DOC to Any Converter

What conversion product is the best to be used as a part of conversion service implemented with .NET C# Framework 4.0

Hello Support.

We are looking for a conversion solution (library) to create an automatic conversion service.

Input formats will include all of MS Office document formats and most usable industry image formats.

We have downloaded and tested your Doc2Any command utility. It looks pretty attractive especially Vector conversion.

I tested the software on Windows 7 work station, but the service will be running on Windows 2008 server machine where normally MS Office is not installed. We can install it on server box, but would like to avoid well known problems related to MS Office automation on server environment.

I saw the utility can convert without Office library involved, but in this case output PDF files have unmatched page content formatting.

Using Office gives much better result.

So there are several questions I would like to clarify:

1. What conversion product is the best to be used as a part of conversion service implemented with .NET C# Framework 4.0?

2. Does Doc2Any using Office automation? Does it require Office profile to exist?

3. Does command utility return any conversion status to the client program, is there any process log?

4. Is it possible to add Searchable PDF function if needed?

5. Is any possibility to control the conversion process from a client program?

6. Does COM version provide all the functionality and conversion quality as command utility.

>>1. What conversion product is the best to be used as a part of conversion service implemented with .NET C# Framework 4.0?

Doc2Any Command Line is the best software to convert office files to PDF files.

>>2. Does Doc2Any using Office automation? Does it require Office profile to exist?

Doc2Any Command Line does convert office files to PDF files WITH and WITHOUT MS Office and OpenOffice.

If your system has MS Office or OpenOffice installed, Doc2Any Command Line will call MS Office or OpenOffice to do the conversion automatically.

If your system hasn't MS Office and OpenOffice installed, Doc2Any Command Line will use ourself's Office Document Reader to convert office files to PDF files, in this case, Doc2Any Command Line doesn't use MS Office and OpenOffice at all.

>>3. Does command utility return any conversion status to the client program, is there any process log?

doc2any.exe will create "doc2any.log" file and log message to console, you can check log messages easily.

>>4. Is it possible to add Searchable PDF function if needed?

doc2any.exe does convert office files to searchable PDF files automatically.

However, if source documents are scanned image files, you can use "PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line" to convert these scanned image files to searchable PDF files easily,

>>5. Is any possibility to control the conversion process from a client program?

You can use CreateProcess() or Shell() functions to call doc2any.exe from your code, you can also use TerminateProcess() function to kill doc2any.exe at anytime, you can control everything easily from your client program.

>>6. Does COM version provide all the functionality and conversion quality as command utility.

Yes, COM version and Command Line version are using same source code, so the COM version is contain all functions which included in Command Line version.


Thanks for the quick response.

Does an execution of the line below (with no optional parameters) involve Office to the processing or it is doc2any internal library support?

C:\Users\XXXX\Work\doc2any_cmd>doc2any.exe mydoc.docx mydoc.docx.pdf

This command line will invoke MS Office first, if your system hasn't MS Office installed, it will try to invoke OpenOffice, and then try to use doc2any internal library, it will try everything as possible as it can.

Thanks for the response.

A couple of more clarifications please.

1. We are planning to run a conversion on a Windows server 2008 environment. So is there any chance to get user interactive messages while the converter invoking Office libraries?

2. Any difference from conversion perspective (I mean conversion formats limitation) between MS Office and Open Office installed?

3. Any Office version requirements (MS Office 2007 and up?)?

>>1. We are planning to run a conversion on a Windows server 2008 environment. So is there any chance to get user interactive messages while the converter invoking Office libraries?

doc2any.exe does call Office libraries at background, so you will not able to see the user interactive messages during conversion.

>>2. Any difference from conversion perspective (I mean conversion formats limitation) between MS Office and Open Office installed?

If your system has MS Office and Open Office installed, the converted PDF files will look like original documents, the layout will be best.

If your system hasn't MS Office and Open Office installed, doc2any.exe will use our internal Office Render engine to convert office document formats to PDF files, our internal Office Render engine may not keep same layout in some documents, so the converted PDF files may not same as original documents.

If the page layout is important to you, you should better install MS Office or Open Office. If page layout is not important to you and text contents are important to you, you can simple use our internal Office Render engine with "-nooffice" option, our our internal Office Render engine is faster than MS Office and Open Office applications.

>>3. Any Office version requirements (MS Office 2007 and up?)?

Our doc2any.exe is support all version of MS Office, include MS Office 2003 and up.


PDF to XML Converter SDK

PDF to XML Conversion using .NET

Do you support PDF to XML conversion?.

Also do you have server license for PDF to HTML and XML conversion (not the command line)?.


PDF to XML Conversion using .NET

I am currently building a .NET application and one of the requirement is that it has to convert a pdf file to XML file. Has anyone had success doing this? If so what have you used?


PDF to XML Conversion using .NET
Yes, we have a "PDF to XML Converter SDK" product, you may download the trial version from following web page to try,

We have also a "PDF to HTML Converter Command Line" product, you may download the trial version from following web page,

You can call "PDF to HTML Converter Command Line" product from C#, PHP, ASP, VB.NET, ASP.NET, etc. program languages easily by "VeryPDFComRunCmd COM Component", please look at more information about "VeryPDFComRunCmd COM Component" from following web pages,

btw, we have also a "VeryPDF PDF Extract Tool Command Line" software, you can use this software to extract almost everything from PDF file,


PDF to Vector Converter

PDF2Vec Shrink to Fit printer paper

I downloaded the trial version. I would like to convert PDF's to PCL keeping the same page size (legal). when I convert a PDF to PCL and copy the PCL to a printer the legal sized page is printed on a normal size page. The contents were shrink to fit the page. I do not want this. I would like the PCL to print on legal size paper and no scaling. I tried using the -Scale options but this did not work.


PDF2Vec Shrink to Fit printer paper

You can use -paper option to sync PDF paper size to printer,

-paper <string> : paper size to printer
pdf : retrieve paper size from PDF file
number : standard paper size
others : user defined paper size

for example,

pdf2vec.exe -paper pdf D:\test.pdf D:\out.pcl

Thank you for the reply,

I need the paper size to be 8.5X14 (Legal). What would the command need to be?

pdf2vec.exe -paper ???? D:test.pdf D:out.pcl

You can use -paper option,

-paper <string> : paper size to printer
            pdf : retrieve paper size from PDF file
            number : standard paper size
            others : user defined paper size

for example,

pdf2vec.exe -paper 5 D:\test.pdf D:\out.pcl

5 is DMPAPER_LEGAL, please refer to more paper definitions from following web page,

#define DMPAPER_LEGAL 5 /* Legal 8 1/2 x 14 in */


PDF to Vector Converter

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?


I am trying to test pdf2vec.exe but it doesn't finish conversion and stops. I'm run following command line on Win7 Pro SP1.

pdf2vec.exe V58200xx.pdf d:\draw.hpgl

What am I doing wrong?

Best Regards,


PDF to Vector Converter Command Line Home Page is,

Thanks for your message, PDF2Vector Command Line can't convert PDF file to HPGL format on Windows 7 system yet, PDF to HPGL conversion function is only work on Windows XP system.

However, you can by following steps to convert PDF file to HPGL format on Windows 7 system.

1. Click on the Windows Icon in the lower left corner of your screen and click on Control Panel to start the installation of the printer.

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

On the Control Panel screen, click on Hardware and Sound...

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

then click on Add a printer...

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

Click on Add a local printer...

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

Click on LPT1: (Printer Port) - a menu will pop up - and choose FILE: (Print to File) from the menu list and click Next...

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

Click "Windows Update" button, wait a few minutes for the update to refresh the list of printers, select HP for the manufacturer and the appropriate HGPL printer model. For the HGPL Printer, we can choose following models,

HP Designjet 4500 HP-GL/2
HP Designjet 4500mfp HP-GL/2
HP Designjet 4520 HPGL2
HP Designjet 4520mfp HPGL2

or any other printer models which contain HPGL or HPGL2 or HP-GL/2 keyword.

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

Set printer name to "VeryPDF HPGL Writer" and click Next...

Please notice:

In the PDF2Vector v3.0 and early versions, you need set printer name to "VeryPDF HP-GL/2 Writer",

In the PDF2Vector v4.0 and later versions, "VeryPDF HPGL Writer" and "VeryPDF HP-GL/2 Writer" two printer name are all work.

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

Your printer driver will not be installed...

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

Next select Do not share this printer and click Next to continue...

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

Make sure to turn OFF (no cross!) the option to set this printer as the default printer. Then click Finish.

How to convert PDF file to HPGL file on Windows 7 system?

The printer driver of the VeryPDF HPGL Writer is now installed.

You can run following command line to convert a PDF file to HPGL file now,

pdf2vec.exe D:\test.pdf D:\out.hpgl

pdf2vec.exe D:\test.pdf D:\out.plt

pdf2vec.exe -raster2 D:\test.pdf D:\out.hpgl

If you encounter any problem, please feel free contact us, we will assist you asap,

DOC to Any Converter

How to use DLL Library to convert Office files (PPT/X, DOC/X, XLS/X) and PDFs to image format (JPG & PNG)?


I am looking for a server based solution (library, DLL, JAR or similar) to run on Windows Server 2008 R2 which we can call from PHP or similar.

We need to convert Office files (PPT/X, DOC/X, XLS/X) and PDFs to image format (JPG & PNG).

Also, before converting a file, we need to be able to read the number of pages that each file contains and convert specific page ranges of each document (for example only convert pages 1-20 of a 200 page DOCX).

1) Do you have a solution for this?
2) If yes what is the name of the product we need to look at?
3) Does it require Office to be installed on the server?
4) How much is a single server license?

>>I am looking for a server based solution (library, DLL, JAR or similar) to run on Windows Server 2008 R2 which we can call from PHP or similar.
We need to convert Office files (PPT/X, DOC/X, XLS/X) and PDFs to image format (JPG & PNG).

Thanks for your message, you need following two products.

1. Use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert Office files (PPT/X, DOC/X, XLS/X) to image files,

2. Use VeryPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line to convert PDF files to image files,

You can call them from your code to do the conversion easily.

>>Also, before converting a file, we need to be able to read the number of pages that each file contains and convert specific page ranges of each document (for example only convert pages 1-20 of a 200 page DOCX).
>>1) Do you have a solution for this?

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line hasn't an option to read page count from Office files (PPT/X, DOC/X, XLS/X) and PDF files yet, however, we can add this function to you at additional cost, please feel free to let us know if you are interest in this solution.

>>2) If yes what is the name of the product we need to look at?

You can use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line and VeryPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line products to convert office files and PDF files to image files.

>>3) Does it require Office to be installed on the server?

No, our products are not require MS Office and OpenOffice to be installed on the server.

>>4) How much is a single server license?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line Server License USD$295

PDF to Image Converter Command Line Server License $299.95