DOC to Any Converter

Problems using the DOC to Any Converter Command Line Server License


I recently purchased the DOC to Any Converter Command Line Server License and installed it on a server to run with a system we have. Although the DOC to Any Converter is performing a reasonable job at converting simple MS Word document to PDF, on more complicated documents containing tables, and page size changes, entire pages of documents go missing. For example, please see the attached files - one is the original Word document, and one is the pdf conversion. If you look at pages 9/10, most of the table has gone missing in the pdf version.

Please can you advise me if I need to adjust the settings on the DOC to Any Converter Command Line tool to get a better conversion experience? Or can you tell me if there is something that the MS Word document authors need to avoid in formatting their documents not to get this problem?

Thanks for your message, you can use "-useoffice 1" and "-useprinter" options to convert your complicated Word documents containing tables to PDF files properly, please refer to following command lines,

Doc2any.exe -useoffice 1 -useprinter C:\test.doc C:\out.pdf

Hi there,

I asked about options for converting complicated Word documents to pdf using DOC to Any Converter and you gave the advice in the email below. However, when I use the options you suggest, I get the following message:

"Please install MS Office product in order to convert MS Office documents!!!"

I am using OpenOffice on the server - can you suggest anything else?


If your system has OpenOffice installed, you can simple ignore "Please install MS Office product in order to convert MS Office documents!!!" message, this is just a warning message, doc2any.exe will call OpenOffice to convert DOC, PPT, XLS, etc. documents to PDF files automatically.

You can add "-debug" parameter, "-debug" parameter will output detailed log information to console, for example,

Doc2any.exe -debug C:\test.doc C:\out.pdf

Doc2any.exe does work by following steps,

#1. doc2any.exe will try to use SaveAs option in MS Office application to convert office documents to PDF files first, your MS Office appliation does not support SaveAs option, it will go to step #2;

#2. doc2any.exe will install a virtual printer into your system, use OLE method to call MS Office application to print your office documents to this virtual printer and convert them to PDF files, if your system hasn't MS Office installed, it will go to step #3,

#3. doc2any.exe will call OpenOffice to convert DOC, PPT, XLS, etc. office documents to PDF files, if your system hasn't OpenOffice installed, it will go to step #4,

#4. Doc2any.exe will use embedded DOC render engine to convert DOC, RTF, TXT documents to PDF files, for the PPT, PPTX, XLS and XLSX formats, doc2any.exe will throw an error.

#5. OK until this step.


I have tried using the debug parameter, but it doesn't really help me.

My problem is that when converting some Word documents, particularly ones with tables, the tables are not converted properly in the resulting pdf document. For an example please see the attached word document with a table which stretches from page 8-15. On the resulting pdf conversion, this table is only shown on one page, most of it is lost.

Please can you tell me how I can get a better conversion experience? You have suggested previously using the "-useoffice 1" and "-useprinter" options, which I have tried - but this just means that no pdf is produced at all. Please see attached command prompt output - although it seems to suggest that a pdf has been produced, no such file exists.

Any help would be gratefully received; my users are getting very frustrated.
AreaCommitteeshousingstrategyBASECOPY.pdf file was created by OpenOffice, it seems OpenOffice can't print this DOC format properly.

Also, just for test purpose, you may run following command line to try again,

Doc2any.exe -debug AreaCommitteeshousingstrategyBASECOPY.doc AreaCommitteeshousingstrategyBASECOPY.pdf

Can you convert your DOC file to PDF file correctly without use -useprinter and -useoffice parameters?


AreaCommitteeshousingstrategyBASECOPY.pdf was created WITHOUT using the -useprinter and -useoffice parameters. If I try and use the -useprinter and -useoffice parameters, no document is produced.

Is it the case that I need to install MS Office on my server for a better conversion experience?
Yes, you can install MS Office 2007 or MS Office 2010 to your server to get better conversion experience, after all, OpenOffice can't support MS Office documents completely.


DOC to Any Converter

The reason I recommend everybody to use VeryDOC to any converter

The 21st century is an informational century, computers have almost stretched to every family and every user, the functions of computers contain are too much, of which there is an important function that is we can write with it, for writing is the way for communication.

Many people need writing or like writing, and writing contain many aspects, not only words but also pictures or something, even somebody specially are occupied in drawing. Because development, some regular documentary formats has deeply rooted in the heart of the people, however these products gradually can’t adapt the people’s need any more,  and other relevant products are almost useful, the trouble exists.

VeryDOC to any converter solute the trouble, its best advantage is to convert Office formats to lots of others. You can convert doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx and html format to pdf, to eps, to ps, to tiff, to bmp, to jpg, to pcx, to tga, to png, to flash, to swf format, and the operation is very easy. From now on many work you can leave out.   

PostScript to PDF Converter

64-bit compatibility for PS2PDF converter


We have a version of your Postscript to PDF Converter SDK (Developer License) which we use as part of a C# application.

However recently we improved our application in order to make a fully 64-bit compatible version (build with “AnyCPU” as platform target in Visual Studio) but encountered issues running your PS2PDF – is it not fully 64-bit compatible? I cannot find any details on your website ( regarding which platform (32/64 bit) you support, except just “Windows Platforms”.

For your support information:

* Product Name: Postscript to PDF Converter SDK
* Product Version Number: ps2pdfsdk.dll has file and product version
* Operating Systems used: Both 32-bit and 64-bit of Windows XP, Vista and 7

Best regards
The latest version of Postscript to PDF Converter SDK does support 64bit system, so you can compile it with "AnyCPU" as target platform in Visual Studio.

'Please run "../bin/register_x64_com.bat" to register pdf2vector_com.exe first, 'then you can run "test_pdf2vec_com_for_x64.vbs" to call PDF2Vector COM method 'to convert PDF documents to other formats.

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName)

pos = InstrRev(strFolder, "\")
strFolder2 = Mid(strFolder, 1, pos)
strPDFFile = strFolder2 & "bin\test.pdf"

strOutFile = strFolder & "\com_test_x64.xps"
Set pdf2vec = CreateObject("PDF2VectorCom.pdf2vec")

strCmd = "pdf2vec -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX """ & strPDFFile & """ """ & strOutFile & """"

MsgBox (strCmd)
nRet = pdf2vec.com_PDF2Vector(strCmd)
MsgBox ("Return Value is: " & CStr(nRet))

"PDF2VectorCom.pdf2vec" is a COM interface in the latest version of Postscript to PDF Converter SDK product, you can call it from both 32bit and 64bit system, you can also compile your source code with AnyCPU target platform.

You can also look at more solutions about PDF to Vector SDK product from following web page,


Thank you very much for a quick reply.

We are however not interested in introducing or rely on COM objects and COM dependencies in our application, so until a 64-bit compliant DLL is available, we will stick to the existing 32-bit DLL setup.

You mention "the latest version" - which version number is that and what are the improvements/changes from our
I have not been able to locate any version or release notes on your website.

Best regards
The version number of latest version of ps2pdfsdk.dll is still, we haven't change the version number for the minior update.

Thanks for your message, we will let you know when pure 64bit version of ps2pdfsdk.dll is ready, thanks for your patience.


PDF to Word Converter

How to Change PDF to Word?

When I read papers and books, I prefer PDF to Word because it is more convenient to take notes in PDF files. When I write, I prefer Word because it is easier to edit the content in Word documents.I used to copy and paste the content I wanted from PDF files to Word document.  However, things became complicated when I wanted to quote some objects like lines and graphics within the PDF files. The format of the original PDF files could not be retained in the word documents, and the format  messed up in the Word.

I recently find that with the help of  PDF to Word converters, everything can be saved in Word from original PDF in a few seconds. In the following part of this article, I would like to take VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter as an example to show how effectively this software can change PDF to Word.

Step1: Run VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter

Step2: Import PDF files

Click on the Add file(s) button to import PDF files you want to change in the application. You can also drag all the files you want to change into the list box at one time.

Step3: Select Output Options

Step4: Transform PDF to Word.
Click on the Convert button, after seconds, a window will pop up to inform you type in the names of the converted Word files.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert xls to flash by VeryDOC to any converter?

Under DOS window orderly input three routes of the VeryDOC to any converter document, the xls document and the flash document, in this method does time spend  very much, I suggest that drag the icons tripe into the DOS window, the third step is a little alteration than the second by substituting flash for xls.

Though in the process DOS program shows an error sign at last, the conversion is unaffected.

How to convert xls to flash by VeryDOC to any converter? 

Not only xls to flash by VeryDOC to any converter, as the same method you also convert xls to any other format such as pdf, eps, ps ,tiff, bmp format etc.