PDF to Vector Converter

Is your PDF to Vector product able to generate zlib compressed SWF file?

It is known that pdf to vector converter can transform a pdf file to any graphics formats including swf format. But there are trouble with me. The classical one may be that their volumes are so big. “I like graphics files, but their big volumes are just what i hate”, many people said. Did you have similar experiences? When it takes place, do you want more effective tools? Or even one?  Yes, I do. At last I found it. It is zlib compressed swf file which is small and very convenient and it can be generated easily by the means of pdf to vector converter.

The usage is as follows:

1) learn a new command –swfopt. To be specific, ‘-swfopt “-z”’ should be used to get zlib compressed swf file.

2)Use it. Refer to the window below:

Is your PDF to Vector product able to generate zlib compressed SWF file?

After you enter the press key, you will generate this zlib compressed swf file by your pdf to vector converter. You can check it.

DOC to Any Converter

Several points relate excel to pdf conversion depending on VeryDOC to any converter

As the same with other conversions the excel to pdf also goes to DOS window first, if you haven’t yet learned how to go to it, before reading the following, learn it. Then drag the converter software into it, that equals to write down the route of the converter software on the DOS window page. Next respectively write down the routes of the excel and pdf located in your computer, but please take care, the excel here means the xls format, itself can’t be converted, because it is a program not a format, mind you confuse them. Look at below, the left is right, the other isn’t.

Several points relate excel to pdf conversion depending on VeryDOC to any converter

So when you hear excel to pdf conversion, you can understand it’s xls to pdf. After these understanding (In this instruction I choose the drag but write the route, for it’s inconvenient), drag the xls document into DOS window twice with the latter drag a little alteration substituting pdf for xls. That’s all the operation, very easy.

PDF to Vector Converter

How can I extract a few pages from PDF to Flash?

I can get a few successive pages from pdf to flash by VeryDOC pdf to vector converter. But I really need just a few separate pages of them. Are there easy ways to get these pages? I think of it a lot of times. The following is the way how to solve it.

Based on that I have learned to get continuous pages by means of Very DOC pdf to vector converter, An easiest way is to use a command “–swfopt “ –p 1, 3,56-80””. See this picture:

How can I extract a few pages from PDF to Flash?

Can you find what is the difference between this command line and what you used to finish the task of getting the consecutive pages? Yes, there exists “-swfopt”a new command. “-swfopt “-p 1,3,4-7” ”means that page 1, 3, 4 to seven of test.pdf are converted to a new file called out.swf. You can change “1,3,4-7”to any page you want. The part, “1,3,4-7”,can be one parameter or above. It also can be successive or separate.

PDF to Vector Converter

How PDF to Word Converter able to preserve original texts, images, graphics, etc. objects?

VeryDOC PDF to Word Converteris easy-to-use professional software, providing you tools to accurately retain texts, images, graphics, etc., from original PDF files to Word documents. This software excellently handles texts,images,graphics,etc. As you can see in the following pictures, the texts, images, and graphics within the converted document look clear and are almost the same as in the original PDF files.

1 Excellent handle of texts

Actually, there are two ways to to preserve the original text. You can select either the Original Layout option or the Text only option. The latter one can only preserve text from the original PDF files. The default option is the first one, which will help you to retain all the original objects as images, tables, etc. In the screenshot below, the converted Word document well preserve the original layout.

How PDF to Word Converter able to preserve original texts, images, graphics, etc. objects?


2 Excellent handle of images

Compare the pictures in the original PDF file and in the output Word document, the converted pictures are as good as the original ones. The VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter really can well handle the images.

How PDF to Word Converter able to preserve original texts, images, graphics, etc. objects?

3 Excellent handle of graphic

The graphic in the Word document converted by VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter  is not only good, and clear , but also can be edited freely by You.

How PDF to Word Converter able to preserve original texts, images, graphics, etc. objects?

PDF to Vector Converter

How can I control page range during PDF to EMF file conversion?

It always  happens that part of a converted file is really wanted when a pdf file is converted to an emf file. What will you do with it when you are caught in this situation? There is a way to help you with this trouble.

To suppose that it is by a software tool, VeryDOC pdf to vector converter, that you convert a pdf file to an emf file and you have mastered the usage of converting a pdf file to an emf file successfully. Now you need to study the usages of two parameters: –firstpage and –lastpage. Here, I want to introduce you their usages in the next example:

The first is that 1 to 3 page of a pdf file are what you wanted. The command line will be:

How can I control page range during PDF to EMF file conversion? 

The difference from how to convert pdf to emf file is that the part added to “pdf2vec.exe” and “d:\test.pdf” is “-lastpage 3” (the new command). In other words, “-lastpage” defines the last page number of the emf file you wanted. Of course, if you want 1 to 300, the command would be “-last page 300”.

The second is that 5 to the last page of a pdf file are what you need. The command line will be:

How can I control page range during PDF to EMF file conversion?

In this picture, “-firstpage 5”, the added part, means that this pdf file is converted from page 5 on to the last page. If you want from page 9, you just need to modify 5 to 9.

The last is that the middle part of a pdf file is wanted. The command line will be:

How can I control page range during PDF to EMF file conversion?

Can you find the added part? Yes, they are “-firstpage 2” and “-lastpage 4”, which means that you want page 2 to page 4 of test.pdf. If you want to change the page number, refer to the above point please.

Got it?