DOC to Any Converter

The speedy Way for use of VeryDOC to any converter software

When you download the VeryDOC to any converter software, I suggest you put it on desktop after saving, or set a shortcut on desktop if you have downloaded before, meantime put the document you will convert on desktop. Then open the DOS system and let it not cover the two icons that are shortcut to doc2any.exe (the document name of VeryDOC to any converter software), and the document name you will convert (e.g.  New Microsoft World Document.doc). Next operations are very easy and free, keep dragging three times of the prepared document names from desktop into DOS command line with one little alteration belonged to the third drag that repeats the last one. For instance you need PDF format, then you alter the doc to pdf, or you need PS format, then you alter the doc to ps, such as the like. With your pressing Enter key, you will see the desired document format on desktop at once. Below is the illustration:

The speedy Way for use of VeryDOC to any converter software

This is the background of the desktop with the unfolded DOS system.

The speedy Way for use of VeryDOC to any converter software

After three dragging operation from the two document on the left into the DOS system the black color on the right.

The little alteration marked by the red circle, I choose the esp as my purpose, you can change it for another one.

The speedy Way for use of VeryDOC to any converter software

The end of the operation, can you see the eps document on the left.

PDF to Word Converter

I want to convert a PDF file to a text-only Word document, how can I do it ?

Sometimes,  our users want to convert a PDF file to a text-only Word document; sometimes, they may want to keep the original layout, which means they want to retain the pictures of the original PDF file in the new Word document after conversion. Our VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter provides you very convenient ways to convert a PDF file to both kinds of Word documents.

After you add the PDF file you want to convert in the list box, you will find there is a column named Output Options which contains two items Text Only and Original Layout in the top-right corner of the VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter interface.

I want to convert a PDF file to a text-only Word document, how can I do it ?

To convert a PDF file to a text-only Word document, you need to select the second item Text Only .

The default choice is the first one, which means if you do not click on the second one, the machine will automatically select the first item, and then the application will convert the PDF file to a Word document with pictures. So, if you want a text only version,  please click the second item Text Only .

I want to convert a PDF file to a text-only Word document, how can I do it ?

To be more specific, the difference between the two items is that the former one Original Layout can help users to get a Word document with the images of the original PDF files, while the latter one can help the users to get a Word document without images.

To get more information about the difference between  Text Only and Original Layout, please read What is difference between "Original Layout" and "Text only (No Images)"on the following website:

PDF to Image Converter

How can I pass the license key to pdf2img.exe application?


I download trial versions of pdf2tif and pdf2img from your website.

They work using GUI, but I need to be able to run them and pass serial# as well as all parameters.

For example running

pdf2tif.exe -r 200 -c g4 -i foo.pdf -o bar.tif

causes it to open GUI and wait for user input, pdf2img.exe prompts for serial # ,

But since these will run in the background I need to be able to invoke them without any GUI showing,

I purchased img2pdf.exe before and were able to pass serial# using -$ "serialnumber" ...

Please help... may be version on the website is not the right one?

Please download VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter from following web page to try,

you can deliver your license key and other parameters to VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter in the one command line, for example,

pdf2img.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXX C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXX C:\in.pdf C:\out.jpg
pdf2img.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXX -f 1 -l 10 -r 300 -mono C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif

Just replace XXXXXXXXXXX  with your real license key, you will get it work without any restrictions.

Great! Will try! .. what about same thing for pdf2tiff.exe .. where do
I download it, what dependencies does it have and how to pass parameters to it.
Seems like pdf2tif (pdf extract tiff) is GUI only as well.. downloaded from Please help I need to be able to run it from command line.

pdf2tiff.exe is a GUI application, it can't accept the license key from command line, you have to register pdf2tiff.exe via GUI dialog.

If you wish pass the license key to application, you need use pdf2img.exe application, please notice this matter.

Problem is pdf2img is slow, pdf2tiff that extracts images from pdfs is faster..., for the most part we will be processing scanned pdfs so I would like to use pdf2tiff type functionality... and if it happens that no pages got extracted run pdf2img...

What are your suggestions... I am trying to call them from my own program.
Also can you tell me how much faster pdf2tif.exe comparing with pdf2img.exe when PDF consists of scanned images?
The speed of pdf2tif.exe is about 2~3 times faster than pdf2img.exe application, you can also test the conversion speed by yourself in trial version.


DOC to Any Converter

Convert RTF file to PDF file and insert PDF file into database

I am looking for a tool to convert RTF strings from a SQL Server Database to PDF strings to insert into another SQL Server Database.  I need to complete this task from within a SSIS package in order to automate the conversion process.

Can your product help me do that?
Thanks for your message, you can download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter from following web page to try, you can use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert RTF file to PDF file, then you can insert PDF file into SQL Server Database easily,

you can run following command line to convert your RTF file to PDF file,

doc2any.exe C:\test.rtf C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe -useprinter C:\test.rtf C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe -useprinter -useoffice 1 C:\test.rtf C:\out.pdf

The RTF file and the PDF will not be in a file but rather will be in a String value stored in a database.  Any thoughts?

Thank You!
You can extract RTF string from database, save it to a disk file, call doc2any to convert this RTF file to PDF file, and then insert this PDF file into database as binary data type, we hoping this solution will helpful to you.


PDF to Image Converter

I can’t get your PDF to Image Converter to work

This is the error I am receiving using your application, please see the attachment.  Please email me back as soon as you can as the user needs this application to do her work.

Thank You,


Thanks for your message, we will research this problem shortly, in the meantime, we suggest you may download PDF to Image Converter Command Line product from following web page, PDF to Image Converter command line can be used to convert PDF files to image files too,



She is still having the same problem, any suggestions


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, how do you use the PDF to Image Converter Command Line application? In general, you can download PDF to Image Converter Command Line from following web page,

after you unzip it to a folder, you can run pdf2img.exe (PDF to Image Converter Command Line) in CMD window to convert your PDF file to image file, for example,

Pdf2img.exe C:\test.pdf C:\out.jpg


Please feel free to let us know if you still have same problem.