangle as follows:

How to convert a PDF file to Word document?


Step 2: Choose a PDF file , and then click the button Open.

How to convert a PDF file to Word document?

If you want to convert more PDF files, please repeat step 1 and 2;

if not, go to  step 3.


Step 3: Chose the file, and then click the button Convert.

How to convert a PDF file to Word document?


step 4: Name the new file in the added box and click the button Save.

How to convert a PDF file to Word document?


Method 2

Step 1: Drag a PDF file to the list box.

How to convert a PDF file to Word document?


Step 2: Repeat  step 3 and 4 in the first method.


PDF to Vector Converter

How to Use PDF to Vector Converter Product?

PDF to Vector converter is a kind of tool which can convert PDF files to other scalable vector graphics formats like emf, wmf, ps and so on. If this is the first time that you use it, the next can be useful for you.
First, click the menu "start" on desktop.  clip_image002

Second, find the tag "run" and click on it. After that, A dialogue box will be popped out. And then, you need to input three letters cmd and click on the button OK.

How to Use PDF to Vector Converter Product?

How to Use PDF to Vector Converter Product?

Third, you need to use the command “cd” which is used to show you the location of PDF to vector converter in the window named  c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe. These are what you need to know.


For example, the location of PDF to Vector Converter Product is “c:\documents and settings\admin\desktop\pdf2vec_cmd”, but the part which is circled by red line is “c:\documents and settings\admin”. At this time, “cd desktop\pdf2vec_cmd”has to be inputted and press “Enter”. What will be showed is

How to Use PDF to Vector Converter Product?

At last, input this command “pdf2vec.exe D:\test\test.pdf D:\test\test.emf”. This command means that a pdf file test is converted to an emf file called test too . The details are:

How to Use PDF to Vector Converter Product?  How to Use PDF to Vector Converter Product?

There is a simple way to type these letters “D:\test\test.pdf D:\test\test.emf”. Find the file you want to convert, drag it to the window c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe and loose it. Then you get the first location. So does the second.

If you want other format files, “emf” of “D:\test\test.emf” just should be changed into the format you want. After those, you do get what you want.

DOC to Any Converter

xls conversion and improving the tiff conversion look

I am on a short term contract to improve an existing licensed application for Staging Connections and I would like some assistance regarding getting the conversion working better.

a) XLS conversion failing.

I am having a problem with the xls conversion with doc2any.

- When I ask for -useoffice 0  doc2any fails with 'error' when converting a simple XLS file

- When I ask for a -multipagetif it fails with 'error' when converting a simple XLS file.  (with or without useoffice switch)

The same commands work perfectly for .doc files.

In order to work around my problem I am having to convert to PDF  with -useoffice 1 default and then convert to tiff,  (which is the format I need for my project).    Loading office slows down the application and let alone also converting the PDF.

Could you please advise if there is any additional settings that I can use or when a patch will be available.

a)  Look of the tiff format of doc not up to scratch.

The quality of the conversion to tiff is not acceptable to my client.    I need some suggestions to improve the look of the documents.

- The documents are A4 input and they are converted to TIFF to appear in an MDI.    The quality of the conversion is not great.  I have increased the resolution to 600 DPI and this has improved the situation.

- The images are formatted to the left hand side of the page and right at the top (ie without margins).   Is there a way to get the software to respect Document margin settings?

- Is there any suggested settings to make the whole thing look a lot better when converting to Tiff.


>>a) XLS conversion failing.

Thanks for your message, our doc2any.exe can read DOC format without MS Office installed, however, it can't read XLS format itself, you need install MS Excel application and use "-useoffice 1" parameter in order to convert XLS and XLSX documents to PDF or TIFF files.

For the DOC format, doc2any.exe can convert it to PDF or TIFF format without use MS Word application.

>>a)  Look of the tiff format of doc not up to scratch.

You can add "-useprinter" parameter to convert MS Excel and Word documents to high quality TIFF files, for example,

Doc2any.exe -useprinter -useoffice 1 -xres 600 -yres 600 C:\test.doc C:\out.tif

Doc2any.exe -useprinter -useoffice 1 -xres 600 -yres 600 C:\test.xls C:\out.tif

We hoping above command lines will work better for you, please run them to try.

My conversion is now running fine.   I am now having a problem with the resolution of the html file.

c:\doc2any\doc2any.exe -multipagetif -log c:\Logfiles\doc2any_prod.log -useoffice 1 -xres 300 -yres 300   "{0}" "{1}"

When given a URL this gives me a 96 DPI image which looks awful. I tried -useoffice 0 and -useoffice 1 and it made no difference.  If I have -useprinter on a url no tiff image is produced at all.

How do I get the resolution up?


PS:  your comment about not being able to have '-useoffice 0' on xls files directly conflicts with the command line options,  doc2any displays the following line:

-useoffice 0: Don't use MS Office to convert DOC,DOCX,RTF,TXT,PPT,PPTX,XLS,XLSX formats
You can add "-useprinter" and "-useoffice 1" options to convert HTML file to high quality TIFF file, for example,

c:\doc2any\doc2any.exe -multipagetif -log c:\Logfiles\doc2any_prod.log -useoffice 1 -useprinter -xres 300 -yres 300   "{0}" "{1}"

Also, if you use "-useoffice 0" parameter, doc2any.exe will convert DOC, RTF, TXT, documents to other formats, it will fail on DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS and XLSX formats, please understand this matter.


DOC to Any Converter

I want convert RTF to PDF file without use MS Office


We have license for application Doc2Any. We have found a bug that prevented some of the documents to convert from RTF to PDF without using Microsoft Office (-useoffice 0). In the email I sent a sample source document (sample.rtf). Convert the sample document using Microsoft Office (parameter -useoffice 1) correctly converts the file as seen in the file: office_1-output.pdf. Convert the sample document without using Microsoft Office (parameter -useoffice 0) incorrectly converts the file, losing most of the pages of the source document - which can be seen in the file: -office_0-output.pdf. Is there any solution to this problem ?

Best Regards,
We suggest you may by following steps to try again,

1. Please uninstall MS Word from your system first,
2. Please rename sample.rtf to sample.doc file name,
3. Run following command line to convert your DOC file to PDF file,

Doc2any.exe -debug C:\sample.doc C:\sample.pdf

You will get a better PDF file now.

If you still have same problem, please email to us the log message, after we checked the log message, we will figure out a solution to you asap.